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阿育王塔作为一种极具浙江地域特色的佛教文物,是五代十国时期末代吴越国王钱俶毕生崇佛的集中体现。由塔上铸铭可知,钱俶在乙卯岁(955)和乙丑岁(965)两次范金铸成八万四千宝塔,瘗藏舍利、佛经。阿育王塔实物,多出土于吴越国境内的佛塔,河北定州、河南邓州北宋地宫发现的铁阿育王塔应与钱俶两次进京有关。历代民间仿造的阿育王塔实物,时代以五代至宋为主,塔上多有纪年铭刻。五代时期民间造阿育王塔均分布在吴越国境内,宋代的出土地点仍以五代吴越国故境为多。  相似文献   
王德华 《史学月刊》2002,(10):17-23
楚庄王作为春秋五霸之一,对其以蛮夷率诸候的政治地位,后世儒有着“微言”与“大义”的二难评价。如果我们将楚庄王的霸业置入春秋战国时楚民族的自身发展的历程中加以考察.便会发现楚庄王的霸业是楚民族政治理性与民族个性精神在春秋时的最高体现;楚庄王的霸业也预示了庄王之后的楚国发展必将面临着一个楚民族精神提升或曰转型的艰难课题。  相似文献   
一、琉璃河西周卜甲之发现 1996年春、秋两季,北京市文物研究所、北京大学考古系和中国社会科学院考古研究所组成琉璃河考古队,对北京琉璃河西周燕国都城遗址进行考古发掘,取得了丰硕的成果①。尤  相似文献   
競之定铜器群考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
澳门出现的一组楚器,数量大。组合比较完整,且大多数铸有铭文,是近年来楚国青铜器的一次重要发现,它对于研究春秋战国时期楚国的历史、楚王世系、青铜器铸造,以及楚国与少数部族之间的关系,都有着重要的价值。根据其形制、纹饰以及铭文等方面所表现出的特征,其时代应在春秋晚期后段。盘、匜的作器者楚王酓(熊)恷,金文首次出现,亦不见于史书。经考证熊恷就是楚平王熊居,恷、居一名一字。您读为休,休,息止也。居,也有止息之义。名与字意义相因。鼎、簋、豆、鬲的作器者競之定是楚国的一位封君。盘、匜是楚平王所赐。  相似文献   
本文公布了应国基地八号墓的发掘资料,并对相关问题进行了初步研究.墓主人是一位应国国君,墓葬的埋葬年代为春秋早期早段.所出应公鼎铭文显示周文王的庙号为"丁",揭示了生活在商末周初的姬姓周王在死后用庙号的历史事实,填补了文献记载中的空白.墓中出土的青铜器和玉器等,为研究两周之际高级贵族阶层的丧葬制度和用鼎制度提供了一大批宝贵的实物资料.  相似文献   
作为1995年中国十大考古发现之一的徐州狮子山楚王陵自发掘出土以来,其宏伟的规模,奇特的葬制以及出土的大量精美文物都引起了学术界的广泛关注,但由于此墓年代久远且早年遭到盗扰,其墓主身份也随学者研究角度的不同而产生了多种学说,其中牵扯到的楚王从二代到五代不等,时间跨度长达57年。就目前而言,第三代楚王刘戊为墓主说法较为盛行,但笔者从葬制、礼仪、出土文物及与相关墓葬的关系等方面综合研究后认为:以第二代楚王刘郢(《汉书》作刘郢客)为墓主更为合理。同时,在本文中作者还将对其他三种观点一一进行辨析,并就与此墓及墓主身份的有联系的相关问题,试做初步的探讨。  相似文献   
In contrast to almost all other Spanish cities and townships, nothing tangible survives in Granada that might be reminiscent of Judaism. There is no trace of an ancient synagogue on either side of the River Darro, neither on the hills nor on the plain. On the right bank, region of the oldest settlement, rises the hill of widest dimension, the ‘Albaicín’. On the left bank ascends the steeper hill ending in several summits: a pointed one atop the ‘Mauror’ slope is crowned by the ‘Torres Bermejas’ (Red Towers); the other, the majestic plateau ‘Sabika’, carries the Alhambra. to the west of the hills, the city on the plain spreads outwards into the valley, the ‘Vega’. No buildings in any of these areas reveal a Jewish past; Granada's urban nomenclature offers not the slightest hint of a former Jewish presence, and all current - and former - studies of Granada lack satisfactory information about the location of the historic Judaic quarter. There is no mention even of the last chief temple that must have existed until 1492, the year of the great exodus (decreed by Isabella and Ferdinand in this very city) of all the Jews from Spain. And yet, Granada, the town that has forgotten all about its Jews, is said to have once been known as ‘Garnāta-al-Yahūd’: Granada, city of the Jews, and later tradition has accepted this as a fact.I attempt in this study to show that, although some Jews lived there from Roman times, all of Granada never was a ‘city of Jews’. Second, taking as point of departure a remark in the new Encyclopedia Judaica (1971:852) that the Jewish quarter was “not located in a single place throughout the centuries of Muslim rule”. I shall show that the earlier Jewish quarters (preceding the Muslim conquest and lasting throughout the Zirid regime) were located on the Albaicín; third, it will be demonstrated that a Jewish quarter was established on the Mauror only in Nasrid times: and fourth, I shall explain why I think that the church of San Matías was built on the foundation of the last synagogue of Granada, a ‘Gima Abrahén’, which, erroneously, is believed to have been a mosque.  相似文献   
目前所见到的陈矦因咨(齐威王)兵器包括新近出土的和传世的共有7件,还有2件没有被考释出来,本文从文字字形考释的角度出发,对2件陈矦因咨戈的铭文进行释读、考证。  相似文献   
Although the critical turn in place name study recognizes the central and contested place that toponyms hold in people's lives and identity struggles, little work has explicitly analyzed place naming rights in terms of social justice, citizenship, and belonging. We introduce readers to the naming of streets for slain civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr and use two brief case studies from the southeastern USA (Statesboro, Georgia and Greenville, North Carolina) to discuss the barriers that hinder the creation of a landscape that truly reflects the teachings of King. Naming opponents, sometimes with the (un)witting cooperation of black activists, impose spatial, scalar limits on the rights of African Americans to participate in the street naming process and to appropriate the identity of streets outside of their neighborhoods, even though challenging historically entrenched patterns of racial segregation and marginalization is exactly the purpose of many street naming campaigns. The case of King streets prompts us to think about place naming as a mechanism of spatial (in)justice, demonstrating the fundamental role that geography plays in constituting and structuring the processes of discrimination or equality.  相似文献   
From the early 1920s through the 1930s, an important yet forgotten avant-garde architectural phenomenon developed in the Zionist community of British Mandate Palestine. In cities and resort regions across the country, several dozen modernist hotels were built for a new type of visitor: the Zionist tourist. Often the most architecturally significant structures in their locales and designed by leading local architects educated in some of Europe's most progressive schools, these hotels were conceived along ideological lines and represented a synthesis of social requirements, cutting-edge aesthetics, and utopian national ideals. They responded to a complex mixture of sentiments, including European standards of modern comfort and the longing to remake Palestine, the historical homeland of the Jewish people, for a newly liberated, progressive nation. This article focuses on Jerusalem's most ambitious modernist hotel, the Eden Hotel, to evaluate how the architecture of tourism became a political and aesthetic tool in the promotion of Zionist Palestine.  相似文献   
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