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This paper suggests that Numbers 12 implies that the Cushite woman whom Moses marries is an immoral woman and that Moses' marriage with her is based on an implicit divine command which echoes the one God gives Hosea when exhorting him to marry a woman of harlotries. In both cases God wants the prophetic protagonist to experience infidelity, thus enabling him to experience what God feels like when Israel acts unfaithfully to Him. However, after experiencing the unfaithfulness of the Israelites in the narrative of the scouts Moses himself demonstrates unfaithfulness in Meribah. Moses' inability to respond appropriately to Israel's unfaithfulness at Baal-peor, an incident mentioned in Hos 9,10, reflects his inability to contend with the Israelites in the manner of Hosea.  相似文献   
国外旅游目的地竞争力研究综述   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
王纯阳 《旅游科学》2009,23(3):28-34
随着世界范围内旅游目的地竞争的日益激烈,旅游目的地竞争力正逐渐成为国内外研究的热点领域。国外旅游目的地竞争力研究起步早,已经较为成熟,主要包括旅游目的地竞争力概念的界定、影响因素的分析以及竞争力的评价等。本文通过对国外旅游目的地竞争力的研究文献的梳理和回顾,重点分析了旅游目的地竞争力的影响因素和竞争力评价研究,并指出了未来研究的方向。  相似文献   
This article uses historical data on inventor and firm researchand development (R&D) lab locations to examine the technologicaland geographic structure of corporate knowledge capital accumulationduring a formative period in the organization of United Statesinnovation. Despite the localization of inventive activity aroundthe labs, one-quarter of inventors lived outside a 30 mile commutingradius of the nearest facility of the firm they assigned theirpatents to. A strong positive effect of distance from a labon technological importance is identified, especially for inventorsfrom large cities that were geographically separated from afirm's; labs. A patent case–control method helps explainspatial sourcing by showing that the average quality of externallyavailable inventions was high. Firms selected complementary,not substitute, inventions from non-lab urban locations, suggestinga link between the organization and the geography of innovation.  相似文献   
This article analyses the impact of labour market-induced externalitieson firm performance by using a unique database that connectsattributes of individuals to workplaces for the entire Swedisheconomy. Based on the analysis of 256,985 workplaces, our resultsshow that firms belonging to networks of local job mobility(i.e. ‘localized mobility clusters’) significantlyoutperform other similar firms within the local labour market.The results also indicate that concentrations of similar andrelated firms do not explain any considerable part of the variationsin firm competitiveness. Labour market externalities derivedvia local job mobility produce significantly more powerful effectsfor the involved firms as compared to the degree of co-location,diversity and scale.  相似文献   
本收录笔考释张家山汉简《引书》字词札记八则,释简17的“()”为“襱”异体,改释简20的“落”为“要”,读作“腰”,并读简100的“落”为“胳”;辩析“信”、“倍”二字,并读简21“参信”为“()伸”;改释简24的“虎”为“柜”;读简72的“應(应)”为“膺”;改释简111的“達”为“通”;读简62等处的“去”为“阖”;考释简34的“()”读为“顄”。  相似文献   
“おはょぅこさぃます”(早上好)“こんにらは”(中午好)、“こんぱんは”(晚上好)“こ苦労様”(您辛苦了)等是日语中最常见、使用频率最高的寒暄语。这些看似简单的用语往往被外国的学习者用错(包括中国的学习者在内)。究其原因不外乎有两个方面:一是受母语的影响所致;二是对寒暄语境,特别是对文化内涵缺乏理解。本文拟从这些寒暄语的语境和文化内涵出发做一些探讨。  相似文献   
“树由根而发,水由源而流”,当紫禁城里传出贵州麻哈州人夏同袜高中状元之时,祝贺之余要思考的便是原因,固然夏状元本人是成就这一巅峰时刻的本因,然他身后的那个家族对他的影响亦不容忽视。历史沧桑变幻,关于夏状元以及他的那个家族已经变得愈加模糊,便是他的后世子孙对他亦是不甚清楚。纵有热心人士努力,但不成系统,本文试图为夏家600余年的历史理出一个脉络,希望抛砖引玉,以此为起点展开对夏状元及其家族的研究,作为600百年前来到贵州的汉族,这个家族的成长发展具有一定的典型意义,具有较高的研究价值。  相似文献   
苏州太平天国忠王府现存四百余方梁枋苏式彩绘,这些彩绘内容多为传统吉庆题材,寓意吉祥祈福。众多木构件上的彩绘是明清以来苏式彩绘的典范,为明清时代所留而经太平天国利用改造而成;九幅壁画则是太平天国时期的作品,体现了太平天国壁画的艺术特色。忠王府苏式彩绘为研究明清苏式彩绘和太平天国彩绘提供了丰富的资料。  相似文献   
2008年5月出版的《中国文物地图集·江苏分册》既是一部严谨的大型工具书,同时又富有很强的科研学术性,并具有鲜明的江苏特色。  相似文献   
本文考察了大连图书馆所藏沈铭彝《竹岑札记》,确定其并非书籍,而是沈铭彝的一个笔记薄,同时指出了《中国古籍善本书目》的著录错误。  相似文献   
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