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范军岭 《神州》2012,(6):294-294
传统意义上的教学设计,主要是老师从主观愿望出发,以老师为中心,以教材为依据,凭借自己的教学经验,主观意志.进行安排和策划,其适用性和合理性都较差.教学效果常会事倍功半。  相似文献   
孙秀莉 《神州》2012,(33):59-60,62
本文以浙江经贸职业技术学院国际贸易实务专业为例,通过对英语听说能力在毕业生就业中的作用以及英语听说教学现状的调查分析,从听说有机整合,融合职业场景和改进教学模式等方面探索英语听说教学改革,以顺应高职英语听说教学的要求,从而更加有效地促进学生英语听说能力的提高。  相似文献   

This article explores the reasons why Italian contemporary musical life is generally considered to be below the standards set by other European and overseas countries, a situation that is all the more striking when the contrast with Italy's glorious musical tradition in past centuries is born in mind. The failings of public institutions and the inadequacies of policies have often been blamed for this, but in fact the causes are more complex. Arjun Appadurai's terminology that is cited in the title and the subsections of the article that are organized around the themes of ‘financescape’, ‘ideoscape’ and ‘mediascape’ provide the opportunity to develop a better understanding of the complex factors playing a role in the Italian music scene. In terms of structure and organization that greatest problems lay in the production system of the Opera theatres, in the progressive fall in public funds for the performing arts and in a visibly shrinking music market. These factors have created a crisis, but they have deep roots in Italian culture, one symptom being the relatively small demand for music in Italy. These different factors have combined to create a situation of immobility and conservatism that in turn weighs heavily on both serious and pop music.  相似文献   
《Political Theology》2013,14(6):674-686

Students of political theology need a broad introduction to, and some understanding of how to distinguish between, varying approaches to the discipline. This article argues that differing approaches should be introduced in ways which emphasize the historical, theological, geographical, and ecclesial situatedness of their practitioners. Such introduction to the situatedness of various approaches should not pretend to be objective, but should be sympathetic. Those teaching political theology should also carefully incorporate their own situatedness, showing students how they are working within particular approaches themselves without reducing their teaching to advocacy for their own approaches. The proposal for teaching political theology argued here focuses on inviting students to become active practitioners of political theology, instead of mere consumers of information about the discipline.  相似文献   
李玲 《南方文物》2014,(1):156-161,150
对外汉语文化教学是对外汉语工作中一个不可或缺的重要部分,然而在具体的对外汉语文化教学工作中也存在着不少问题和有待改良的地方。博物馆是一个重要的文化教育社会机构,其丰富的文化资源与对外汉语文化教学有着不同程度的契合之处。本文从对外汉语文化教学的需求与博物馆资源能为其提供的帮助出发,研究对外汉语文化教学对博物馆资源的利用问题。  相似文献   
张辉煌 《神州》2011,(1X):17-17,19
近年来社会对高校工商管理专业人才的需求趋势发生了改变,不但要求学生具有扎实的理论知识还特别强调学生具备较强的实践参与能力。《商务谈判》课程属于专业设置中的应用型专业课程,因而在新的就业形势下,教师在教学过程中应该改变以往重视理论而轻视实践的教学方式。本文针对课程教学中的实践环节的教学目标和要求,提出了教学方式和手段创新的具体方法,并介绍了在实际操作中的经验。  相似文献   
李宝玉 《神州》2011,(2X):38-39,44
本文分析了独立学院英语专业学生的特点和英语视听说课程的教学现状,提出要改善目前的教学现状,提高学生的听说能力,必须改革传统的课堂教学模式。在人本主义和建构主义的指导下,本文构建了一个多元化、个性化、协作化的英语视听说课堂教学模式,并通过具体的教案设计分析了其在教学中的实际应用。  相似文献   
周艳 《神州》2011,(3X):127-127,129
教育是门艺术。俗话说“兴趣是最好的老师”,而如何使学生在学习过程中能愉快的学习是需要技巧的。通过对激励教学学法的研究,以及作者对此方法的尝试,认为在中学生物教学中施行“激励教学法”会使我们收到较好的教学效果。  相似文献   
赵艳春 《神州》2011,(3X):148-148
科学的、适当的教学方法,是新的教育教学理念的具体体现,是达成教学目标的具体途径。教师应在充分掌握本学科特点的基础上,使学生自觉的、多方面捕获历史信息,增强学生的兴趣和提高学生的积极性,形成健全的人格和健康的审美情趣,为树立正确的世界观、人生观和价值观打下良好的基础。  相似文献   
康厚春 《神州》2011,(3X):84-84
实施语文新课程教学,首先要注重培养良好的语文学习习惯。语文能力的发展是跟良好的习惯的养成紧密联系的,学生一旦养盛了良好的习惯,就变被动为主动,变依赖为独立,进入自主学习境界。教师要关注学生的自主探究和合作探究,促使他们自己去获得知识,发展能力,让学生在探究性学习中学有所思,思有所疑,疑有所问。  相似文献   
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