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In archaeology, strontium isotope analysis is developing into an efficient scientific technique for tracing the movement of prehistoric humans and animals. Determining the local bioavailable 87Sr/86Sr ratio range is the key to distinguishing whether the human or animal is indigenous to the local area. It has been shown that the 87Sr/86Sr ratio in the enamel of pigs can be an excellent sample to determine the range of local strontium isotope ratio at the site. However, pigs may not be all local at the site, and there is no special study on whether pigs’ different ages and tooth types impact the local strontium isotope characteristics. In this paper, the tooth enamel of 19 pigs from the Zaoshugounao site for strontium isotope ratio (87Sr/86Sr) by multicollector–inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. There were no significant differences in 87Sr/86Sr ratios of local pigs at different months and different molar types, which did not affect the determination of the local strontium isotope standard. Based on the local strontium isotope ratio range (0.711056–0.711476), we found that five pigs were non-local. The Jing and Wei river basins (in Guanzhong basin) and northern Shaanxi are likely sources of non-pigs.  相似文献   
本研究对东下冯遗址出土的17件第三期冶金遗物进行了金相和扫描电子显微镜-能谱分析。其中1件附渣冰铜块的检测表明该遗址的铜有独立于锡、铅料的来源。熔铜渣及铜块的分析表明第三期时已经使用锡青铜,同时还有铅青铜、铅锡青铜、砷铜等合金种类的应用。青铜合金通过向红铜中添加锡、铅物料(可能含砷)得到,与二里头等遗址类似。  相似文献   
黄林纳 《中原文物》2012,(2):104-108
2011年12月21~23日由河南博物与台北历史博物馆共同举办的"海峡两岸——中原两周列国考古与文化研讨会"在河南郑州开幕,来自海峡两岸各地的学者参加此次会议。会议总结了两岸学者对辉县琉璃阁甲乙墓的研究成果,回顾了近十多年来两周考古的新发现,讨论了学术界目前关于两周考古的热点问题。此次会议是两岸携手对甲乙墓研究的一个阶段性成果,同时也是对近十多年来两周考古的重要发现和研究成果的一个检阅和总结。  相似文献   
在植物对土遗址作用的研究中,鲜有就真实的遗址来展开调查,以及讨论植物给土遗址带来的负作用及其机理。为此,本研究选取西安地区大型土遗址秦阿房宫为研究对象,利用现场调查结合样带法、图像分析法并采集土样,开展对遗址区植物分布、根系产生的裂隙和土壤环境的研究。结果表明:造成土遗址病害现象的主要原因为植物根系作用,加之雨蚀、风化作用及人为破坏的叠加作用,使遗址保存面临严重威胁;其中酸枣、臭椿等萌生树种所产生的根劈裂隙及植物根系对土壤环境的影响十分明显。现存土遗址由植物以及风雨作用而引发的主要病害,其类型包含了边缘夯土的基础掏蚀、洞穴遗存、开裂坍塌、冲沟发育、表面剥蚀,这些是阿房宫遗址面临的主要威胁,也是半干旱地区土遗址存在的特有问题。研究结果既有助于揭示植被对土遗址的作用机理,又能为土遗址保护的植物选择提供理论依据和技术支撑。  相似文献   
Methods of soil P analysis in archaeology   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Phosphorus (P) is unique among the elements in being a sensitive and persistent indicator of human activity. It has long been of interest to archaeologists because of its potential to inform them about the presence of past human occupation and to offer clues regarding the type and intensity of human activity. A wide variety of methods have been developed in both soil science and in archaeology to extract and measure soil P, resulting in a tremendous amount of data and a wide array of interpretations, but also considerable confusion over appropriateness of methods and terminology. The primary purpose of this paper is to address these issues by clarifying soil P analyses. Anthropogenic additions of phosphorus to the soil come from human refuse and waste, burials, the products of animal husbandry in barns, pens, and on livestock paths, or intentional enrichment from soil fertilizer. Once added to the soil, phosphorus in its common form as phosphate is stable and generally immobile in soils. Soil P comes in many forms, organized for the purposes of this paper on the basis of extraction and measurement procedures as (1) extraction for available P (Pav); (2) portable field techniques (the spot test or ring test); (3) chemical digestion of a soil sample for total P (Ptot); (4) extractions of inorganic P (Pin) for fractionation studies and extractions to look at individual compounds of P; (5) measurements of organic P (Porg); and (6) extractions for total elemental analysis. To compare the suitability of various extractants as the “best” indicator of human input and activity we subjected samples from three very different archaeological sites (Lubbock Lake, TX; Hulburt Creek, IA; British Camp, WA) to four methods of soil P extraction: perchloric acid digestion (Ptot), sulfuric–nitric acid extraction Ptot), hydrochloric acid extraction after ignition (Pin), and citric acid extraction (Pav). Further, methods of measurement were compared via colorimetry vs. Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) spectrometry, and the two methods of supposed “total P” were both measured via ICP. In general, the stronger extractants yielded more soil P, but the result are not clear-cut. Likely variables include the intensity of occupation, nature of the parent material, and postdepositional weathering (e.g., the addition of dust).  相似文献   
采用显微观察、X射线衍射物相分析和X射线荧光光谱成分测试等手段,对湖北省巴东县雷家坪遗址六朝时期墓葬出土的若干精美“珠饰”进行了观察和分析,阐述了它们的特征,确定其材质;并与其他遗址出土不同时期的玻璃制品进行比较,发现其配方和我国西周至汉代玻璃,以及西方传统玻璃差别甚大。结合考古背景资料分析,这批珠饰很有可能是我国古代工匠在原有玻璃技术基础上,借鉴和吸收了外来玻璃的制造技术,在中国境内自行烧制的。  相似文献   
王仁湘 《中原文物》2007,4(3):38-45
考古所见我国史前玉人的冠式多为纵梁冠。这种冠式在长江、黄河中下游晚期新石器时代文化的玉件上经常出现,体现着某种神格,是史前人格化神灵的一种标准冠式。  相似文献   
In Guatemala local perspectives on heritage often remain unheard. In this paper a case study is presented to show the complex relationship between the highland site of Iximche’ and Tecpán, an Indigenous community nearby. Although Iximche’ is of little importance to the local economy, its significance is derived from its role as a field for different kinds of social and religious interactions. Traces of a spiritual relationship to this place can be dated back to the colonial period and today Maya from all over Guatemala go there to perform ceremonies. The place has also become a focal point of identity constructions for locals, Pan Mayan activists and the nation itself. The ruins of Iximche’ play an important role in the construction of collective memory which also includes ideas coming from external players such as Christian churches, the national government, Mayan activists, and archaeologists as well.  相似文献   
河南巩义市黄冶窑址发掘简报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2002~2004年,河南省文物考古研究所、中国文物研究所等单位联合对巩义市黄冶窑址进行了四次发掘,发掘面积2429平方米,发现窑炉10座、作坊5处和淘洗池、澄泥池等遗迹。出土瓷器、三彩、白釉绿彩器皿和各类窑具等遗物3000多件,为了解黄冶窑的文化面貌提供了丰富的实物资料。  相似文献   
重庆市云阳乔家院子遗址是三峡库区需要抢救发掘的重要遗址之一。本着重报道了该遗址第四次发掘的唐宋时期遗存,其中以唐代瓷器和建筑材料为主。特别是瓷器,其形制与釉色兼具当地和北方地区特色,既反映了当时该地区的制瓷水平,也反映出大一统化面貌下的地区化交流。大量的唐代遗存证明,乔家院子遗址在这个时期是一个较大村落,对于当时的村镇聚落考古研究有非常重要的意义。  相似文献   
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