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采用相差分析方法,区分出禾本科植物中的农作物花粉;通过对青海互助丰台卡约文化遗址文化层和丰台村周围现代表土样品的孢粉分析,发现孢粉组合中有农作物花粉,反映人类农耕活动对聚落及其周围孢粉组合有明显的影响;文化层样品的孢粉组合显示,卡约文化早期阶段,禾本科植物花粉明显多于晚期阶段,可能反映了卡约文化时期(约公元前1200-800年)农业在社会经济中地位逐步下降的过程;孢粉组合还显示,与现代丰台村相比,卡约文化时期,聚落周围有更多的禾本科植物生长,人类可利用的植物资源比现代丰富。研究结果将有助于综合研究西北地区青铜时代环境与人类文化的关系。  相似文献   
Archaeological sites dating from the Preboreal are of special interest since they mark the turning point in the transition between the cultures of the Late Pleistocene and the Holocene. In spite of their relevance only few sites in the Western and Central European Plain have become known, thus providing an inhomogeneous basis for further hypotheses. In particular, sites in the widespread aeolian landscapes have been neglected for a long time due to their uncertain genesis, dating problems and obviously insufficient preservation. Our investigations of the Haverbeck site, situated in sandy aeolian substrate, seek to enhance knowledge about the Preboreal Mesolithic. The well-preserved archaeological spatial, technological and functional patterns and the geoarchaeological site formation were studied. Sedimentological and palaeopedological analyses, supported by 14C and OSL dating results, revealed that artefacts were deposited during the Preboreal on sands which had accumulated during the Younger Dryas and were reactivated in subsequent periods (Atlantic, Subboreal, Subatlantic). In spite of these processes, the artefacts remained unimpaired in their relative horizontal positions, enabling spatial analyses, which show a zonal differentiation and a prevalence of retooling and replacing activities. These results offer an insight into spatial and functional differentiations of the local Early Mesolithic subsistence, evidently including particular places for gathering and processing raw material. A comparison between the microlithic spectrum left behind and the number of points produced as concluded from the microburins indicates a greater typological differentiation than previously assumed for the Early Mesolithic. The remarkable variability of scraper forms obviously intentionally abandoned in a high number and replaced by new tools emphasizes the strong influence of functional elements on the typological assemblage composition. It is suggested that Early Mesolithic assemblages could display rather functional requirements or tasks performed than significant chronological or regional influences.  相似文献   
夏寒 《东南文化》2004,(4):18-24
文章讨论了龙虬庄墓葬的空间分布,多种多样的葬式以及复杂合葬现象,通过墓葬要素之间的相关分析来探讨葬俗成因,并且试图从历时的角度来探讨葬俗发生变化的意义。  相似文献   
The interaction between local foragers and incoming farmers is one of the hot topics in the study of Europe’s recent prehistory. In Central and Western Europe’s loam region, occupied by the first farmers of the Linearbandkeramik (LBK), hunter–gatherer remains are scarce and consist mostly of surface finds. Hence, the hunter–gatherer occupation and activity on the loess has never been studied in detail. This paper tackles the problem of the visibility of hunter–gatherer activity on the loess belt. An interregional comparison of microlith datasets allows identifying behavioural changes and differences in exploitation intensity. With regard to forager–farmer interaction, a mutual influence in the spatial patterning of activity or settlement is demonstrated.  相似文献   
Secondary pit deposits in historical occupations of Near Eastern mounds are usually regarded as uninteresting and are seldom analyzed. We used an integrated approach to study all the artifacts as well as the sediments in a pit at Tel Dor, on Israel's Carmel coast, dating to the 7th c. BCE – a period when the site served as an Assyrian administrative center. This pit was unusually large, had a peculiar ceramic assemblage, and many macroscopic metallurgical wastes. A detailed excavation and analysis revealed that the pit served intermittently as a waste disposal site for an iron smithy and for pottery that was presumably involved in maritime trading. On two occasions the area was also used for animal penning. Despite the obvious importance of the iron industry to the Neo-Assyrian Empire, actual workshops are rare in its archaeological record. Hence the new information regarding an Iron Age iron smithy in the southern Levant contributes to the study of this industry, and also to the history of Dor in this period.  相似文献   
Formation processes are all too infrequently addressed by archaeologists excavating in Mesoamerica. This paper examines refuse disposal patterns from the site of Cuauhtémoc on the Pacific coast of Chiapas, Mexico, to provide insight into how the site formed and how artifacts accumulated. This analysis uses materials dating between 1600–800 BCE which encompass the centuries before, during and after the late Early Formative or Early Olmec period (i.e., 1250–900 BCE). First, I employ sherds and daub from shared open-air middens and trash-filled pits to explore trash deposit formation through the 800 years that the site was occupied. Next, I use these same classes of data to make synchronic comparisons between five different depositional contexts dating to the Conchas phase (900–800 BCE). For all phases, these analyses demonstrate that pit features received more debris than open-air middens and that material in the latter contexts were more broken up. Further, the low density of daub from late Early Formative period contexts suggests that distinctive architectural customs may have been practised during this time. Conchas phase refuse indicates that waste disposal locations physically separated an elite residential zone from the rest of society and that elite contexts were more intensively used. Accounting for the formation of archaeological deposits allows for more nuanced interpretations of this early Mesoamerican village.
Robert M. RosenswigEmail:
孙凯  王瑞雪  魏显恩  王自刚  周立刚 《华夏考古》2021,(1):14-39,F0002,F0003
鲁山县望城岗冶铁遗址可分为东、西两个区域,是一处典型的集冶炼和铸造为一体的大型综合性冶铁作坊,和当时的大型铁官具有密切关系。冶铸活动主要集中于两汉时期,遗址至迟在唐代已被大面积破坏。冶炼用的燃料是优质的栎木炭,并以白云石作为助熔剂,铸模表面以滑石粉作为涂料层。通过对泥模的烧成温度进行测试,在烘模工序方面也有新的认识。  相似文献   
郝柯羽 《文博》2021,(1):70-73,20
《三门峡庙底沟唐宋墓葬》公布了M254出土的一件青瓷钵,关于该钵的年代似有可商榷之处。本文在原报告基础之上对其年代进行再探讨,认为其相对年代为金元时期,而非报告中公布的唐代。同时,推测其生产窑口可能是汝州东沟窑。  相似文献   
骟马文化的发现填补了河西走廊西部在四坝文化之后晚期青铜时代的空缺,也为探讨四坝文化的流向提供了重要线索。本文首次对玉门火烧沟遗址出土的骟马文化铜器进行了科学分析,结果表明其材质以红铜为主,也有少量锡青铜、铅青铜和砷青铜。火烧沟骟马文化的铜器合金化程度较低,含有较多杂质元素,延续了该遗址四坝文化时期的铜器技术特点,但与同时期的河西走廊东部、洮河流域及青海东部等地相比,却显示了不同的技术发展趋势。河西走廊受本土早期铜器技术的影响较大,而洮河流域则更多地体现与中原铜器技术体系的联系。  相似文献   
Recent studies have shown that the site coefficients obtained from site response analyses of Korean soil sites are significantly different from those specified in the current Korean seismic code, especially in the short-period portion of site response. This difference is mainly attributed to the shallow bedrock conditions (bedrock depth usually less than 30 m) in Korea. This study proposes a new site classification system and site coefficients for shallow bedrock sites based on site response analyses of more than 300 sites. The proposed site classification scheme and site coefficients proposed in this study are an improvement over the current seismic code and previous studies.  相似文献   
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