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乾隆年间直隶总督方观承主持编纂的《直隶河渠书》是一部记载乾隆中期以前直隶河道事宜的重要志书,但未能成书。因段玉裁等人认为嘉庆十三年王履泰进献朝廷的《畿辅安澜志》乃是攘窃自《直隶河渠书》,由此引发了一桩学术公案,多位学者参与其中。目前唯一可见的《直隶河渠书》稿本是现存于台北的戴震藏本。这部稿本只经过部分删定,体例不一,卷目混乱,前辈学者对其记载也多有不同。戴震去世后,根据史料记载,可以基本梳理书稿的流传情况。而其他本子的情况,也可根据史料记载作出推断。  相似文献   
This essay considers the concept of "prophets of renewal" introduced by James Scott in The Art of Not Being Governed:An Anarchist History of Upland Southeast Asia (2009),as seen in the context of the 1795-97 Miao revolt along China's Hunan-Guizhou border.The appearance ofa "Miao King" and four "Wu kings" centering anti-Qing resistance in an intractable highland-utilizing native legends,spirit possession,investment of officials,and multi-ethnic recruitment-suggests a case of"Zomia" (the vast Southeast Asian Massif) prophets in action,as Scott himself suggests.Closer examination,however,reveals a more complex and uncertain picture,characterized by division between rival lords and an overall dearth of institutional,ideological,or cosmological elaboration,all further obscured by a paucity of historical sources.The Miao kings might be seen as prophets of renewal in a general sense,but the fit is inexact.There is still value,however,in considering Scott's model in the study of this event.It enables a sharper conceptualization of the agency of the Miao people,while offering a case for comparison with analogous instances of religiously-based native resistance on other Qing frontiers.  相似文献   
This article examines Richard White’s concept of the “middle ground” and its prospective application to the study of China’s Qing (1644–1911) borderlands from the late eighteenth century. It argues that although White’s model, in its specific formulation, is problematic to apply due to the dissimilarity of Qing conditions, it yet has value and can be adapted. One possibility is advanced in the notion of “middle ground moments,” briefly explored in the cases of Shaanxi’s Dabashan highlands in a “population boom,” Hunan’s Miao Frontier in the “fog of war,” and Xinjiang’s Kashgar crossroads during the “fall of empires.” Focusing on group exchange, adaptation, and hybridization offers insight into regional cultural creation, as well as a means to question received narratives of breakdown, pacification, resistance, or Great Game struggle. Such modeling, and shared attention to accommodation perspectives generally, also presents a space for dialogue across the New Qing History and Chinese nationalist divide in Qing frontier studies.  相似文献   
清中叶著名诗人舒位的大型民族风物组诗《黔苗竹枝词》五十四首,从族源、民居、语言文字、饮食、歌舞乐器、服饰、婚配、丧葬祭祀、商业工艺、社会结构等内容,对黔苗的民族风物进行了全方位的描绘和抒写,在艺术风格上典雅清丽而充满趣味,具有珍贵的民族史料价值和极高的文学艺术价值。《黔苗竹枝词》的规模、内容和艺术特点,可勘媲美刘禹锡竹枝词,产生了很大影响。  相似文献   
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