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本文以清代内务府造办处档案为主,结合画史中的有关记载,叙述宫廷画家唐岱和张雨森的关系,并由此探讨“四王”绘画风格对于宫廷山水画的影响,从一个侧面揭示了“四王”绘画及其画派成为清代画坛“正统派”的缘由。  相似文献   
《粱书》和《南史》的刘勰本传关于刘勰的集有不同的记载。刘勰有无集,本认为,如《梁书》所记载的,刘勰在当时有“集行于世”。但刘勰的集在隋时已亡佚,故《南史》就没有予以记载。刘勰的集,除《心雕龙》和现存的两篇章以外,其余主要是有关佛教方面的内容。此外,本还研究了《刘子》一书的作问题,此书历来有认为是刘勰所撰,但其实应为北齐的刘昼,而非刘勰。  相似文献   
谭宝刚 《史学月刊》2007,(7):102-109
《太一生水》自面世以来就引起学界的广泛关注。近十年来国内学者对该文本的研究主要集中在以下几个方面:(一)文本的作者、时代和学派属性;(二)对太一、神明等重要哲学概念的诠释;(三)水在宇宙生成中的地位和作用;(四)宇宙生成图式的描绘;(五)该文本与《老子》的关系;(六)该文本性质是宗教神话论还是自然哲学说。目前的研究既取得很大成绩,也出现不少谬误。而在今后的工作中,探索文本的思想主旨以及从天道环周论来探讨《太一生水》和帛书《黄帝四经》之间的关联是我们研究《太一生水》的新课题。  相似文献   
通过考察耶律楚材几篇诗文的内容和背景,可以证明,《湛然居士文集》收录了耶律楚材1236年以后的作品,学术界公认的“公元一二三六年以后耶律楚材的诗文今已不存”的说法是不正确的。  相似文献   
乾隆敇修《四库全书》,从乾隆三十七年(1772)起在全国范围内征集图书到乾隆五十八年(1793)十月二十四日禁书运动基本结束,在这过程中,有36种闽人著述被《四库全书总目》列入“存目”,同时亦被列入“禁毁”。本文截取其中12种明代闽人著述,叙其要略及其被禁毁缘由。  相似文献   
This paper revisits the debate concerning the legal provisions of the artist’s resale right with the aim of providing some new perspectives. Using recently released empirical studies, the paper argues that while resale right payments may be concentrated on established artists in value terms, small amounts will be paid to a large number of relatively unknown artists, particularly in the European market where lower value transactions are large in number. By drawing on the non‐economic literature on pricing art in the primary art market, the paper suggests the rationales of the resale right, often seen as invalid in the past, may actually be valid. Art dealers will be faced with complex economic impacts as the resale right is legislated.  相似文献   

Weak soils like unconsolidated clay and peat may deform and compress considerably by loading, for example, by sand bodies for roads and railways. Archaeological sites within such easily compressible soil layers may therefore be heavily affected by different kinds of construction works. The vulnerability of archaeological sites to compression is largely dependent on soil properties like lithology, grain-size, and previous loading history. This may therefore differ considerably. Predicting the compression sensitivity is of great value for planners, since they can estimate in which areas in situ protection of archaeological sites may be feasible and where it would require (costly) technical measures or plan adaptations.

As part of the Cultural Heritage Agency’s research programme on construction and archaeology, we prepared predictive maps of the compression sensitivity of the subsurface sediments in the Netherlands for 1 m depth intervals from 0 to 20 m depth.

The maps were constructed using a full 3-D model of the subsurface of the Netherlands.

In combination with the Indicative Map of Archaeological Values (IKAW) that is already available, these maps can be used to better estimate the technical measures needed and costs involved for in situ protection of archaeological sites in the planning phase of construction projects.  相似文献   
本是以传统训诂学的方式对上海占籍出版社新近出版的《上海博物馆藏(战国楚竹书(一).孔子诗沦)》第1—5简简的逐句训解。训解中,在求其通的同时,对《诗论》的作以及一些重要字、句的含义提出了新的看法,力求尽可能发覆《诗论》真意。  相似文献   
<新唐书>、<旧五代史>、<宋史>、<金史>、<元史>、<明史>、<清史稿>七部史书,皆有<选举志>,对于研究我国从隋朝以后确立的科举制度以及相应的学校教育、选官制度等,参考价值颇高.笔者做<七史选举志校注>,均以中华书局整理本为底本,并参考今人诸多成果,受益匪浅,但也发现中华整理本存在标点与校勘方面的一些问题,特列出商斠,以就正于专家学者.  相似文献   
目前,关于祝允明著述的考辨还存在以下问题:一、著述实同名异或者内容存在交叠、包含问题,需要说明;二、部分著述归属问题有待商榷;三、著述考辨的完整性问题,就某单个考证结果而言,仍存在或误增或遗漏等问题.本文拟就以上问题作一些修正和补充,以对祝氏著述作一个整体的考辨.  相似文献   
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