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帝后像是清代宫廷绘画中的主要组成部分,但并没有得到国内美术史界的重视。笔者希望通过对康熙帝肖像画相关问题的探究.引起更多的学人对清代帝后像加以关注。本文是在整理故宫博物院现藏的康熙帝肖像画的基础上,运用文献资料,初步对史籍中记载的这些画作的绘制者加以考辨。进一步勾勒出清初宫廷画家进行创作的工作程序。此外,借助梳理御制诗文,指出康熙帝对绘画的淡漠态度。揭示了其肖像画数量不多的原因.并探求了其行乐图极少的缘由。文中指出康熙帝肖像画受西方绘画的影响实则微乎其微,而且康熙时期的帝后肖像画创作既是清代宫廷肖像画的转型期又是定型期。  相似文献   
明清铜镜在继承宋金民间铸镜传统的同时,其纹饰及铭文更多地反映了当时普通人士的心态,融入了市井文化内容,形成独特的时代风格。乾隆时期,清宫内府铸制了一批独具特色的宫廷用铜镜,其工艺精湛,纹饰别具一格,是铜镜艺术的一枝奇葩。本文通过对明清铜镜造型、纹饰、款识与铭文、特殊工艺镜、仿古镜以及清宫内府造镜等几个方面进行分析比较,勾划出其时代特征,并对形成这一特征的社会根源作进一步的探讨。  相似文献   
This article considered glazed tiles excavated from the Ming Imperial Palace site in Nanjing as the research object. Glazed tiles were selected and analyzed via vacuum porosimeter, thermal dilation (TD), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) to determine their physical property, firing temperature, phase composition, and chemical composition, respectively. Results show that the firing temperature of body belongs to the temperature range (of 950–1,100°C), whereas the water absorption and apparent porosity are large. The phase composition of glazed tile bodies is the same (predominantly quartz and mullite). However, some samples contain trace amounts of rutile, hematite, sodalite, and orthoclase. The firing temperature combined with the phase composition indicates that the raw material and firing process of glazed tile body samples have similarities, which embody of the strict and unified management system of the official kiln. The raw materials of glazed tile body in the Ming Imperial Palace site may come from Dangtu glazed kiln, whereas the rest of the samples remains to be explored. This study provides a scientific basis for understanding the evolution of glazed tile-making technology in ancient China, and is important for the protection and repair of glazed buildings in the Ming Dynasty.  相似文献   
In practice, correction fluid to mask text errors has been continuously in demand since papers began to be predominantly used since the late fourth century AD in ancient China. However, research on the trajectory of correction fluid composition has been largely overlooked and has not been revealed currently. In this study, a multianalytical approach was used to investigate a thin whiteout layer, used as correction fluids applied in 1890, on a book page from the famous Imperial Encyclopedia (1726 bronze-type repaint version). The results showed that the white layer was composed of hydrocerussite ((PbCO3)2·Pb (OH)2) in mixture with plant oil and a tiny portion of calcium carbonate, which had been applied to conceal the originally printed Chinese characters upon which they were rewritten in preparing photographic negatives for reprinting using photolithography. The analysis results also suggest that lead white was likely domestically made using a local lead ore source by the wet synthetic process. Considering the prolonged use of orpiment (As2S3) as a correction fluid ingredient in Chinese tradition, a trajectory to lead white suggests not only advances in pulping and papermaking technology but also a shift in cultural habits and aesthetic psychology in the late Qing Dynasty.  相似文献   
南北榜案、南北卷、定额取士是明代科举中三件极具代表性的大事。在详细考证南北榜案始末,南北卷制定的时代背景和定额取士模式形成的基础上,发现三个事件紧密联系,都与区域公平取士有关。通过南北分卷和定额取士,进士作到了公平录取,取士实现了精细化,公平合理地解决了长期以来科举考试中客观存在的南北区域之争,在科举史上极具创新性。  相似文献   
关于唐长安前身——隋大兴城的规划思想,以前很少谈论。其实隋宇文恺规划设计首都大兴城,除了按照传统体现天子尊贵的“九五”数字外,并创造性地在都城平面图中暗含若干代表鼎足的等边三角形,用以体现“定鼎”——掌握政权之意。同时,在都城中轴线南端——明德门外,埋置石龟,与鼎足结合表明“皇权永祚”。  相似文献   
咸阳“周王陵”为战国秦陵补证   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
关于周王陵确切时代及墓主身份的界定,学术界虽然先后有多位专家进行推测和研究,但至今多种观点并存,未能定论。近年来,随着西汉帝陵大遗址考古工作的展开,陕西省考古研究院联合咸阳市考古研究所对周王陵进行  相似文献   
A very tall skeleton was found during archaeological excavations in the territory of Fidenae, an administrative centre of the Roman territorial organization, situated along the Via Salaria about 7 km north of Rome (Italy). The individual was a young male, dated back to the Imperial Age (3rd century AD), presenting a very tall but normally proportioned stature, estimated around 202 cm. The long bones showed incomplete epiphyseal union; therefore, the stature would probably have been taller, if he had lived longer. In this work, the metric data are compared with those from the Roman Imperial Age population, and differential diagnosis is discussed. The skeletal evidence is characteristic of a form of gigantism, a rare growth disease that may be linked to different syndromes. The most common etiology is associated with a dysfunction of the pituitary gland, which causes overproduction of the growth hormone (hGH) during childhood. This endocrine disorder stimulates cartilaginous activity at the growth plate, delaying epiphyseal fusion and resulting in increased bone length. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
《旧唐书·宦官传序》叙唐内侍省之"五局",云"内仆局掌宫中供帐灯烛,内府局主中藏给纳"。检明闻人诠刻本,原无后一句,清武英殿重刻《旧唐书》乃据《新唐书·宦者传》补之。但据《唐会要》卷六五《内侍省》,《旧传》此处并非脱去"五局"之最后一局,而是"内仆局掌宫中供帐灯烛"中间有脱文,即"掌宫中"之下脱漏了"舆辇导从内府局掌宫中"十字。殿本知其误而不明误在何处,故有此妄补,中华书局点校本又不察其误而沿袭之。今当删去殿本所增"内府局主中藏给纳"一句,而校补作"内仆局掌宫中舆辇导从,内府局掌宫中供帐灯烛"。至于《新唐书·宦者传序》称"四曰内仆,主供帐灯烛",则承袭《旧唐书》误文之故,当仍其旧。《旧唐书·宦官传》的误校,不仅可觇见武英殿刊本窜改古书之陋习,亦可知点校本底本选择之失当,同时可警示后人:校改古书,当慎之又慎。  相似文献   
In 1984 Eliezer Oren identified a series of structures found at 13th and 12th centuries BCE sites of southern Canaan, calling them Egyptian Governors’ Residencies. He identified Bliss’s City IV as a defining site. In 2000 Blakely identified Petrie’s Pilaster Building as a second example from Tell el-Hesi. It is now clear that Bliss’s City IV dates to the 13th century and that some of its architectural elements were salvaged after its destruction to build Petrie’s Pilaster Building in the 12th century. All of the southern examples are found in an agricultural zone of uncertainty where there is no clear likelihood of a harvestable crop in any given normal year. As it happens, the 13th and especially the 12th centuries BCE were far from normal, being a period of drought and extreme drought. Thus no crops could have been expected. This suggests the structures could not have been centres for the collection of a grain harvest tax, the accepted view. Rather, one wonders if the sites did not monitor a large pasturage.  相似文献   
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