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Liang Bua is a limestone cave on the island of Flores, Indonesia. Palaeontological and archaeological excavations at this site have unearthed one of the best insular records of fossil bats to date. The assemblage is numerically dominated by the horseshoe bat species Rhinolophus euryotis, followed by the leafnosed bat Hipposideros diadema. In addition to these species, remains of Rhinolophus simplex, Hipposideros sp. cf. H. sumbae, Murina sp. aff. M. florium, Taphozous sp., Kerivoula sp. and Miniopterus sp. have also been recovered. Two taxa found in Liang Bua, Rhinolophus euryotis and Miniopterus sp., are not apparent in the modern bat fauna of Flores. Some specimens, found during the more recent excavations, are known from specific depths. Two age-groups are represented. The stratigraphically oldest is 74–61 ka and includes Murina sp. aff. M. florium and Rhinolophus euryotis. Conversely, the younger, Holocene, assemblage is much more diverse. Despite the relatively small amount of microbat material collected thus far, it displays a higher diversity than the rodents from the site. This is presumably related to the better dispersal ability of bats relative to other, non-volant mammals.  相似文献   
《梁公九谏》属于早期的讲史话本。文章对其版本及作序之人进行了辨析,并对其成书过程作了较为详细的考辨,认为现存《梁公九谏》是从张仁宜或郭元振的《九谏书》嫁接增饰而来的,并考查了之所以转嫁到狄仁杰身上的原因在于,张、郭二人与狄仁杰虽然同为唐代才兼文武的一代名相,但由于唐宋以来普遍地以返周归唐的功勋系于狄仁杰一身,狄仁杰在人民心目中的地位更为崇高,故民间艺人将张、郭二人的《九谏书》移植到他们所敬慕的狄梁公身上。  相似文献   
张羽  刘妮 《人文地理》2009,24(1):119
中国共产党在延安时期新闻传播事业所形成的纪念地、纪念物及其所承载的革命精神在红色旅游中具有重要地位。清凉山承载着中国革命战争和新闻传播事业的厚重历史,有着许许多多可歌可泣的动人故事。发展清凉山红色旅游,须建立"政府主导,各方参与、市场运作"机制,保持其核心竞争力;要以新闻传播行业及其高校为依托,开拓客源市场;活化清凉山红色旅游资源,强化游客精神体验等。  相似文献   
周文玖 《史学月刊》2002,(8):95-100,104
作为一门学科,中国史学史是在20世纪20年代提出的,至40年代初步形成。中国史学史这门学科产生的学术背景,与“史界革命”、文化史的兴起、通史与专史关系的认识等有密切的联系;梁启超、朱希祖、李大钊、何炳松、柳诒徵等人,对中国史学史学科的产生与形成有着开拓性的贡献。  相似文献   
1949年后留在大陆的现代新儒家与马克思主义之关系初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1949年后留在大陆的现代新儒家与马克思主义的关系大致可分为三种情况:一是以冯友兰、贺麟为代表,放弃了自己的新儒学思想,认同和接受了马克思主义,甚至加入了中国共产党(如贺麟);二是以梁漱溟为代表,在坚持自己新儒学的一些基本思想的基础上,也接受过马克思主义的影响,并对马克思主义(尤其是毛泽东思想)进行过利用和儒化;三是以熊十力、马一浮为代表,坚持自己的新儒学思想,基本上没有认同和接受马克思主义。  相似文献   
齐、梁朝藏书文化在王室政权及文化士人的倡导和实践下,与文史学互为动因,极大地推动了古代藏书事业的发展。在思想领域里,儒学、佛教、玄学三教援引并存,形成了多元的社会思潮格局,也为齐、梁朝藏书文化活动提供了良好的社会人文环境。  相似文献   
李翔翔 《旅游科学》2006,20(3):72-76
梁实秋是一名坚定的新人文主义者。其旅行观以“逃避论”、“枯寂论”为核心,将人生、人性、美食与旅行相结合,构建了独树一帜的新人文主义旅行观,促进了现代文人旅游思想史的演进。  相似文献   
胡蔚 《四川文物》2021,(2):82-89
现藏四川博物院的清道光拓西汉扬量买山记拓片,从内容与文字风格上证实了扬量买山石刻并非伪刻。通过比对以及对拓片上题跋的研究,可知四川博物院所藏3张拓片只有清道光拓西汉扬量买山记拓片为原石所拓,其余2件为不同版本的翻刻。通过原拓与其它汉碑相关文字进行比对,对部分文字进行了释读,考证出刻石之人姓名应为"扬量",厘清了历史上由于没有见到初拓本而造成的文字误读。  相似文献   

The English term republic and the Chinese term Gonghe (共和, “joint harmony”; i.e., “republic” in modern Chinese) stem from different conceptual origins and carry different connotations. When they first encountered the term republic, the intellectuals of China and Japan could only understand it by drawing on the political knowledge of Chinese antiquity. But soon after, two different concepts corresponding to the term republic emerged in the form of Chinese characters within the Chinese and Japanese linguistic environments—minzhu (民主, “people's rule”) and gonghe, which gradually shed their ancient Chinese significations. After its coining as an early modern political concept in the Japanese language, the term gonghe sporadically filtered into the Chinese linguistic context during the 1880s and 1890s. In 1898–1902, the concept of gonghe rapidly gained popularity in China, primarily due to its introduction by Liang Qichao (梁启超, 1873–1929) and other figures, with a clearly demarcated line separating the term from its ancient Chinese significance. As the concept of gonghe spread in China, it became embroiled in the contemporary tide of political reform, both influencing and being influenced by this trend. In the first decade of the 20th century, two competing interpretations of the term gonghe appeared. The moderates, represented by Liang Qichao, maintained that the evolution of the political system had a natural order; that their contemporary China did not yet have the conditions to adopt a republican system; and that it was necessary to first improve the citizens’ character, and cultivate the habits of self-governance among the people. The radicals, represented by Sun Yat-sen (孙中山, 1866–1925), held that China should overleap a constitutional monarchy, overthrow the Manchu emperor through violent revolution, and directly establish a republican form of government. The views of the radical party won discursive power, but their discussions and deliberations on the implications of a republic were clearly inadequate. Following the outbreak of the 1911 Revolution, a republican form of government was quickly established, but its functional results fell far short of people's expectations, causing the concept of a republic to be distrusted, criticized, and even shelved.  相似文献   
自南朝萧梁以来,建州弥广。这一状况的出现,与当时的疆土争夺、少数民族地区的开发和实际军政需要等密切相关。这一现象,推动了南朝州的等级制的极度发展。梁末社会变动剧烈,流民蔓延导致地方割据,使得南朝州的增置积重难返,陈朝无能改变,以致州、郡、县三级制走到了改革的边缘。  相似文献   
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