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The Gengshi emperor’s two-year-long reign (23–25) has posed a problem to historians of the Later Han dynasty (25–220). As the member of the Liu family who defeated Wang Mang (r. 9–23) became emperor and was, for some time, the superior of the later dynastic founder Guangwu (r. 25–57), Gengshi and his role in the transferal of the Mandate of Heaven needed to be explained. The official history of the Later Han, the Dongguan Hanji, painted a picture of an illegitimate puppet emperor who never possessed the Mandate of Heaven. However, the establishment of a state-sanctioned narrative did not completely stop the controversy surrounding Gengshi’s legitimacy. Our sources indicate that the discussion was not settled until the Tang dynasty and that the controversy only vanished with the rise to prominence of Fan Ye’s Hou Hanshu, which closely followed the Dongguan Hanji version and portrayed Gengshi as an illegitimate ruler and a puppet of his generals. This article is an attempt to retrace the reception of the Gengshi emperor and to analyse Fan Ye’s narrative.  相似文献   
汉初内史考——张家山汉简中所见汉初内史之演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
内史与治粟内史,在汉初经历过较为复杂的演变。汉兴之初,全国财经事务由内史掌管,与战国秦内史的职掌一致,高帝九年后内史兼掌全国财经事务与京师地区,其性质特殊,在治理京师方面也不是一个完整的地方行政长官,京畿地区在很大程度上是由中央政府直接管理。吕后二年至吕后八年间始设治粟内史以专掌财经事务,内史则专治京师。  相似文献   
关于汉代辽西郡徒河县的地望,以往学或将其确定在营州东北,或定为邰集屯汉城址,或定在锦州西北,或定为锦州市。本作通过对大量献记载的考证,结合对锦州汉城遗迹、遗物的实地调查,对上述诸说进行了讨论,认为锦州市区新发现的汉代城址应为汉代辽西郡徒河县的旧址。  相似文献   
护羌校尉是始置于西汉时期,专门管理羌人事务的重要官职。然史学界对它的始置年代、名称、执掌等问题均有不同的看法。本文主要以近出的悬泉汉简为主,结合传世文献考证后认为,护羌校尉的设置有一个发展变化的过程,其前身就是汉朝政府临时性派出的使者,汉武帝神爵二年(前60)后成为一个固定的官职。其职责是管理活动于凉州刺史部内各郡县的羌人,同时对塞外羌人负有侦视之责。护羌校尉持节巡行各地,又被称为护羌使者。  相似文献   
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