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银器文物的变色原因及防变色缓蚀剂的筛选   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
为探讨银器物变色的原因与防变色缓蚀剂的筛选研究,用极化曲线法对目前已知的多个银缓蚀剂进行缓蚀性能评价。筛选出较优良的银缓蚀剂为:2-巯基苯并恶唑(MBO)、1-苯基-5-巯基四氮唑(PMTA)、2-巯基苯并咪唑(MBI)等。这对银器物保护有较大的实用价值。  相似文献   
The East Berlin marxist Friedrich Herneck and Max Born, Nobel Price winner in physics, exchanged more than 140 letters in the years between 1958 and 1970. In the beginning they discussed problems of the history of science, especially Born's personal memories of the development of physics in the 20th century. In later years they discussed political and social problems too. Only in these letters Born expressed clearly his attitude to communism and the social system of East Germany.  相似文献   
本主要探讨了湖北荆门包山二号楚墓出土的12件陶罐在其墓主人时代存在的三种不同的原有名称及其各自不同的原有功用。原名“(石缶)”的陶罐是具有保鲜、保温、防碰撞、盛装成品或半成品食物、可供加热之用的稍大型贮存容器;原名“(土缶)”的陶罐是具有保鲜、保温、防碰撞、盛装即食食物、可供加热和携带之用的稍大型贮运容器;原名“”的陶罐是具有掩蔽、保鲜、保温、防碰撞、盛装成品食物之用的稍小型贮存容器。  相似文献   
酒泉丁家闸五号壁画墓现状调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
酒泉丁家闸五号墓壁画为十六国时期壁画代表,从物保护角度出发,在前期研究的基础上。从壁画制作工艺、病害机理、地仗脱落状况及原因与水水质等方面进行了详细调查,为潮湿环境下壁画保护与研究提供信息和资料。  相似文献   
The Shurmai (GnJm1) and Kakwa Lelash (GnJm2) rockshelters are located in the Mukogodo Hills region of north-central Kenya. Sondages excavated at both sites allow preliminary reconstruction of their geological and archaeological histories. A total of 4782 lithic pieces were recovered from Shurmai, and 7862 from Kakwa Lelash. The earliest materials from Shurmai date to the late African Middle Stone Age (sometime before ca. 40,000 years bp), and those from Kakwa Lelash apparently date to the African Later Stone Age (sometime after ca. 40,000 bp). The raw material composition, technomorphological characteristics, and style of assemblages from these sites do not reveal whether modern human behavior emerged first in the Middle or in the Later Stone Age. However, the greater sophistication, systematization and efficiency evident in the patterns of resource use, tool manufacture, and style in the Later Stone Age components at Shurmai and Kakwa Lelash rockshelters is consistent with the view that the origins of modern human behavior are to be found in the Later, rather than the Middle, Stone Age in Africa.Les abris de Shurmai (GnJm1) et Kakwa Lelash (GnJm2) sont situés dans la région de collines de Mukogodo du Kenya nord-central. Les sondages creusés aux deux sites permettent la reconstruction préliminaire de leurs histoires géologiques et archéologiques. Un total de 4782 objets lithiques étaient récupérés de Shurmai, et 7862 à Kakwa Lelash. Les matériaux les plus tôt de Shurmai datent au fin de l'Age de la Pierre Moyen d'Afrique (avant ca. 40,000 ans avant le présent), et ceux de Kakwa Lelash datent apparemment au l'Age de la Pierre Récent d'Afrique (après ca. 40,000 ans avant le présent). La composition de matière première, les caractéristiques techno-morphologiques et le modèle des assemblages de ces sites ne révéle pas si le comportement moderne humain a émergé d'abord dans l'Age de la Pierre Moyen ou Récent. Cependant, la plus grand sophistication, systématisation et efficacité évident dans les configurations de l'utilisation de la ressource et dans la fabrication et style des outils de l'Age de la Pierre Récent des abris de Shurmai et Kakwa Lelash se conforme avec l'opinion que les origines de comportement moderne humain se trouvent dans l'Age de la Pierre Récent plutôt que dans l'Age de la Pierre Moyen dans Afrique.  相似文献   
By applying the rent-seeking assumption and sifting through both the archival materials and published historical documents, this article revisits the US–China relationship during the Chinese Civil War (1946–1949) and the early Cold War period, when the United States was caught in the conundrum of aiding the Chinese Nationalists led by Chiang Kai-shek. As military aid is usually regarded as an important representation of broader economic aid, this research mainly concentrates on the US military assistance to postwar Nationalist China. This topic is important, as it signifies a direct American involvement in the Chinese Civil War, when the influence of the United States in postwar world politics was overwhelmingly predominant. As a result, postwar Chinese history might be reevaluated in a broader global postwar context. In addition, this article also tells the story about rent-seeking behaviors in the complicated US–China military relations during the early Cold War period at both micro and macro levels. When it came to US military assistance to China, the formulation of policy was perennially in the name of one's best interest.  相似文献   
