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During the First World War, intellectuals in both combatant and neutral nations engaged in debates on the justification for the bloodshed and in envisioning solutions for a sustainable peace. In the latter regard, the issues of democracy and future forms of government were focal. This article examines two public intellectuals from Sweden, Ellen Key and Rudolf Kjellén, and their conflicting views. A comparative and transnational perspective on their thinking about war and peace sheds light on their political backgrounds and wider worldviews. The article further reveals the international contexts in which their ideas were embedded. Using the concept of ‘the ideas of 1914 versus those of 1789’, the conservative geopolitician Kjellén spoke for the justification of German expansion and Swedish military intervention, whereas the Left-liberal pacifist Key condemned all parties involved, defending the legacy of the French Revolution and Sweden’s neutrality. Based on his geopolitical tenets, Kjellén could not envision a future with peaceful cooperation between nation states, while, for Key, the solution lay in the development of democratic decision-making. In this respect, the granting of political citizenship to women, to whom she accorded a special competence for peace-keeping, based on their maternalism, was crucial.  相似文献   
本把一百多年来的甲骨语法研究史分为四个阶段,从研究成果、学术背景、研究领域、研究热点、研究人员、研究材料、研究方法等方面对二十世纪的甲骨语法学研究做了回顾,并对新世纪的甲骨语法研究进行了展望。  相似文献   
《释名》有的词语,在其他典籍未见或罕见。本以考汪词义为宗旨,对该书部分词晤,系联其“声近义通”之词,从音义或意义上探其来源,继而训释其义。  相似文献   
《谢榛全集》辨误   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本指出《谢榛全集》主要讹误:《前言》8处,序跋之编辑及字体辨识、断句36处,正校、勘、标点105处,附录校勘、标点21处、误作佚诗重收24首、佚诗而漏收7首,佚校勘不审4则,其它问题4条。同时,也对自己的失误予以检讨、自纠。正人且正已,其意在有裨于端正学风,促进谢榛及明“后七子”的整理和研究。  相似文献   

The School of Geography at the University of Leeds, UK, led the development of a faculty-wide Personal Reflective Portfolio as part of a university project--A Strategic Model for Developing Methods and Materials for Recording Achievement in Traditional Universities (Jackson et al., 2000). This paper describes the materials and their usage, the value of bottom-up design, and the issues of embedding this type of material within faculty programmes. The reflections of both students and tutors are considered. Overall the materials are viewed positively and considered to have long-term and workplace relevance. Whether they meet the original aim of helping students to become more reflective and evaluative learners is impossible to measure and not thought to be successful as yet. Reflection on action is more evident than action planning.  相似文献   

If there is a universal question that most academic geographers have been asked by students, it is “What can I do with geography?”. We argue in this paper that an important dimension of quality improvement in geography education is closing the gap between the perceived social usefulness of the subject (suggested by evidence to be relatively low) and the realities of what a subject offers as preparation for workplace roles (rated on evidence as relatively high). A potentially central part of the International Network in Learning and Teaching (INLT) Geography in Higher Education, therefore, is communicating information about skills for employment and life that are obtainable from geography-inspired instructional programmes. But behind the seemingly straightforward task of communicating a message is in fact a much more fundamental issue-getting to grips with socio-economic changes that are rewriting the nature and place of geographic learning and teaching. We suggest that positive outcomes from efforts to improve the quality of learning and teaching of geography will depend in part on strengthening and stabilising geography's image, particularly in the eyes of school and university students. We conclude that initiatives, already underway in several countries to popularise the 'skills profile' of a geography education, offer a framework for reimaging the subject.  相似文献   
一般认为,《汉武帝内传》附录部分(道藏本析为《汉武帝外传》)的内容取自于《神仙传》。本否定了这种说法,并进而论证丁《四库全书》本《神仙传》的部分相同字反出于《汉武帝内传》。这个问题对考论《汉武帝内传》的成书时代,有着十分重要的意义。  相似文献   
周亮工《书影》的语言文字学史料价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[摘要]周亮工的《书影》论述了研究语言文字学的意义和方法,讨论了相关语文学著作及其版本问题,提供了与汉语汉字相关的史料,分析了有关语言文字问题,反映了明季清初的小学风尚。  相似文献   
佛教化和汉化本是两种不同质的化,但随着佛典在中古时期的大量汉译,佛教的极度盛行,汉语和汉化受到了佛教化的很大影响,本例举了四个有关的词语:芭蕉;车;泡(浮沤);心猿意马。  相似文献   
本篇所记乃康有为于宣统元年发表在《爱国报》(北京)的一篇政论。而今遍核康氏相火资料.均未见收有此,应是一篇佚。中所述关于保国、保民、立开国会的吁请,情辞激切,表达了这一时期康氏的政治主张。  相似文献   
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