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This paper is the last in a series presenting geochemical analyses of fragments of bituminous mixtures excavated from archaeological sites in Kuwait. The first was devoted to bituminous boat remains from the Ubaid‐related Neolithic site of H3, As‐Sabiyah, while the second dealt with bituminous amalgams from the Partho‐Sasanian site of cAkkaz, a former island now joined to the south side of Kuwait Bay. This, the third, refers to bitumen‐bearing samples from two other islands, Failaka and Umm an‐Namel, and covers a time span including the Early Dilmun period, the Kassite period and the Hellenistic to Early Islamic periods. The composition of the bituminous amalgams was studied in detail. The proportions of soluble and insoluble organic matter as well as vegetal organic matter were evaluated. Mineralogical composition by X‐Ray diffraction and thin‐section analysis was used to estimate the mineral input in the bituminous mixtures. It can be confirmed that the recipes used in the preparation of these bituminous amalgams comply with those traditionally used in antiquity, as seen at many sites in Mesopotamia and the Gulf. Analysis of the soluble organic matter, and especially its ‘‘saturates’’ fraction, provided sterane and terpane distributions and the measurement of diagnostic molecular ratios. These data, complemented by the isotopic composition of asphaltenes, allowed the identification of the sources of the bitumen, by calibration with numerous references from Iran and northern Iraq (oil seeps, bitumen from archaeological sites). It was established that the bitumen from Failaka and Umm an‐Namel was mainly imported from central Iraq (Hit‐Abu Jir) and northern Iraq (around Mosul). One sample of oil‐stained sand, dating to the Early Dilmun period, originated from Burgan and thus documents small‐scale imports from inland Kuwait. These results, and those of previous analyses, agree with the geopolitical context of the Early Dilmun, Kassite and Hellenistic periods, and the maritime trade routes that linked Mesopotamia to the settlements of the Gulf and beyond. The paper concludes with an overview of recent bitumen provenance analyses, and discerns chronological patterns in the distribution of Iraqi and Iranian bitumen in the Gulf and Indian Ocean, from the Neolithic to the Islamic periods.  相似文献   
白瓷的出现是我国陶瓷历史上较为重要的技术突破,白瓷的烧制成功为后世青花瓷、彩绘瓷的繁荣奠定了重要基础,被誉为中国古陶瓷工艺发展史中的“第四里程碑”。因此,关于白瓷起源的问题就成为考古界和科技考古界关注的重要学术问题,而邢窑2012年考古发掘出土的北朝晚期窑炉和器物遗存自然成为研究白瓷起源的重要实物资料。本研究利用电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)和热电离质谱(TIMS)分析技术,对河北内丘城关服务楼窑址出土的北朝晚期至隋朝初期的早期瓷器样品胎釉原料进行分析,为邢窑早期瓷业的发展演变提供科学依据。结果表明邢窑早期瓷胎的微量元素统计模式明显可以分为两类,说明邢窑早期制瓷存在两种不同的胎料来源。邢窑陶工在开发早期白瓷这一新品种的过程中有意识地选择了一种有别于青瓷的更为优质的原料制胎,这种胎料中与锆石、锐钛矿等杂质赋存密切相关的V、Cr、Ni、Nb、Ta、Zr和Hf等微量元素含量普遍小于青瓷胎。锶(Sr)同位素混合模式分析表明,邢窑早期的大部分样品不符合草木灰配以胎料的制釉方式,应该是采用了草木灰混合其他制釉黏土。同时,早期白瓷釉与青瓷釉的锶同位素特征存在一定差异,说明在制作过程中邢窑陶工为...  相似文献   
Estimating sex ratios of fossil bone assemblages is an important step in the determination of demographic profiles, which are essential for understanding the palaeobiology and palaeoethology of any particular species, as well as its exploitation patterns by humans. This is especially true for ibex (Capra ibex), which was a main source of food for hominids during Pleistocene times. Classical methods for determining sexual dimorphism and sex ratio, such as analyses using uni‐ and bivariate plots, are based on an arbitrary fixing of limits between sexes. Here we use a more robust statistical method termed mixture analysis (MA) to determine the sex of postcranial remains (long bones, metapodials and tarsals) from ibex. For the first time, we apply MA to both a modern and a fossil sample of one species, by using metric data taken from (i) a collection of present‐day ibex skeletons and (ii) a Palaeolithic sample of the same species. Our results clearly show that the forelimb (humerus and radius) is more dimorphic than the hindlimb (femur and tibia) and is therefore better suited for sexing ibex. It also appears that metapodials should be used carefully for estimating sex ratios. On the basis of these results, we propose a classification of bone measurements that are more or less reliable for sexing ibex. The results of MA applied to the ibex fossil bones from the Upper Palaeolithic site of the Observatoire (Monaco) lead us to the conclusion that this assemblage consists of a majority of males. The quantitative estimations calculated by the MA make it possible to compare the size of Pleistocene and modern ibex for the whole set of variables used in this study. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
国际上对铅同位素示踪方法在青铜器原料产地研究中的应用做过很多探讨。《范铸》一文再次提出有关问题,认为铅同位素分析结果不能确切指示青铜器铜锡铅原料的来源信息。本文考察了其依据的实验数据,它们似乎与其观点互相矛盾,其结论说服力相当有限。  相似文献   
The first specialized copper industry of the Iberian Peninsula was developed at the start of the Third millennium BC with the appearance of mining-metallurgical settlements in its main mining district (the Pyrite Belt of the south-western). Between 2750 and 2500 BC, however, and right at the centre of the Guadalquivir Valley, the great farming settlements that ranked the territory developed a new level of metallurgic intensification with the creation of the first industrial quarters. As a way of explaining this new situation, we present the results of the systematic research (microspatial analysis; radiocarbon dating; petrologic, geochemical, metallographic and isotopic study of minerals, slag and products, …) carried out in one of them, the one developed in the main and largest political centre of the Guadalquivir Valley during the first half of the Third millennium BC: Valencina de la Concepción (Seville, Spain).  相似文献   