The concept of the policy subsystem is an essential building block for several of the basic frameworks of policy process studies. Over time issues have become more complex, crossing subsystem boundaries, and so subsystems have escalated in their complexity as well. It is increasingly insufficient to study just one policy subsystem and so scholars have turned to studying boundary‐spanning regimes or policy networks. In this essay, we review the major contributions to developing the concept of a policy subsystem and trace its evolution into broader conceptualizations like issue and policy networks. We argue that the future for theories of the policy process is in more explicit integration of complexity theory and more effective modeling of subsystems with the utilization of social network analysis. In closing, we discuss the enduring nature of the concept of policy subsystems and highlight studies that continue using it in innovative ways.  相似文献   
This essay reviews the policy‐oriented literature on economic inequality in wealthy countries published from 2008 to 2018. We focus on this decade because it is a period bookended by both the beginnings of the Great Recession of 2008–2009 as well as the recovery. During this timeframe, attention to inequality by social policy scholars grew substantially, which we argue reflects an interest in both inequality trends as well as redistributive social policy. We observe in the literature sustained efforts to understand both the relationship between social policy and economic inequality, as well as determinants of changes to redistributive social policy. We also note substantial variation in research traditions, as well as opportunities to address substantive, methodological, and theoretical gaps. Our review summarizes the approaches and findings from the literature and discusses the implications of the findings for the study of economic inequality within the academic field of public policy.  相似文献   
梁勇 《东南文化》2011,(2):55-59
江苏邗江胡场五号汉墓中木牍“文告牍”释文存在问题,将重文号“=”误解为冒号,将“辟”误解为“承”。“文告牍”性质是否为“告地策”,关键在于是否向地下鬼神通告亡人户籍,因此“文告牍”定名为“告地策”更为准确。汉墓中铜印读法应按照回文排列方式重新识读。木牍中“官司空”是专有名词,应释读为实有的机构与职官。  相似文献   
A New Zealand example illustrates the potential of foraging efficiency (FE) measures to inform not only on human-prey dynamics, but also to help identify situations where mobility is constrained or stimulated. Marked declines in Māori molluscan FE, coupled with increased shellfish usage, are identified over a ca. 450-year period at the coastal locality of Harataonga Beach, New Zealand. The potential effects of climate change are considered using newly available southwest Pacific multi-proxy records and temperature sensitive species, but correlations are lacking. The molluscan results signal possible restrictions on logistic and/or residential mobility in late prehistory, while evidence from the broader cultural landscape points to increasing agricultural investments and marked social competition. The Ideal Free Distribution model (IFD) is used to consider regional-scale interactions between foraging efficiency, agricultural developments, and competition, and their effects on mobility. Geographic and temporal variation in the patterning and causes of population movements is highlighted through this model, particularly differences between large game foragers in the south and populations with mixed economies in the north. In late prehistory, many northern areas including Harataonga apparently experienced reductions in the geographic scale of population movements, coupled with intensified intra-territorial mobility. The latter was an outcome of labour being widely dispatched across tribal territories, quasi-specialisation in subsistence tasks, and pooling and exchange of resources through a variety of social mechanisms which often involved population movements.  相似文献   
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