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2003年12月贵州人民出版社出版发行的《辛亥革命老人刘莘园遗稿》,其中《联语十则》之第八则有“功在定黔,罪在定黔,乱世为人真不易;朝言革命,暮言革命,先生结局竞如斯”这样一副挽联,根据有关文史资料所述,结合《遗稿》中的作者观点,以及联语中的错字来分析,可知该挽联并非刘莘园作品。  相似文献   
沈寂 《安徽史学》2012,(3):5-12
章太炎与端方关系的这桩公案,在同盟会时期是件大事,它涉及同盟会与光复会的分裂,对章太炎本人来说,也至关重要。本文试图将该案的始末作全面梳理,以揭示当时革命党人之间的派系纷争和章太炎的固执派性。  相似文献   
程义 《史学月刊》2006,(4):26-30
刘文静被杀是初唐政治中的一件大事,由于史官对武德朝历史多有篡改,因此旧史对这一事件的记载非常含混。刘文静作为李世民集团的核心人物,他的被杀是李世民集团与李建成集团斗争即将公开化的标志,以后所发生的重大事件,如玄武门之变等,均和此事有一定的联系。武德朝的党争从刘文静被杀逐渐开始,至贞观三年裴寂罢卒结束。两党的斗争只是为了拥立谁为未来的皇帝,没有阶级本质的不同。  相似文献   
19世纪末20世纪初,欧美乃至日本的企业界普遍发生了同业合并的浪潮.中国近代企业家及其他有识之士鉴于国外同业联合企业之强大势力,呼吁中国近代企业同业合并,其中最具有强烈同业合并意识并将之成功付诸实践的企业家便是刘鸿生.他在国际火柴托拉斯瑞典火柴公司摧毁性竞争之下,极力促成江浙实力最强的三家火柴公司合并,成立大中华火柴公司.在合并过程中采用董事会制度和分科集权制,克服了一般公司合并中治理权力的分配及管理集中的难题,最终使该公司发展成为全国范围的庞大的火柴托拉斯组织.  相似文献   
刘孝标<世说注>的撰著时间问题,目前学术界尚无定论.已有的一些观点都存在着很大的问题.本文从刘孝标为<世说新语>作注所需要的条件出发,结合其生平经历,并综合运用各种材料,得出了关于这一问题的最新结论:刘孝标<世说注>的撰著时间当在梁武帝天监十五年(516)至普通二年(521)之间.  相似文献   
This article takes three famous historians writing about historians and history-writing as its subject, considering Fan Ye’s work in light of Liu Zhiji’s understanding of history and Fan Ye’s writing on Ban Gu. It seeks to discover in Liu Zhiji’s work the principles for writing a guoshi 國史 (court history), reading Liu Zhiji’s principles in relation to Liu’s assessment of Fan Ye’s Hou Hanshu (History of the Later Han) in general, and, it provides, more particularly as a case study, a study of Fan Ye’s treatment of the earlier historian Ban Gu, author of the Hanshu (History of Han). The article builds the cases that Liu Zhiji and Fan Ye are model historians, insofar as they were responsible for supplying plausible accounts of the past based on the evidence available to them. Liu Zhiji’s metahistorical rules and Fan Ye’s biography of Ban Gu serve in the article as examples in this regard. The article presumes that the historians’ experiences in their own lifetimes inevitably shaped both the style and content of their works, as no “objective” or “scientific” account of history is possible. The good historian instead holds himself accountable for the judgments rendered. So although modern historians of China today may well prefer the rhetorical style of one of the three early historians to that of the others, moderns would do well to ponder, and in some cases emulate features of the early histories under review here.  相似文献   
汤显祖与哈姆莱特是同时代中西戏剧领域的大家,《牡丹亭》和《哈姆莱特》是他们的重要剧作。作品中都出现了魂,虽一个是为爱情的美女魂,一个是为政治的先王魂,但他们都由作品中主人公心灵深处而化。如果说杜丽娘的魂是“至情”而化,那么,老哈姆菜特的魂便是“至仇”而化。  相似文献   
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