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沈寂 《安徽史学》2008,45(1):54-63
在1903年的拒俄运动中,中国知识分子由爱国而革命,在运动中所形成的军国民教育会,是我国知识界革命团体的先行.它的运动员回国组织发动了一次武装起义,同时创导暗杀朝廷官员,对社会造成巨大震动.1905年在东京,主动与孙中山合作,组织中国同盟会,是我国近代革命的里程碑.  相似文献   
The close of World War II marked the advent of international human rights legislation and the prosecution of individuals for human rights crimes, by both nation states and international tribunals. The prosecution at such trials often presents evidence from forensically excavated mass graves. Forensic archaeology is a new and expanding field and as such has yet to establish a uniform code of ethics, standard operating procedures, and transparency. In addition, there are complex and conflicting agendas of mass grave excavation. Mass grave investigation in Iraq since the 2003 American-led invasion is presented as a case in point.
Résumé  La fin de la seconde guerre mondiale a marqué l’avènement international de la poursuite judiciaire des individus ayant commis des crimes de guerre et d’une législation des droits de l’homme à la fois de la part des nations et des tribunaux internationaux. La poursuite judiciaire engagée à souvent fourni la preuve de la présence, par excavation, de tombes de masse. L’archéologie des expertises médico-légales est devenue un champ nouveau en pleine expansion, et, en tant que tel, a établi un code éthique généralisé, ainsi que des procédures standard et de transparence. De plus, il existe des agendas complexes et conflictuels de tombes de masse découvertes par excavation. Ceci s’applique à l’Irak depuis 2003 où l’invasion menée par les. américains est sujette à enquête.

Resumen  El fin de la Segunda Guerra Mundial marcó la aparición de una legislación internacional de derechos humanos y los juicios contra los acusados de crímenes contra los derechos humanos, tanto por parte de los estados nacionales como los tribunales internacionales. En los procesos de estos juicios a menudo se presentaban pruebas de la existencia de fosas comunes excavadas por forenses. La arqueología forense es una nueva disciplina en crecimiento y por ello, aún no ha establecido un código ético uniforme, procesos de funcionamiento estándar ni transparencia. Asimismo, hay programas complejos y conflictivos de excavación en fosa comunes. La investigación de fosas comunes en Irak desde la invasión del 2003 encabezada por EE.UU. se presenta como un caso paradigmático.
任家漩  黄建军 《攀登》2007,26(3):157-158
对于经济欠发达的西部地区而言,更加需要社会主义先进文化的广泛传播,更加需要大众传播媒体的辐射和渗透,这对于满足西部地区人民群众不断增长的物质文化需要,不断提高西部地区人民群众的文化素质,对于构建和谐社会,都具有重要的战略意义和现实意义。  相似文献   
张之洞与晚清学部   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
190 7年至 190 9年张之洞以军机大臣管理学部 ,直接负责清末兴学国策的制定与实行。在他的主持下 ,学部于积极推动普通和实业教育的同时 ,提倡保存国粹 ,继续奖励学堂出身 ,办事方针出现从锐进而缓行、由创新而复古的变化。透过各种错综复杂的关系 ,可见湖北与直隶的门户立异和人脉渊源 ,对中央教育行政的决策乃至近代教育发展的进程与样态影响至为深远。  相似文献   
存在于1910-1914年的朝鲜族自治组织——“间岛”垦民教育会(垦教会),在延边地区获得了沟通中国官府与朝鲜族的中介地位,并取得了参与设立官立朝鲜族学校、自己设立学校以及管理私立学校之权限。于是,垦教会在扩大朝鲜族教育机会的基础上,实施爱国(朝鲜)教育,进而促进中国的朝鲜民族同一性的形成。然而,清末民初,正是中国民族国家开始铸造之时,民族主义需要的国家权力必须是没有竞争的权力。在此情况下,垦教会与延吉府之间的冲突随之而起,垦教会被解散。本文考察了垦教会如何对应中国的朝鲜族教育政策的同时,解明了该会如何利用中日两国的矛盾,对朝鲜族实施民族教育问题。  相似文献   
To achieve a deep and wide implementation of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) into all forms of education, the capacity of educators and trainers needs to be increased. This paper describes the curricular architecture of a master’s program in Geography with an emphasis on ESD. Based on a first feedback given by graduates, the paper discusses both strengths and weaknesses of the program.  相似文献   
The National Security League was an elite private lobbying group in the World War I preparedness movement in the United States. Its educational wing was a group consisting mostly of college professors called the Committee on Patriotism through Education, which sought to use education to promote a militaristic brand of patriotism. This paper adds to our knowledge of the geopolitics of the period by critically reviewing the Committee's propaganda efforts, as organized into its Patriotism through Education Series. More importantly, this paper theorizes this propaganda by engaging with two literatures that seldom cross paths: emerging interest in intimacy-geopolitics and Gramsci's concept of war of position. Intimacy-geopolitics is used to highlight the performative edge of war propaganda, as it directs desire and affect to toward geopolitical visions which accord with elite visions of the good life. Intimacy-geopolitics as an analytical framework helps connect affect and war in a way that avoids scalar hierarchies of violence. The Committee deliberately sought to direct emotion toward militaristic ends, and saw teachers as foot soldiers in that effort. Understanding how war propaganda works through affect, that is, how it positions country as an object of affection, also qualifies and dovetails with an understanding of war propaganda as elemental to the Gramscian war of position. Quite apart from accusations of war-profiteering, elite manipulation of desire and affect toward the war effort also worked to obfuscate class interest in favor of gender and other social roles.  相似文献   
The most prominent noble lineages of the twelfth-century German empire drew much of their authority from scattered collections of heritable rights and properties, a state of affairs that led each family to exercise its lordship in a unique manner. As a result, it was important for the success of a lineage that heirs understood the diverse administrative, political, diplomatic and military foundations of their family's power before they came into their inheritance. This article argues on the basis of evidence from several leading noble houses — including the Staufen, Welf, Zähringen, Wittelsbach, Andechs and Wettin — that fathers played an essential role in the training of their sons to succeed and inherit. For the noble heirs of twelfth-century Germany, therefore, the period in life known as youth was principally a time of instruction and preparation. Models of youth that emphasise the adventurousness and rebelliousness of noble sons during the central middle ages are therefore insufficient for explaining father-son relationships within the imperial nobility.  相似文献   
Jeff Ferrell 《对极》2012,44(5):1687-1704
Abstract: The consumerist economies of the late modern city, in combination with contemporary models of urban policing, operate to close down the public spaces of social life. In response, social groups dedicated to democratic urbanism utilize anarchic tactics of “dis‐organization” and direct action to reopen public space and to revitalize it with unregulated activity. Complicating and animating these spatial conflicts is the issue of drift. On the one hand, consumerist economies and contemporary policing strategies exacerbate urban drift, spawning the very sorts of spatial transgression they seek to control. On the other hand, many of the progressive movements that battle for open space and alternative economic arrangements themselves embrace a culture of drift, and explore drift for its anarchic and progressive potential. In this context drift can usefully be investigated as an emergent form of epistemology, community, and spatial politics.  相似文献   

Maps and related graphics are important means of representing key issues in development education and related themes. This paper examines the use of world maps in materials used in teaching development in higher education and concludes that many are not 'fit for purpose'. Many of these maps create false connotations, which can lead to misleading understandings of key issues.  相似文献   
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