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为了解不同类型铜鼓合金成分及显微组织特征,使用扫描电镜、金相显微镜对广西民族博物馆馆藏15面铜鼓进行分析检测,并结合前人研究成果,讨论各类型铜鼓合金配比与铸造工艺特征。分析结果显示,石寨山型鼓为铜锡合金;北流型、冷水冲型与灵山型鼓为铜锡铅合金且铅锡含量较高,合金配比稳定;麻江型鼓锡含量均高,铅含量波动较大。显微组织观察显示,1面石寨山型鼓局部有滑移带及再结晶组织,2面麻江型鼓局部有滑移带,其余鼓全为铸态组织,α固溶体晶间分布(α+δ)共析体,皆有硫化物夹杂,多数存在数量不等的铅颗粒弥散或聚集分布,部分样品可见富铁相、氧化亚铜、自由铜颗粒。7面麻江型鼓均见较多缩松,位于样品截面中部。分析结果反映的不同类型铜鼓合金配比、夹杂物、铸造缺陷特征,可为铜鼓铸造技术研究提供基础资料。  相似文献   
在对阳高云林寺彩塑现场调查的基础上,利用X射线荧光分析、X射线衍射分析、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)及能谱分析(EDS)、显微共聚焦激光拉曼光谱分析等方法对颜料的化学成分进行了分析。研究发现云林寺彩塑是遵循传统工艺制作的,同时也有裱纸、颜料混合使用、拨金等个性之处。颜料方面,红色使用了铅丹、朱砂和铁红三种,绿色颜料为巴黎绿和碱式氯化铜两种,蓝色见有蓝铜矿和群青两种,黑色为炭黑。本研究比较全面地揭示了云林寺大雄宝殿彩塑制作工艺和使用材料的情况,丰富了对古代彩塑制作工艺和材料的认识,为保护修复实施奠定了基础。  相似文献   
The introduction of life peers in 1958 represented the 20th century's most significant change in the composition of the house of lords, until the removal of (most) hereditary peers in 1999. Yet the 1958 reform was introduced by a Conservative government which was under no discernible pressure to do so, least of all by its own back benchers. Yet the Conservative leadership in both houses of parliament decided to seize the initiative on house of lords reform, partly to enable the house of lords to discharge its political responsibilities more effectively, thereby preventing it from atrophying, and partly to pre-empt more extreme reform by a future Labour government. Yet having agreed to undertake such a reform, senior Conservatives encountered a range of often unforeseen constitutional and political problems, which ensured that the final reform was actually rather less comprehensive than many ministers had originally envisaged.  相似文献   
Mudbrick technology and permanent architecture are Neolithic hallmarks but their origins are not well understood. By adopting a symmetrical approach to the examination of building materials, and contextualizing these materials within a cultural knowledge of resources and other concurrent social practices, this paper challenges environmentally determined approaches to explain the adoption of mudbrick technology during the PPNA in Anatolia, Upper Euphrates and the Levant. This research illustrates the weak correlation between architectural form and building material, suggesting that although nature provides resources, it is culture that dictates architectural form and material use. It is argued that the human-constructed environment became normalized throughout the PPNA and the social complexities of village life created a conceptual shift towards an artificial environment, supported by other changes in symbolic behavior. If building materials, such as mudbricks, were considered objects reflexive of human behavior, then we can access the complex and entangled relationship between people and things. Furthermore, the choice of building materials and their use in architecture can be considered codes of social practice and even ideology. As material culture, architecture becomes a metaphor for human engagement and symbolic communication.  相似文献   
故宫博物院收藏的铜镀金嵌石五供仅有一套,造型优美,工艺精湛,但其中的一对花觚伤况严重,缺失大量嵌件。修复前,采用X射线CT扫描仪、激光拉曼、X射线荧光光谱仪和红外光谱等方法对花觚结构、嵌件材质和粘接材料进行了检测分析。分析表明,花觚以清宫失传“粘蜡胶”为粘接材料,使用的绿色嵌件为绿松石,靛蓝色嵌件是以钴为着色剂、铅为助熔剂的钾钙玻璃。修复时,结合检测结果选用了传统“粘蜡胶”的现代替代品、绿松石和无铅钴蓝玻璃作为修复材料。同时以“精细分区”“先集中-再慢雕”的方式,准确快捷、有序地完成了700余件嵌件的复原补配。本工作可为大型镶嵌类文物修复提供典型案例。  相似文献   
孙中山故居纪念馆馆藏一张明代落霞式古琴“秋波”,据考证为明代受封于江西抚州的益王监制。清代以后,它被广东的文人琴士评为广东四大名琴之一。运用剖面显微观察、扫描电镜能谱分析、显微拉曼、光学光热红外显微光谱、热裂解-色谱质谱分析等科学检测手段,对古琴脱落的大漆残片进行了无机和有机成分分析,并对其工艺进行了讨论。实验结果表明,大漆残片保存了两个时期的不同髹漆工艺,早期以蛋白质类和非/半干性油黏结剂混合黏土类无机矿物做灰胎,晚期以大漆和干性油黏结剂混合鹿角霜/骨灰做灰胎并掺加少量黄铜屑。将科学分析与古琴槽腹、琴背的铭文相印证,进一步明确了“秋波”琴明末斫髹、清末修复的流传历史。此外,运用盖蒂保护中心研发的ESCAPE数据分析方法,首次在中国传世古琴样品中明确鉴定出一般认为产自越南的野漆品种laccol,其为清代重修时广东中山的修琴师使用添加的。本研究立足于古琴文物实体,以详尽的科学实验为支撑,并参阅《太古遗音》《髹饰录》等文献,为明代益王琴的制作工艺提供了参考,同时为古琴文物的保护修复提供了科学支撑。  相似文献   
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