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2002年前后,中国财税博物馆征集入藏一套4件春秋晚期的编镈,其中一件钲部有清晰的滕侯赇之歌钟6字铭文,揭示了一个史料无载的滕国国君名,填补了滕国历史研究中的一个空白。这组青铜镈器形规整,铸造精良,但没有调音结构,可能是为滕侯赇下葬专门铸造的。  相似文献   
A growing recognition of the vital role that built space plays in social reproduction has created a need for analytical methods and interpretive frameworks with which to investigate this relationship in archaeological datasets. I address this by developing an integrative approach that emphasizes the role of the built environment as the context for interactions through which social structures are created, transformed and reproduced. This approach uses access analysis to examine how buildings structure patterns of movement and encounter that allow social actors to engage in or avoid particular forms of interaction. With its focus on the topological properties of built space, however, access analysis does not take adequate account of a building’s symbolic aspects, especially architectural characteristics and furnishings that social actors mobilize in the creation of meaningful contexts for interaction. I therefore integrate access analysis with an examination of how built environments encode meanings and nonverbally communicate them to inhabitants and visitors, potentially influencing their actions and interactions. The integrative approach allows determination of probable contexts for various types of social interactions during which social identities could be displayed, negotiated and reified. I conclude by demonstrating the potential of this approach with an analysis of the monumental Ashlar Building from the Late Bronze Age (c. 1650–1100 BC) site of Enkomi, Cyprus.  相似文献   
The origins of raw glass used to fashion Mycenaean beads were explored using trace elements analyzed by laser ablation ICP-TOFMS. The use of this minimally destructive technique for the in-situ analysis of these beads was ideal given that the material is exceedingly rare and thus too sensitive to make use of traditional micro-sampling (e.g., by scalpel). A wide range of trace elements were measured to compare these Greek glasses to other Late Bronze Age glass coming from Egypt and Mesopotamia. Of the eleven beads analyzed, four blue glasses colored with cobalt and two blue/green glasses colored with copper have trace element compositions consistent with an Egyptian origin of manufacture. The other five of the glasses, all colored with copper, were found to conform to the composition of Mesopotamian glass. These data are the first to demonstrate direct and clear evidence for the trade of raw glass to the Mycenaean states.  相似文献   
The bearded vulture (Gypaetus barbatus), a bird or prey that mainly feeds on bones of large mammal carcasses, has been recently evidenced as an accumulating agent with significant contributions to palaeontological assemblages in caves and shelters, but extremely rare at archaeological sites. The results of the taphonomic analyses carried out in the Upper Palaeolithic layers of El Mirón Cave (Cantabrian Spain), which are presented here, evidence the existence of special digestive marks and a typical skeletal pattern in a noticeable amount of small and medium-sized ungulates bones. This fact suggest that a representative part of the bone assemblage has been caused by bearded vultures, and strengthens the idea that this bird has to be definitely included among other potential non-human accumulators in archaeological sites.  相似文献   
Between 1985 and 2007 overall nineteen human skulls dating to the Late Neolithic period were recovered at Kö?k Höyük, which lies within the borders of Bor, a district of the Ni?de Province in Central Anatolia. One of these skulls belongs to a child and the remainder to adult males and females. The plastered skulls may have been laid on or wrapped in mats and exposed either singly or in groups on a plaster surface inside the house. Among thirteen of these skulls the mouths, noses, eyes and ears were depicted with clay and painted with red ochre, while the remaining six were untreated. Two headless skeletons were also found in situ underneath the floor inside the house. One of these skeletons belongs to a child aged approximately 15–16 years old and the other belongs to an adult female. The modeled human skulls were encountered in the second and third cultural levels of the Late Neolithic period indicating that this characteristic mortuary practice lasted for quite a long time and likely disappeared by the Chalcolithic at Kö?k Höyük.  相似文献   