清乾隆朝督窑官唐英制定的《烧造瓷器则例章程册》,详细记述了烧造各种圆、琢瓷器制价的方法和标准,内大臣制定的《奏为议定烧造瓷器章程》规定了破损瓷器和解缴次色瓷器变价银的核销比例。两份章程组成一份完整的定例,于乾隆十二年十月初七日奏明遵行,成为朝廷核销烧造瓷器费用的依据,标志着景德镇御窑烧造经费核销制度的基本完善。  相似文献   
P. Alt-Epping  L. Smith 《Geofluids》2001,1(3):163-181
A method of calculating chemical water/rock ratios is presented that enables the estimation of fluid velocities in open, flow‐through hydrologic systems. The approach is based on relating the gain/loss of a chemical species per kilogram of solid phase to the loss/gain of that species in the fluid phase, integrated across a specified length of the flowpath. After examining the underlying approximations of the approach using a one‐dimensional model of seawater moving through a basalt under nonisothermal conditions, the method is applied to representative zones within a two‐dimensional hydrothermal convective system. The method requires that regions within the flow system can be identified in which the direction of flow is steady for an extended period of time. Estimates of fluid velocity are spatial and temporal averages for the length of the flowpath used in the calculation. The location within the flow system and the nature of the alteration reactions determine which species can provide reliable values of the chemical water/rock ratio and useful estimates of fluid velocities. Over the length of the flowpath considered, the calculation of water/rock ratios works best when a species is controlled by a single reaction. Accurate estimates are favoured if the concentration profile of a species along the flowpath increases or decreases monotonically. If the length of the flowpath extends over more than one reaction zone, then erroneous estimates of the water/rock ratio and fluid velocity are more likely. Model calculations suggest that the quartz/silica system should provide reliable estimates for fluid velocity under a wide range of temperature and flow conditions, in particular in those regions of a system at or near quartz equilibrium, so that the aqueous silica concentration is buffered by quartz and correlated with the temperature distribution.  相似文献   
The paper analyses tin bronze weaponry found at the first‐half‐of‐the‐seventh‐century‐BCE Urartian fortress in the Lake Van region of eastern Turkey. Examples of finely manufactured artefacts provide evidence for the consumption of high‐quality bronzes in a well‐defined elite context. This study tests for the presence or absence of long‐distance procurement of the raw materials used to produce status objects. The results of quantitative elemental and lead isotope abundance ratio analyses show that the bronzes were produced with varying copper tin alloys, and the copper was procured from several possible locations, including Anatolia and Cyprus.  相似文献   
Before amalgamating published isotope data, comparability should be demonstrated. This paper compares carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions of 30 enamel samples measured by two laboratories. The aims were to see what, if any, isotopic variation was observed, to determine the causes as needed and to correct if possible. Bioapatite was acidified at 90°C in 2006 and at 26°C in 2017, while δ values were corrected via one‐point normalization in 2006 and by two‐point normalization in 2017. One case (of the 30) produced different δ values between the analysis dates, suggesting contamination. Repeated carbon isotope ratio measurements were not meaningfully different. Repeated oxygen isotope ratio measurements were significantly different, even following correction for acid‐carbonate fractionation at different temperatures and the renormalization of 2017 δ values using one point; however, differences were not meaningful for interpretations. Results were used to calculate real interpretative differences (RIDs) for comparing enamel bioapatite as 0.6‰ for δ13C values and as 1.6‰ for δ18O values.  相似文献   
Ten Early Bronze Age (BzA1, 2200–2000 BC) copper artefacts from the central Valais region from Switzerland were studied for their elemental composition and lead isotope ratios. In order to answer the archaeological question of a local copper supply, a database for copper minerals across the Valais (Switzerland) has been established. This database contains 69 data on lead isotope ratios as well as additional information on the minerals and geochemical associations for copper minerals from 38 locations in the Valais. Comparisons of the artefacts were also made with data pertaining to minerals from various deposits from Europe and Anatolia taken from the literature. The provenance of the materials is very diverse. Some of the data are compatible with the data from the copper mineral deposits of the Valais region. Moreover, three copper lunulae were identified as possibly Tuscan, which suggests contacts between Italy and the Valais region. This pattern also establishes a multiplicity of provenances for the metal and cultural influences in the Alpine environment of the Rhone Valley of Switzerland at the beginning of the Early Bronze Age.  相似文献   
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