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在文物修复,尤其是绢本古书画的残缺部分修复中,要备齐所需的同质的修补用绢几乎不可能,一般情况下只能利用新绢来做修补用绢,但因新绢强度、色泽、纤维粗细与原作的绢相差很大,不仅不能达到理想的修复效果,而且容易造成对原作的二次破坏。针对这一修复难题,文章从"修旧如旧"的修复理念和原则出发,结合笔者留日期间修复古画的经验,介绍日本人工劣化绢技术及其在古画修复中的应用,以期为我国古书画遗产的保护与修复提供参考和研究新思路。  相似文献   
Historical and literary critical orthodoxies hold that unfavourable British literary responses to the First World War did not materialise until Journey’s End and the war-books controversy of 1930. What appears to have happened is that an initial and largely factitious 1930 newspaper controversy has been conflated artificially with artefacts of popular culture from the 1960s to create a linear historical narrative of popular misrepresentation. A review of war fiction and memoir in English published prior to 1929 shows this narrative to be entirely unhistorical: considerable numbers of unfavourable responses to the First World War exist in British writing from this earlier period. The argument that there was a spell of post-war optimism before the general public changed its mind in 1929 is impossible to sustain. There never was a unitary British narrative of the First World War, and if the general perception of it by the British people since 1929 has been negative, the explanation does not lie in Depression-era war books but in whatever caused readers and reviewers of the time to respond favourably to individual accounts of the war rather than to a patriotic gloss.  相似文献   
In his “Méthode nouvelle,” an anonymous article in the Bibliothèque universelle of 1686, John Locke described his way of collecting excerpts in notebooks and retrieving relevant entries. The well-known practice of entering textual passages in commonplace books sits uneasily with Locke's criticism of received opinion and authority. Is it possible that he used any of these notes to think with? I suggest that the conditions for this were provided by Locke's interactions with some of his notes, including those which recorded observations, testimonies and experiments. As well as labelling excerpts and other notes with topical Titles, Locke sometimes added precise bibliographical citations, transferred material across notebooks, interpolated his own signed reflections and queries, and (eventually) dated entries.  相似文献   
古代丝织品的丝素蛋白加固保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前采用一般的物理加固和化学加固方法对脆弱丝织品进行保护存在着一定的缺陷和限制,为此,本工作利用与丝织品具有同源性和亲和性的丝素蛋白对清代丝织品进行加固保护。清代丝织品在丝素蛋白浓度为1.0%、戊二醛浓度为0.005%、浸渍时间(T1)为40min、浸渍时间(T2)为60min的较优工艺条件下,断裂强力从5.22N提高到10.68N,断裂伸长率从3.24%提高到4.12%,硬挺度略有改变,提高了0.08×10-2mN.m。同时,利用FT-IR、TG和SEM等对加固前后清代丝织品的结构进行了表征。实验结果显示,利用丝素蛋白加固丝织品文物是一种有效的方法,在提高古代丝织品强度的同时,不对丝织品的外观与手感造成影响。  相似文献   
本文从中国古代奇石鉴赏的著述中,选取名篇要籍六种,考订其作者、内容、价值及版本诸项,为探讨赏石美学和赏石文化的学人提供求书问道之便。  相似文献   
为保护好珍贵的古籍善本,经多次实验,研制出3种特胶粘剂和滤紫外线透明胶片等,制成的保护古籍的展鉴书涵,经多项性能实验证明是一种防蛀,防霉,防紫外线,防有害气体,防鼠咬,且透明度好,气密性好,有一定防火性能的保护古籍的展览收涵,使古籍在安全的微环境中得到妥善保管,又经10年的出观察,保护和展出效果良好。  相似文献   
光绪七年(1881)黎庶昌出任日本公使期间,在其随员杨守敬的配合下,搜访了大量国内亡佚而复见于日本的善本古籍,汇刻成《古逸丛书》,受到海内外士林的普遍赞誉,至今仍有搜访、整理、汇辑、校刻文献的示范性典型意义。本文爬梳填籍,勾稽史料,详细叙述了黎庶昌搜访刊刻《古逸丛书》的具体经历,并以《日本国见在书目》、《玉篇》、《文馆词林》、《姓解》、《史略》、《太平寰宇记》诸书为例,逐条撮述流传原委,考证版本真伪,辨别异同得失,同时也订正了今人如余嘉锡、郑天挺等人的一些讹误。从中不仅可以如实了解《古逸丛书》的文献价值,而且也可以重新评价黎庶昌使“数千百年坠简复还旧观”的学术贡献。  相似文献   
箧和笥均是古代竹制盛放物品的器具。本文运用考古发掘资料和传世文献相互对照,对箧和笥作为先秦两汉时期简帛书籍盛具的功用作了考实,进一步探究简帛书籍的收纳方式。  相似文献   
It is commonly acknowledged that an elaborated military pastoral care provided a significant contribution to the efficiency of the Swedish army during the Great Northern War (1700–1721). Usually battle preparations and the chaplains’ efforts to instil morale and discipline among the soldiers are emphasized. In this article my aim is to provide a somewhat different idea on the nature of the religious life in the army of Charles XII. By focusing in turn on the chaplains’ duties, the military sermons, the hymns sung in the army and the soldiers’ reading of prayer books, I point at the similarities between military and civilian religious life in early 18th-century Sweden.  相似文献   
傅云龙是近代海外访书的先行者之一,他在奉旨游历海外时,曾在日本见到过诸多珍贵汉籍,并对其中的部分古籍进行了考证,甚至还有过刊刻海外汉籍的活动。本文主要从文献学的角度对傅云龙所著《游历日本图经余记》中涉及的日藏汉籍予以考察,在考订这些海外汉籍的版本、流传等问题的同时,并对傅氏的某些考证中存在的问题予以订正。  相似文献   
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