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本文介绍了三峡地区东周至六朝铁器的考古发现和研究情况,探讨了三峡早期铁器的特征和发展变化,提出了巴系铁器的概念,进而对三峡铁器的起源、三峡铁器与农业等问题进行了剖析,从多角度对三峡早期铁器进行了一定程度的介绍和研究。  相似文献   
对匈奴收继婚制度的再探讨--匈奴婚姻制度研究之一   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
匈奴的婚姻制度较为复杂,收继婚是其最具特色的婚姻制度之一。史籍中匈奴的收继婚只笼统概述为“父死,妻其后母;兄弟死,尽取其妻妻之”,实际上,它有着相当严格的法则和收继顺序。同时,匈奴的收继婚不仅是一种婚姻制度,而且还是匈奴身份继承制度的重要组成部分和一种赡养制度。  相似文献   
The governance of Antarctica has re-emerged as a geopolitical issue in the past decade due to the increased presence of China, India and Russia; the continent's importance in understanding global climate change; and its economic potential as a source of marine, genetic and mineral resources. This article examines the challenges for the Antarctic Treaty System (ATS) in this context and the consequences for Australia's foreign policy in its dual role as both a territorial claimant and supporter of ATS norms of cooperative science and environmental protection. The central argument is that Antarctic ‘bifocalism’ is under pressure as increased commercial activity and problematic jurisdictional interfaces with other regimes create difficult regulatory challenges for the ATS and encourage assertions of sovereignty that cannot be resolved within the existing regime. Consequently, the author argues that it is vitally important for Australia to preserve the legitimacy of the ATS through a policy framework of ‘strategic denial’ that aims to prevent all states from acquiring sovereignty over Antarctic territory. Australia should therefore reject recent proposals to securitise Antarctic policy or pursue World Heritage listing because they involve assertions of sovereignty that risk fracturing the ATS and thus compromise Australia's enduring interest in keeping Antarctica as ‘a continent of international cooperation and peace’.  相似文献   
“The politic” and “the religious” have had many relations with each other in Iranian history and in some cases “the religious” has been defined in a situation beyond the extent of the political power. A case in point is the right of taking sanctuary in Shi‘ite shrines. Throughout Iran's history, subjects could take refuge in Shi‘ite shrines and some other places related to religious and non-religious authorities. Persecution was delayed or the individual was forgiven, though sometimes they were sentenced when exiting the shrine. By referring to religious texts that have reinforced that tradition, this article seeks to trace continuities between early Islam and modern Iran. It focuses on sanctuary taking and sit-ins at shrines and tombs, and on the interplay between those actions and political power, and discusses the changing mobility and dynamisms of those actions at different periods of Iranian history.  相似文献   
Seismic prevention and mitigation of historical centers have gained a central position within earthquake engineering topics, particularly in areas such as Italy, Greece, and Portugal. Many historical towns in these countries have been strongly damaged, due to the high quantity of old buildings and urban structures and infrastructures. In this article, these aspects are described, modeled, and investigated in terms of structural safety, the goal being the set-up of a comprehensive strategy for seismic prevention and mitigation of a whole historical center. The proposed approach is based on two relevant parts: the first is an urban risk assessment, the second is a prioritization of retrofitting interventions so as to optimally increase urban safety.

The effectiveness of the proposed methodology is shown with reference to a complex case study, the historical center of “Montebello di Bertona”. It is initially modeled as a series/parallel system and then studied by applying seismic reliability methods. Seismic retrofitting interventions are finally prioritized.  相似文献   

The Locarno Conference, held on 5–16 October 1925, represented the culmination of nearly two years of diplomatic communication between the foreign offices of Germany, Britain, and France. The conference was an attempt to normalize relations between the former Allied powers and Germany's new Weimar Republic and more tightly bind Germany's politics and economy to Western Europe. Colonial German lobbies hoped that the Locarno talks heralded the return of empire and an end to Germany's banishment from the work of the ‘civilizing mission’ and the humiliating experience of being a ‘postcolonial state in a still colonial world’. Public scrutiny from false press reports about the restoration of the German colonies emanating from Germany, France, Britain and its colonies and dominions, and even the United States complicated matters for Locarno delegates by forcing discussion of off-agenda topics. This article interrogates how the Colonial German lobby influenced the Locarno Conference through activity in the international public sphere, how they managed a partial victory in the wake of Locarno, and more importantly, the Colonial German lobby learned new and better strategies for playing properly to public opinion and international bureaucracies.  相似文献   
1978年是欧共体国家就建立欧洲货币体系议题进行谈判的关键一年。英国卡拉汉政府怀疑这一倡议的初衷是以英镑升值为代价来阻止德国马克走强,因此从一开始就对它缺乏热情,加上在资源转让和汇率干预机制选择等问题上的主张无法实现,英国最终决定不加入欧洲货币体系的核心安排——汇率机制。卡拉汉政府之所以采取这种政策,首要考虑的是经济因素。此外,国内政治环境的制约以及卡拉汉的大西洋主义思想等因素,也强化了英国政府不加入欧洲汇率机制的决心。  相似文献   
史载"周氏以降,选无清浊",虽然在一定程度上反映了西魏、北周时期选官制度发生变化的一面,但却忽略了其时选举制度依旧注重门第与官分清浊的一面。西魏、北周时期,九品中正制依然是占据着主导地位的选官制度,并在维护关陇士族和当朝勋贵的仕宦特权方面发挥着重要作用。其时职官制度仍有流内与流外之分,"九命"与"九秩",就是在北魏"九流三清"和"勋品流外"官的基础上发展演变而来,是北周官分清浊的重要表现形式。西魏、北周的清浊观念也十分显著。"周氏以降,选无清浊",并未全面、真实地反映当时选官制度与职官制度的实情。  相似文献   
在宋朝经筵制度的设计和运行过程中,存在着一些学界以前尚未论及的问题。比如宋高宗南渡以后,出现了有经筵而不授经筵官的情况,还有重新以元祐时期的经筵官"翰林侍读学士"授人的情况。这是因政局动荡时期,朝廷制度建设不完备所致。此外,宋朝经筵官有职能分工之别,有任期,而经筵官的选任,还存在自荐、兼任的特例。  相似文献   
刘波 《江汉考古》2012,(1):107-110,99
本文通过将郾客铜量与楚简文字对比,认为郾客铜量中的"■"字当隶定为"■",读为"故",并将包山68号简释为"耆州"的"耆"字改释为"■",此字可能为楚文字中"故"的专字,进而对郾客铜量铭文中仍存在的问题加以探讨,以待考古学的进一步求证。  相似文献   
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