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文章从国际尺度和国家尺度对近代中国的经济格局进行考察,认为1800年前中国是世界经济中心之一,近代中国则成为欧美制成品的销售地和原材料的来源地,中国由此转变为世界经济的边缘。这种世界经济格局又影响中国内部的经济格局,原来南北经济差距转变为东西差距,东部沿海成为中国经济的中心区,西部则成为中国经济的边缘。  相似文献   
李鸿章是对晚清两淮盐政改革产生重大影响的关键性人物.在两江总督任上,他毅然选择大商人而放弃小商人,以捐输票本、循环转运和招商联保的方式确保税源;在湖广总督任内,出于地方利益的考虑,他又坚决维护原来力图加以改变的"川盐济楚"局面.由此可见,利益才是李鸿章施政决策的根本出发点.  相似文献   
与谢野晶子是日本近代文学史上一个充满传奇又广受争议的女作家。在青年和中年时代,她走在时代前列,勇于追求艺术的进步与人性的解放,成为近代著名浪漫女歌人和提倡女性解放的社会评论家。但就是这样一个曾经与时代进步同步的文学家,在晚年思想意识却发生蜕变,成为“极端国家主义者”,战后受到批判和指责。与谢野晶子一生所处的时代基本上与明治维新以后日本的近代侵略战争史同步。本文梳理她战争认识的思想变化轨迹及晚年思想产生蜕变的成因。与谢野晶子晚年蜕变折射的,既是一个文学家的悲哀,也是作为侵略者的帝国主义日本的必然归宿。  相似文献   
曾子作为一代儒学大师,身后留下著作并传诸于世.西汉戴德将<曾子>书整理成至少十篇后编入<大戴礼记>;刘向将<曾子>书整理为"十八篇",并记入<别录>,亦即<汉书·艺文志>著录的"<曾子>十八篇"."<曾子>十八篇"至迟在南朝、隋之际就亡佚了.保存在<大戴礼记>中的"曾子十篇"具有非常宝贵的学术价值,是曾子研究的重要资料.  相似文献   
本文以学术界对楚简中从"西(卤)"之字的考释为例论述了笔者对楚简文字释读的思考,并对文中引述部分从"西(卤)"的楚简文字释读提出了自己的看法.  相似文献   
文章首次披露了瞿佑鲜为人知的《资治通鉴纲目集览镌误》一书的内容与价值。该书的重现,不仅可以进一步探究瞿佑的治学思想与学术视野,还可以窥见瞿佑狱中心态。该书的辗转收藏,也见证了江南私人藏书的兴衰。  相似文献   
Studying the volume of ancient pottery vessels can shed light on the development of complex societies and state apparatus by revealing the means taken to standardize trade and taxation. It can also shed light on the cognitive abilities of ancient people by investigating their knowledge of computing. This paper explores, as a case study, the volume and shape of the lmlk (“belonging to the king”) royal storage jars, which probably represent the highest level of standardization in eighth century BCE Judah. To estimate the volume of these vessels we constructed a computer 3D model for each jar. The variation in the jars’ linear dimensions is about 2–3%, a number that is characteristic of human-made objects produced by professionals without employing measurement tools. Had the potters produced jars of the same height, they could have easily reached 3–4% accuracy in the volume. Surprisingly, the variation in the jars’ volume is 7–10%. We hypothesize that rather than height the potters focused on the jars’ shape and wall width, estimating the volume according to the jars’ outer measurements. We propose a simple way that these measurements could have been taken and suggest a formula that could have been employed by the potters and customers for quickly calculating a jar’s volume.  相似文献   
J. BREDEHOEFT 《Geofluids》2009,9(3):179-181
High fluid pressures in old geologic basins, where the mechanisms that generate high fluid pressure have ceased to operate, pose the problem of how high fluid pressures are maintained through geologic time. Recent oil and gas exploration reveals that low permeability shales, the source beds for oil and gas, contain large quantities of gas that are now being exploited in many sedimentary basins in North America. No earlier analyses of how to maintain high fluid pressure in older sedimentary basins included a shale bed as a source of adsorbed gas; this is a new conceptual element that will fundamentally change the analysis. Such a large fluid source can compensate for a low rate of bleed off in a dynamic system. If the fluid source is large enough, as the gas within these shale source beds appears to be, there will no appreciable drop in pressure accompanying a low rate of leakage from the basin for long periods. For the dynamic school of basin analysts this may provide the missing piece in the puzzle, explaining how high fluid pressures are maintained for long periods of geologic time in a crust with finite, non-zero permeability. This is a hypothesis which needs to be tested by new basin analyses.  相似文献   
The Pairizhang (day-to-day accounts) found in Huizhou were mostly written by the pupils in old-style private school. They seem similar to a dairy in some way with the activities of family members (mostly male) as the main contents. However, they differ from modern diaries in many ways. It was a common practice in Wuyuan County to keep day-to-day accounts in the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China. By analyzing the 5 accounts found there, many underlying facts can be revealed, such as the time allocation of the main labor force, the composition of the peasant’s family economy, the general situation of productive activity and the days and ranges of their outdoor activity, etc. All these findings can help us have a better understanding of the peasants’ life in Huizhou at that time. __________ Translated by Li Dan from Jindaishi Yanjiu 近代史研究 (Modern Chinese History Studies), 2008, (2): 119–124  相似文献   
As the main literature of socio-economic history, local gazetteers display the dynamic process of local socio-economic structuring and reflect local conflicts among various interest groups. Focusing on local gazetteers in Wanzai County of Jiangxi Province from the Qing to the Republic, this essay shows how local literati played an active role in constructing their local community. These gazetteers reflected the complicated power relations, especially the conflict between the natives and immigrants, and they themselves became the important part of the process of local power reproduction and culture construction. __________ Translated by Luo Hui from Shixue Yuekan 史学月刊 (Journal of Historical Science), 2008, (9): 70–81  相似文献   
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