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安程  吕宁 《文博》2021,(1):97-103
目前国内石窟监测实践在数据采集和存储上已取得较多突破,但在体系化、合理化数据利用上仍存在短板,海量数据受限于劣化机理定量化溯源预测、预防性保护普适性环境参数阈值等研究基础尚不成熟,较难发挥指导、辅助当下保护实践的时效作用。本文依托四川广元千佛崖案例,研究基于常态条件的监测数据实时分级预警体系构建方法,并进行初步应用,探索了一种具有一定推广性并可与保护措施设计、完善、评估以及遗产地管理有机结合的监测预警技术路线。  相似文献   
Recent work about the life and thought of the republican Algernon Sidney (1623–1683) has emphasised the formative importance of the history, intellectual culture and personal matrix of the Sidney family. This essay underlines the richness of that context by casting new light on a series of key, previously undiscussed themes. These include Sidney’s lifelong relationship with the diplomat Sir William Temple and his family; the origin of his pioneering contribution to restoration resistance theory in an argument with Henry Hammond, one-time rector at Penshurst Place; the extent to which the European diplomatic contest which helped determine England’s political direction between 1679 and 1689 may be understood as a squabble between siblings; and the domestic and family circumstances attending Algernon’s arrest and execution for treason in 1683.  相似文献   
为揭示大同辽代华严寺彩绘泥塑颜料及胶结剂的化学成分及调制应用组合,对华严寺薄伽教藏殿内的典型颜料层样品进行了综合剖析。利用超景深显微镜、扫描电镜-X射线能谱、显微拉曼光谱等对彩绘样品中的颜料部分展开分析。结果表明,红色颜料主要是铅丹(Pb3O4)和朱砂(HgS),绿色颜料主要是孔雀石[Cu2CO3(OH)2]和氯铜矿[Cu2(OH)3Cl],而且这两种颜色存在着同色系的两种颜料混和使用的情况。蓝色颜料则为蓝铜矿[Cu3(CO3)2(OH)2],黄色颜料为雌黄(As2S3),金色区域则主要是由金(Au)构成;采用红外光谱和甲基衍生化-热裂解-气相色谱串联质谱技术对彩绘样品中的胶结剂成分进行检测。结果表明,金色区域的胶结剂主要是熟桐油和胶蛋白,说明其中存在着“金胶油”的传统贴金工艺;而其他红、绿、蓝、黄等彩色...  相似文献   
《金陵长干寺真身塔藏舍利石函记》碑铭2008年出土于南京大报恩寺遗址宋代塔基地宫中。碑铭刻写俱佳,保存完好,对于研究长干寺的历史沿革和宋初修造长干寺真身塔的详细情况,皆具有重要的史学价值。出土的佛顶骨舍利为北宋译经僧施护所献,长干寺地宫独特的形制受六朝时期地宫形制的影响;用阿育王塔瘗藏舍利的形式,显受五代吴越国影响颇深。  相似文献   
<正>法门寺地宫出土文物中被定名为"捧真身菩萨"的鎏金银造像,不仅是造型传神的宗教宝物,也是精美绝伦的艺术珍品,学术界一直认为这件文物是佛教宗教仪式中最具典型的代表作,甚至  相似文献   
旗杆在中国历史悠久,最初多为竹、木、石制,宋元时期,金属旗杆得到广泛应用,清代铁制旗杆开始大量出现。据统计,现存古代铁旗杆49对,主要分布在陕西、河南、山西、甘肃等省。铁旗杆的铸造经历了三个阶段,初期规模较小、结构简单;中期高大雄伟、结构巧妙、工艺精良;晚期虽然也较精细,但规模已大不如前。铁旗杆的产生根源于我国的信仰文化,是清代铸造业发展的结果,同时也与清代商业的发达密切相关。  相似文献   
none 《巴勒斯坦考察季》2013,145(3):231-232

In 1858, the Italian Ermete Pierotti, a former Captain in the Corps of Royal Piedmontese Army Engineers, was appointed architect and engineer of Jerusalem by the Ottoman governor. This gave him the opportunity to explore various places in the city, including the Haram al-Sharif (Temple Mount), something which hardly any non-Muslims had done at the time. In 1864, Pierotti published in London a book entitled Jerusalem Explored. His theories, admittedly not presented in a scholarly way, differed widely from those of eminent representatives of the current Victorian establishment, who launched a violent attack against him, first for an alleged breach of copyright, and then by making public a document revealing some embarrassing aspects of his years in the Piedmontese army. Pierotti was thereby compromised and lost all credibility in the eyes of the British public. Morally broken and nearly destitute, Pierotti never recovered from this blow. The article attempts to identify some of the motivations that guided Pierotti through his adventurous life.  相似文献   
许檀 《史学月刊》2005,(6):93-100,128
朱仙镇是清代著名商镇之一。其兴起约在明代中后期,康熙、雍正年间迅速发展,乾隆年间达到鼎盛,全镇商人商号数量超过千家。在该镇汇集的商品除相当部分供应省城开封之外,流通范围大致可覆盖河南北部的开封、归德、彰德、卫辉等府。  相似文献   
李昌祺“董役长干寺”的特殊经历,凝结成为其内心隐秘的佛教情结。《剪灯余话》中不仅流露出强烈的崇佛思想,而且还抒发了人生的苦闷;寺庙叙事是《剪灯余话》鲜明的艺术特征。  相似文献   
1992年福建长乐漳港镇仙岐村显应宫出土5组神像。位于前殿右侧神台上的一组彩塑,民间传说名“巡海大臣(神)”。自出土以来,就有这组塑像是郑和一说,但一直没有研究确认,也没有研究者阐述它产生的历史年代和背景。作者从明朝衣冠制度出发,主要依据5种历史文献(图文)记载加以初步考察,认定主塑像就是郑和;同时又从塑像形象入手,进一步全面分析和论证塑像即郑和造像,是迄今为止国内首次发现,也是国内外造像时间最早的郑和塑像。  相似文献   
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