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本文论述了与传世的明文徵明《拙政园图咏》的三个相关问题:文徵明与拙政园主人王献臣的密切关系;文徵明没有直接参与拙政园的设计;现存《拙政园图咏》虽有存疑处但依然无确凿证据说明其伪。  相似文献   
广富林遗址2008年度浸水保存的这批样品,从中发现了种类较丰富的植物遗骸,包括有葫芦、桃核、芡实、甜瓜、水稻、葎草、楝树果实等,通过量化统计和植物利用方式分析,我们认为遗址至少在广富林文化时期形成了包括粮食种植和瓜果蔬菜栽培的园圃农业经济体系,并在周代进一步地发展。  相似文献   
中国古典园林是中国传统文化精神的集中体现。“西南巨儒”郑珍深受古典美学观影响,在家居园林“望山堂”建造中寄托自己的审美理想,并以美妙的文笔与诗歌描绘和吟咏园林中的诸多景观,使园林的意境与诗文的意境相互融汇,营造出如诗如画的怡然境界,给人以品味不尽的美的享受。  相似文献   

This study examines the historical vernacular gardens of North Norway, and is mainly based on a survey done in the county of Troms in the 1980s. The study shows that traditions for the design of gardens and the use of garden plants reflect climatic conditions, geographical location and current fashions. It is a general feature that main trends in the gardens of the affluent work as models for more simple vernacular gardens, and this is also the case with the surveyed gardens of Troms. We find here the proto-garden, a simple garden with beds and plantings controlled by a straight line. This is influenced hardly at all by style, trends or availability on the market. It may have been established during the last century or it could be older. Yet we also find the vernacular cottage garden influenced by a style developed from the Renaissance gardens of southern Europe. In the most carefully made gardens the proto-garden and the impulses from the Renaissance garden are fused together – it makes a type of garden which is genuinely northern. The fenced garden located by the wall of the dwelling house was most common. With the house situated on sloping ground, a stone-built retaining wall was constructed and the ground filled up in order to make the garden as level as possible and to create a terrace. It was mainly native trees fetched from the woods, as well as old “exchange and give away perennials” and flowers and vegetable annuals, all locally available, which characterized the plant material of the historic farm and cottage gardens of the north.  相似文献   
Although torpedoes and Malopterurus, a Nile catfish, had been described and even used medically in antiquity, their discharges were poorly understood before the second half of the eighteenth century. It was then that their actions, along with those of certain South American “eels,” became firmly associated with electricity. The realization that an animal could produce electricity marked a turning point in the history of neurophysiology, which had long described nerve actions with recourse to animal spirits. By examining The Gentleman's Magazine during the period when electric fish were becoming electrical, one can begin to appreciate how new discoveries about these unusual creatures captured the imagination of scientists and were filtered down to the literate public.  相似文献   
The study of landscape and garden history is now well established and is beginning to widen its focus. The importance of the vernacular garden both as an expression of popular culture and as an important element in the contemporary environment is beginning to be recognised and is forcing a reappraisal of the concepts of heritage and a reassessment of established recording techniques and methodologies. This paper is part of a study of one type of popular garden and looks particularly at the contemporary response to the gardens of the inter‐war semi‐detached house and at their role as complex social and cultural artefacts.  相似文献   
This article examines the vibrant cultural milieu inhabited by one of Victorian Britain's most famous cartoonists, Matthew Somerville Morgan. Morgan is well-known as the cartoonist who attacked Queen Victoria's withdrawal from public life (and her associations with John Brown), and the lifestyle of Albert, Prince of Wales, in the short-lived rival to Punch: the Tomahawk. Likewise, his post-1870 career in New York as cartoonist of the ‘Caricature War’ over the 1872 Presidential elections, and involvement with ‘Buffalo’ Bill Cody have been well-studied. However, his involvement with the world of the 1860s Victorian stage – and the social circles in which he moved – have not been given close attention. This broader social, cultural, and economic context is essential to understanding Morgan's role as a cartoonist-critic of politics, class, gender and art in Victorian Britain. Special attention is given to the ways in which Morgan's work as a theatrical scene-painter informed his other pursuits, including his political cartoons for Fun, the Comic News and the Tomahawk. So central was the theatre to Morgan's life story that he may be appropriately described as an ‘epitheatrical’ figure. Indeed he is one of the most spectacular exemplars of the interconnected worlds of journalism, high art and theatre in Victorian London. The theatre provided him with the artistic and journalistic connections needed to raise himself above his lower-class origins; to move in ‘clubland’ and fashionable bohemian society; and to win an influential place in the key political and cultural debates of his age.  相似文献   
大型活动的形象影响研究--以'99昆明世博会为例   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
从旅游影响的角度出发,大型活动将对举办地形成一定的形象影响。本文以'99昆明世博会为例,使用问卷调查数据,从四个方面研究了'99世博会的形象影响问题。研究表明:'99世博会所带来的形象效应并未成为游客选择昆明作为出游目的地的首要决定因素,目的地区域的传统特色(如气候、环境及文化因素),仍然是游客作出决策的主导因素;'99世博会对举办城市昆明而言,所带来的积极影响超过了负面影响,可以有效提高举办地的知名度;大型活动长期的、潜在的形象影响可以通过了解游客的重游意愿和口碑效应来衡量,世博会的举办所带来的潜在长期影响是正面的;有助于形成较高的形象认同度。  相似文献   
写意,是中国艺术重要的美学特征,中国园林艺术的独特性也正是在于它是写意的,文人写意园形成的主要因素则是文人画的影响。  相似文献   
南唐时金陵园林众多,皇家园林有北苑、西苑等,而私人园林多为达官贵人所有。公私园林中自然美景与人工巧作融为一体,多修建于城北等山水俱佳之处。  相似文献   
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