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邳州梁王城遗址是一处文化堆积及文化内涵丰富的遗址,2006~2007年的发掘取得了重大收获,发现了史前制陶作坊,为研究大汶口文化提供了新材料;发现了带有殉马、殉牛坑的西周墓地,填补了苏北商周考古空白;大型夯土台基的发现揭示了梁王城平面布局的核心。  相似文献   
2002年春,香港古物古迹办事处与广州市文物考古研究所在香港西贡沙下遗址DI区进行考古发掘,面积1000平方米。发掘新石器时代晚期、商周时期和宋代文化层,清理了石器制作场、墓葬、灰坑及柱洞等遗迹,出土大量石制品和陶器,还有少量汉、宋、明、清时期的遗迹和遗物,为研究香港及珠江三角洲地区考古学文化的序列提供了宝贵的资料。  相似文献   
2002年对三城巷遗址的第二次发掘发现了商周和新石器时期文化遗存,出土遗物有陶器、玉器、石器等,这次挖掘为研究宁镇地区古文化特点提供了重要资料。  相似文献   
The use of ding-tripod in Chu tombs was well established in the Warring States period and in most cases, it was strictly implemented. However, exceptions do exist. For example, in tomb of Marquis Yi of the Zeng state, archaeologists found two qiao-ding, which consists of two ding- tripods, one with a fitted lid and the other with a hooped lid. In the tomb No. 1 at Jiuliandun, a ding-tripod with a hooped lid was intentionally used and served as xu-ding. This paper attempts to understand burial rituals of the Chu state during the Warring State period by examining the tomb inventories (catalogues of funerary goods in the tombs) unearthed from the tomb No. 2 at Baoshan. It proposes that the use of ding-tripod in tombs was often adjusted according to the burial rituals.  相似文献   
在博物馆建筑的保护下,尽管避除了由于风蚀、雨淋、日晒等有害因素所导致的土遗址裂隙、崩塌等病害现象,但是可溶盐迁移及霉菌滋生导致的表层风化等一系列危害会造成土遗址本体破坏和信息损失 ,所以进行这方面的研究尤其重要且迫切。本文主要综述了可溶盐、霉菌的破坏作用、产生原因、影响因素、防治措施等,并探讨了遗址博物馆内土遗址防治可溶盐及霉菌危害的可行性保护研究方法。  相似文献   
本文主要论述了夏朝至战国时期中国古代城的形成与发展,说明中国古代城的形态规模与分布位置是与自然环境和社会条件密切相关的。城的形态受地理环境影响较明显,城的规模与生产力发展水平及城的行政等级有关,而城的分布位置主要是与国家的统治与稳固、城的经济发展等因素有关。文章最后还论述了遥感技术在探测古代城的形态规模与分布位置方面的应用和方法。  相似文献   
杭州萧山老虎洞东周遗址出土两件青铜工具,工具出土时已碎裂为数段,锈蚀状态严重。针对两件青铜工具的研究,主要从微观领域来探讨青铜工具的工艺技术及腐蚀特点,并通过建立电化学反应模型,运用电极电位差的理论,来试析电极电位对金相组织腐蚀的影响。同时提出在青铜修复时,可利用电极电位的原理来补配修复材料,以达到文物保护的目的。  相似文献   
人牙结石淀粉粒分析是开展古代居民食物来源研究的有效途径之一。用此方法对河南新郑裴李岗遗址仅存的两具裴李岗文化人骨牙齿上的结石开展了淀粉粒分析,成功提取出38颗淀粉粒,其中可鉴定种属的淀粉粒主要来自于栎属、豆科和块茎类等非农作物,少量有可能来自于粟黍类作物。虽然分析样品较少,提取出的淀粉粒数量不多,但这一结果或许表明采集植物有可能构成了裴李岗遗址居民植物性食物的主体。结合贾湖、莪沟、石固和寨根等裴李岗文化遗址的植物考古学研究,裴李岗文化居民的食物结构具有广谱性特征。本研究为全面认识中原地区裴李岗文化居民食物构成和聚落生业经济,深入探讨中原地区早期农业形成过程等提供了新思路和新证据。  相似文献   
This research explores archaeological heritage management at the Memphis and its Necropolis – the Pyramid Fields from Giza to Dahshur World Heritage Site in Egypt. The case study methodology involved a structured questionnaire in order to gather data from key stakeholders. The results suggest only partial implementation of the World Heritage Site (WHS) management plan due in part to financial constraints, while strategies to raise visitor numbers remain limited. Actions are required to promote tourism, and to find resources for site enhancements. Current site management responsibilities appear centralised, with a need to develop an integrated management plan for the WHS. There could be better understanding of the needs of visitors and how these can be met. The study recommends development of a more Integrated Management Plan for the site, perhaps also involving some restructuring of key (state) organisations and/or specifically the creation of an entity responsible for management of the site.  相似文献   
Long-duration ground motions may be down-sampled to speed up the computational process. However, using ground motions with large time step (Δt) would inevitably bring in numerical errors. The influence of Δt on the site effect and structural response analyses was quantitatively examined in this study. The results show that the nonlinear site response method is more sensitive to a change of Δt than the equivalent-linear method. For the structural analysis, the impact of Δt is highly dependent on the magnitude of damage parameters. Thus, using input motions with Δt as 0.005 s is recommended for structures subjected to strong shakings.  相似文献   
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