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明清时期,广东的海防部署依据不同的区域划分呈现出循序渐进的"分路"特征,即从元末三路分防的萌芽,到明中叶的全面成型,再到清代四路甚至五路的发展。关于广东海防分路的时间,本文认为早在元末已经出现,当时中路的虎头门、南头澳等地均是重要的海防要塞,明初的广东海防从无备到有备,实际上借鉴了元末的海防实践,而对于肇庆府在明清两代并不归属中路海防区域,本文也明确提出自己的看法。从元末到清末,广东海防分路的漫长发展演变不仅是海防部署工作的细化,更体现了明清两代区域海防工作责任的日益繁重。  相似文献   
Ancient building construction wood preserved in a peat bog below the seafloor in a shallow mangrove lagoon in Paynes Creek National Park, Belize, provides an exceptional record of Classic Maya wood use. Identifications of construction wood at Early Classic Chan B'i, and Late Classic Atz'aam Na, are reported and discussed to assess forest exploitation and species selection over time. Black mangrove (Avicennia germinans) dominates the Early Classic assemblage. The Late Classic assemblage is characterized by greater variability and an absence of mangrove species. When considered in the environmental context, identified species conform to principles of optimal foraging. The change in the wood assemblage over time suggests overexploitation of forest resources, resulting in deforestation of the local landscape and subsequent adaptation of foraging behavior. Deforestation is linked to the wider social context in which growing inland populations created demand for salt, putting greater pressure on the forest resources exploited by the Paynes Creek salt works for fuel and timber.  相似文献   
The availability of high‐resolution satellite imagery of Saudi Arabia on publicly available platforms such as Google Earth and Bing Maps has been transformational for archaeology. Within just a few years tens of thousands of sites previously unrecorded and scarcely known to the academic world have been mapped. Especially rich in sites are the successive lava fields (harret) stretching from southern Syria through Jordan and down the west coast of the Arabian Peninsula to Yemen, and characterised by the stone‐built structures known to the Bedouin as the ‘works of the old men’. Sites now being revealed include many types familiar from previous research in the wider region but also others of a form previously unknown. ‘Gates’ are one such type, found in large numbers in and around the Harret Khaybar in west‐central Saudi Arabia. They are stone‐built, the walls roughly made and low as with other ‘works’, but quite unlike them in form. Identification, mapping, and preliminary interpretation imply an early date in the sequence of the works—perhaps the very earliest—but no obvious explanation of their purpose can be discerned. Fieldwork is a desideratum.  相似文献   
本文主要介绍了杨廷理的生平事迹和著述及在清代台湾历史上作出的杰出贡献。  相似文献   
论两宋馆阁之校勘史书   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
两宋馆阁校勘史书有 2 1次 ,使宋代史书校勘在计划性等八个方面显示出特色来 ;宋代史书校勘在我国校勘学史上有重要地位 ,宋代学术思潮与史书校勘有密切的关系。  相似文献   
秋瑾研究专家郭长海先生的《秋瑾全集笺注》是一部秋瑾研究领域里的最新成果,是目前所见秋瑾研究中收录最全、注释最详、笺解最精的版本。本书对秋瑾作品的每个篇章都作了校对,写有标记。并加有详细的注释。这是其它有关研究秋瑾著作无法比拟的。  相似文献   
戴表元是宋末元初的一位重要作家,然其去世后其诗文著述多有散佚。明初宋濂最早序刻《剡源集》二十八卷,但此刻本不久便湮没不闻。今天所能见到的最早刻本为明代周仪、戴询所刻《剡源集》三十卷。清代,戴表元著述亦倍受重视,并有多种刻本及抄本流传,而且,清人对戴表元诗文的辑佚亦收获颇丰。然而,凡此种种仍不能尽展表元著述的全貌。  相似文献   
The centenary of the Easter Rising in 2016 and the 150th anniversary of James Connolly’s birth in 2018 afford an ideal opportunity to reappraise this unique figure. Rightly renowned for his polemical journalism and political theory, Connolly is less celebrated for his creative writing. His 1916 play, Under Which Flag?, long considered lost, resurfaced fifty years ago without causing significant ripples in Irish literary circles, but interest in Connolly’s role in the struggle for Irish independence continues to grow, and critics are becoming increasingly aware of the fusion of feminist and socialist thought that shaped his particular anti-imperialist agenda. In this context his creative writing takes on new significance. A second lost play of Connolly’s, The Agitator’s Wife, has never been found, but its discovery would surely deepen our understanding of this gifted radical thinker. In this essay we suggest that an anonymous short story bearing that very title, published in a short-lived Christian socialist journal of the 1890s, may be a crucial missing piece in solving the puzzle of Connolly’s forgotten drama.  相似文献   
This article presents an overview of the Hemerdon China Clay Works, 6 miles north-east of Plymouth (Devon), active from c.1860 to 1942. Based on research commissioned in advance of an extension to Headon West Quarry, it describes the development of the clay works and the methods of clay extraction and processing. Archaeological survey recorded a broad range of structures, features, earthworks and artefacts. They included the remains of an engine house of c.1907, two large masonry bases (probably associated with the flat rod system that transferred power from the engine) and a rocker beam. The article also describes a group of mica drags and settling tanks built c.1907. Combining this evidence with that gleaned from documentary sources, notably the large-scale Ordnance Survey mapping, an exceptionally detailed narrative has been constructed of the work's development through time. It has a relevance beyond the particular, and will help the future interpretation and management of the china clay extraction sites that are so characteristic of the region.  相似文献   

This article examines the gap between the public discourse favoured by right holders and politicians for strict copyright enforcement and industry practice where infringement is tolerated and sometimes even facilitated by the same right holders. Drawing on the Japanese contents sector surrounding Manga, Anime and video games, the interaction between strict copyright provisions, positive and negative market impact and broader considerations such as reputation and pay-offs are contextualised. It is demonstrated that right holders do not see infringing behaviour as such as a cause of action nor does it dominate how right holders want users to interact with their products. Instead, it is the wider context which determines if copyright will be enforced or not. Based on an analysis of copyright law, stakeholder interviews and observations at industry and stakeholder events, this paper clarifies where right holders draw the line between a pirate and a fan, especially the limited influence copyright law has in practice.  相似文献   
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