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Hobbes and Hume on the imagination can initiate a discussion of empiricism in the 17th and 18th centuries: here, however, it provides the opportunity to focus on Kant's attempt to overcome the limits of their sense originating, naturalist ethics. I argue the general point that Kant's response to his predecessors, both empiricist and non-empiricists, is to modify their focus on nature without falling into skepticism; indeed, his speculative metaphysics also is a response to classical ontological metaphysics. Kant by providing two realms or perspectives, a natural and a noumenal, avoids many difficulties resulting from Hobbes and Hume's starting point in sense leading to imagination and a non-normative reason. Yet, challenged by Herder and the romantics, he uses a sort of residual view of the imagination in relation to the freedom of the noumenal, which results in difficulties for his speculative, noumenal metaphysics.  相似文献   
This article examines the close connection between Protestantism and nationalism in Imperial Germany within a transnational context. In the years before 1914, the Prussian State Church in particular strengthened the legal and organisational framework for an increasing number of diaspora congregations to become attached. These acted as an important vehicle to embed the nationalist rhetoric produced within the Reich into emigrants' notions of belonging. Whilst previous scholarship has noted this connection in general, the article sheds more detailed light on the mechanics and structure, but also on the limits, of this process. Feedback processes from periphery to centre, in turn, had an impact on German national identity construction as that of a nation that was not confined to state borders. Applying a constructionist theoretical framework, the contested question of whether the heterogeneity of Germans abroad allows for the application of the diaspora concept is answered affirmatively.  相似文献   
晚明时期,大量文人参与到科举参考书的选编活动中来,使得科举参考书激增。究其原因,主要有三:其一是因为科举考试在明后期出现了新的变化,科举应试者对参考书的需求增加;其二是因为晚明生员数量激增,大量生员陷于贫困,不得已选文谋生;其三因为晚明文人结社活动的需要。  相似文献   
During the Russo-Japanese War, British naval attachés serving with the Japanese produced a series of reports on both technical and cultural aspects of the conflict. In seeking to explain the Japanese successes, the attachés compared and contrasted their hosts with themselves, Royal Navy and Britain more generally. These reports offer a rare insight of the cultural preconceptions of Royal Navy officers prior to the First World War, presenting explicitly the norms and beliefs that served to unite the service. Recovering these collective understandings helps to illuminate the decision-making processes that took place within the Royal Navy both prior to and during the First World War.  相似文献   
“医家类”位居《四库全书》子部十四家的第五位,相对于“旧史多归之末简”的历史事实,医家类地位已经获得极大提高。有鉴于此,对“医家类”全面系统地研究具有重要的学术意义,可以弥补宏观笼统研究《四库全书》之遗漏,补充、细化、甚至改写宏观四库学的某些结论。  相似文献   
立于北京孔庙内、镌刻有清朝全部进士姓名及甲第、籍贯的进士题名碑,是清朝重要的科举文献.本文讨论了题名碑的建立、规制、书写、改刊等问题,对题名碑的文献价值、题名碑的讹误等也作了分析.  相似文献   
清乾隆时期是宫廷藏传佛教艺术发展的一个重要里程碑,其标志是汉藏艺术的频繁交流。六世班禅于乾隆四十五年进京为乾隆帝祝寿,他带来的紫金玛造像为乾隆帝所重,并在宫中造办处仿做,其后,又对原配方加以改进,成造了具有宫中特色的紫金玛造像,成为清宫藏传佛教造像的珍品。本文根据清宫内务府造办处的档案将这段历史渊源作了详细的介绍,并概述了故宫和承德避暑山庄具有代表性的藏品。  相似文献   
The history of medical geography is marked by a search for ancestors. The story usually begins in the writing of Hippocrates before re-emerging in the works of 18th and 19th century practitioners. In recent years, historical geographers have called for the destabilising of such assertions of lineage and descent. This paper offers a reconsideration of the history of medical geography through an exploration of the often hidden connections and intersections that have helped to frame the future trajectory of the sub-discipline. More specifically, we focus on the important contribution made by Dr Jacques Meyer May and offer a complex and multi-layered account that examines the close interweaving of his work as a colonial surgeon and specialist in tropical medicine and his role as a medical geographer in the United States.  相似文献   
从"枪手"看清代科场枪替活动的市场化倾向   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
枪替是清代科举考试中的主要舞弊方式之一。枪替活动与当时的社会经济、风尚习俗相互影响。乃至出现了较显的市场化倾向。乾隆年间是枪替活动比较活跃的时期。雇倩枪手作弊现象在童试和岁科试中更具普遍性。  相似文献   
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