In a series of recent studies, changes in material culture and settlement pattern in the Late Glacial of Northern Europe have been linked to the eruption of the Laacher See volcano. This eruption occurred c. 13,000 years ago towards the end of the Allerød chronozone. It is argued that the tephra fall-out from this eruption set in motion significant demographic fluctuations along the northern periphery of Late Glacial human settlement and that these led to a number of material culture transformations. In particular, the emergence of the regionally distinct techno-complexes with large tanged points – the Bromme culture in southern Scandinavia and the Perstunian culture in northeastern Europe – and the temporary abandonment of central European regions are thought to relate to this eruption. While numerous archaeological datasets are in accord with this ‘Laacher See hypothesis’, the forcing mechanism or mechanisms that brought about these archaeologically visible changes have remained largely unexplored. A particular challenge is to explain how some of the culture-historical effects of the Laacher See eruption seem to change or become more pronounced with distance from the eruptive centre. We here investigate one potential middle-range link between the Laacher See eruption and Late Glacial fauna and foragers: tephra as dental abrasive. We use instrumented nanoindentation to quantitatively investigate tephra from a number of sites covering the medial and distal fall-out zones as well as the dental enamel of Homo sapiens and key prey species of Late Glacial foragers. Our results show that the Laacher See tephra contained particles roughly twice as hard as even the hardest portions of any of the teeth investigated. We also suggest that fluoride-induced weakening of dental enamel may have further aggravated tooth wear. These mechanisms may have acted in concert to produce elevated levels of, in particular, animal mortality, which in turn may have led to an abandonment of the affected landscapes.  相似文献   
Radiocarbon dates on marine shells have not been used as extensively as charcoal or bone dates for the setting up of absolute chronologies because interpreting these dates is complicated by the marine radiocarbon reservoir effect. Nevertheless marine shellfish were used widely at least during the Holocene and their shells are abundant and usually well preserved in archaeological deposits located near shorelines. Consequently prior research concerning the oceanographic conditions and the marine radiocarbon reservoir effect of a particular coastal area is needed in order to set up reliable chronologies for that region. Values of regional marine radiocarbon reservoir effect – ΔR – of coastal waters off Atlantic Iberia, some of its variability along the Holocene and its correlation with the upwelling phenomenon were determined during previous research. More data related to the ΔR values for western Portuguese coastal waters during the Late Neolithic and the Chalcolithic, a time interval badly sampled in previous research, were recently obtained. These values can be compared with ΔR values already determined for the Gulf of Cadiz. Besides the importance of these values for a better knowledge of the palaeoceanography and palaeoclimatology of Atlantic Iberia, from now on archaeologists can set up reliable chronologies for Late Neolithic and Chalcolithic contexts using marine shell samples of that origin for radiocarbon dating.  相似文献   
本文目的介绍了哥本哈根彩绘网络(CPN)各学科间的结构,成立于2004年,调查和记录哥本哈根纽约嘉士伯希腊和罗马大型和重要的彩绘雕塑收集。2004年至2008年,哥本哈根彩绘网络实施了小规模的试验计划。本文介绍了一个试点项目的研究,是关于一个阁楼古典女性的大理石头像。所采用的方法解释了一些细节,主要是关于2008至2011年哥本哈根彩绘网络之后的项目。获得的数据可以从保护科学、自然科学和古典考古学的角度解释。这篇文章接着介绍了哥本哈根彩绘网络主要项目,概述其目标、方法和组织。工作空间中描述了建立画廊可视检查方法。这个空间变得活跃,并在2009年1月的文章中提出了一个第一次初步研究报告,570B.C.E阁楼陈旧的石灰岩狮身人面像。  相似文献   
在15世纪的意大利,人们发现了大量的古代雕塑遗存,基本上都是大理石雕塑残片。出于对大理石的迷恋、对雕刻工艺的欣赏、对人体雕塑生动表现的着迷,当时的贵族热衷于收集这些残片并试图拼对与重建这些残破的雕塑。但是几乎没有发现任何颜色的残存,他们甚至不会去探究彩绘他们更赞赏大理石洁白无瑕的表面。19世纪早期,建筑学家们考察了西西里一些古代庙宇的彩绘残存,随后有关一些著名希腊神庙(如帕台农神庙)彩绘的重构工作在全欧洲引发了热烈的讨论。但是对于这些雕塑涂施彩绘的强烈质疑声一直持续到十九世纪八十年代,直到雅典卫城发掘工作的开展才证实了古代大理石雕塑彩绘的事实。出土时,很多破碎的雕塑残片上都残存有鲜亮的彩绘,但通常在出土几个小时后就由于干燥而剥落了,只有依稀的彩绘痕迹残存,以及工作人员的描述和水彩模画。今天,翻开现代有关古代雕塑的书籍,你会发现大量彩色照片,但总是显现白色大理石表面。有关雕塑的工艺、功能和历史发展的意义的讨论已经很多了,但是很难得到一个完整的古代雕塑彩绘的例子。不仅仅是雅典卫城的雕塑曾经涂饰彩绘,经过重建工作这一时期有大量彩绘的例子。本次工作即是采用古代颜料与模具,尽可能完整的重建了一尊古代雕塑。  相似文献   
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