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在实地田野考察和搜集大量史料的基础上,对20世纪马来西亚华人传统音乐文化的变迁进行了梳理和探讨,论述了其从传统地方性到新式统一性再到本土化发展的内在联系。华人传统音乐文化的变迁,使得马来西亚华人传统音乐文化从华人移民音乐成长为华族音乐文化,成为当地多元文化的重要组成部分。在这个变迁中,社团起到了很重要的支持作用。  相似文献   
论文通过历史学文献方法和人类学多点田野调查的结合,论述了马来西亚拿督公崇拜的起源、演变和现状。研究认为:拿督公崇拜是一个跨族群的多元文化的复合体,其中最主要的三个文化因素是源于中国的土地神信仰、马来人的克拉末精灵崇拜以及伊斯兰教的圣者崇拜。在拿督公崇拜一百多年来的历史发展中,我们既可以看到这些宗教因素的跨族群的传承,也可以发现他们的不断演变——体现在各因素内涵的再概念化、再诠释,以及因素之间关系的再整合。这个特殊的崇拜揭示了马来西亚华人发展其宗教信仰和文化认同的独特方式——一方面是对中国文化的传承和对其他文化的借鉴,另一方面则是在与本土其他族群的互动过程中对各种文化进行融合和演变。  相似文献   
Prior to 1971, Britain played a key role in the security of Malaysia and Singapore, especially during the Malayan Emergency (1948–1960) and Konfrontasi (1963–1966). Britain's military withdrawal from the east of Suez beginning from 1968 not only became a catalyst for post-colonial development of Malaysia and Singapore, but also pushed them towards America's security umbrella. Negotiations to replace the Anglo-Malaysian Defence Agreement with a new defence arrangement were fraught with pussyfooting on the part of British, Australian and New Zealand leaders. The Malaysian and Singapore defence ministers were divided and contributed to further foot dragging. By the time the Five Power Defence Arrangements (FPDA) were signed by the five nations in November 1971, collective defence among the signatories had devolved to mere consultation. By analysing the obstacles encountered during the negotiations and American influence on the shape of the FPDA, this paper demonstrates that a power transition that had been set in motion after Second World War was completed by 1971 when British strategic influence in South-East Asia gave way to American dominance.  相似文献   

Scholars have always been fascinated with cultural theme parks as tourism attractions or as vehicles for identity formations. With respect to the latter, the focus has been on how these consumption landscapes also portend spaces of representation that mobilize certain attributes of ethnic groups within territorial boundaries as a means to bind them together and link them to their terrains, although these ideological exercises are often times contested by the very people they seek to depict. Yet, comparably less emphasis has been paid on how local visitors can themselves draw upon their own cultural reserves to rethink the meanings of these spaces to make them more relatable. Drawing on participant ethnography and interviews with key staff and visitors, this paper examines how locals have sought to unmake and remake one such theme park, the Sarawak Cultural Village, to enhance resonance for them and for other visitors, at times even going against intended narratives. In so doing, the paper extends current scholarship beyond seeing themed spaces just as places where the formal employment of heritage for identity-building may be contested; they are also where meanings can be (re)negotiated ‘from below’, proffering more possibilities for co-constructive heritage-making.  相似文献   
论文基于《华侨华人历史研究》1982年以来刊发的约60篇马华研究论文,同时参考近年来大陆有关马华研究的博士论文,分析了大陆关于马华研究的主要领域、资料来源、资料类型、研究方法、作者群特点等。研究显示,大陆关于马华的研究,涉及到政治、政策、宗教、文化、社会、文学、女性、族群关系、医学和音乐等领域;研究者重点使用的是英语资料和马来西亚当地的资料,使用最多的是中英文图书,其次是中文期刊和中文报纸;文献分析法是主要研究方法。大陆已有一批比较固定的马华研究者,但人数相对有限,且少有人进行专一的马来西亚华人研究。选择马华作为博士学位论文研究课题的作者成为当今学界研究马华的主要力量。  相似文献   
The capacity of a United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage Site (WHS) to sustain its designated criteria into the future is a function of how valuable local residents perceive the WHS to be, and how motivated they are to contribute toward efforts to maintain its status. In June 2012, Malaysia’s Lenggong Valley became a WHS. We investigate the effectiveness of a campaign targeting young local residents to increase their awareness of the importance of preserving the heritage of Lenggong. We undertook a questionnaire — designed to assess participants’ awareness of the value of the WHS and their willingness to participate in efforts to maintain the WHS — aimed at students from all three secondary schools in Lenggong before and after the campaign. In all, 175 completed questionnaires were analysed: the data revealed that the campaign had a significant effect on improving participants’ awareness of the value of the WHS and on improving their willingness to participate in WHS conservation activities.  相似文献   
Island Southeast Asia extends across both the equatorial and the intermediate tropical zones of world climate, and it also spans a region of complex and geologically unstable land and sea relationships. The Sundaland region in the west and the isolated islands of Wallacea in the east both witnessed complex trajectories of human movement and evolution during the Pleistocene. The record of human evolution in Sundaland is still affected by uncertainties over phylogeny, dates, and archaeological correlations. Initial human settlement across Huxley's Line into Wallacea cannot at present be proven to be older than the Late Pleistocene. Stone tool industries dating to within the past 40,000 years are described, including new discoveries which indicate a surprising level of technological virtuosity. Human populations of the Late Pleistocene and Holocene are also considered in terms of skeletal and genetic data, particularly with respect to the rather controversial antecedents of the present, mainly Mongoloid, population. The article terminates its coverage at about 2000 B.C., within the period characterized by the expansion of speakers of Austronesian languages and by the expansion of agriculture into a porous and often-resistant network of hunter-gatherer societies. The archaeological and ethnographic records of the region bear witness to a continuous but dwindling existence of hunting and gathering right through to the present day. While the results of archaeology occupy a central position in the reconstruction of Southeast Asian prehistory, a proper understanding can be achieved only if a multidisciplinary standpoint is adopted.  相似文献   
本文主要分析了中医师南来新加坡和马来西亚的原因,论述了他们在新马的医药活动,并以此来说明他们在弘扬和发展中医药以及促进中医药走向世界为人类的健康服务方面所作的贡献。  相似文献   
新马华侨华人妇女史研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文将国内外对新马华侨华人妇女的研究情况进行了评述 ,指出这些研究在华人女性人口、妓女问题和劳工问题上取得了一定成就 ,但在华人妇女在婚姻与家庭中的作用、妇女的社会参与和社团组织、妇女对经济的贡献、移出地和移入地妇女关系的互动、妇女史料的挖掘等方面研究不足。  相似文献   
马来西亚国阵政府的华人政策走向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为 ,由于华人选票对国阵的重要作用 ,1999年大选后继续执政的国阵政府将继续实施较宽松的华人政策。事实上 ,政府在大选前后已推出不少宽松的华人政策。然而 ,在涉及马来人特权等重大问题上 ,马来人政党巫统为首的国阵政府绝不会让步。因为占人口多数的马来人 ,始终是巫统保有强势政治地位的社会基础。马华两族的地位差别还会继续存在。  相似文献   
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