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龙虬庄遗址墓葬统计学分析尝试   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
使用统计学的方法对龙虬庄墓地的随葬品数量是与性别、年龄的关系,生产工具与男女分工关系,墓葬布局与社会结构关系进行检验,可作出更为科学的结论。  相似文献   
2002年1月,驻马店市文物考古管理所会同泌阳县文化局对位于泌阳县对外贸易总公司院内的3座古代墓葬进行了发掘。这3座墓葬形制结构基本相同,均为仿木建筑结构单室墓,由墓道、墓门、甬道、墓室四部分组成,有棺床,券顶呈穹窿状。出土随葬器物10件,以瓷器为主。推断这3座墓为一家族墓葬,时代为北宋中晚期。  相似文献   
胡兵 《东南文化》2016,(5):71-81
淮安王庄村汉墓群(御马墩)是一处西汉早期至东汉早期的墓地,共发现墓葬97座,墓葬排列有序,呈向心结构排列,出土各类文物近千件,是淮安市博物馆近年来发现墓葬数量最多,分布最密集,时代跨度长,出土物最丰富的一个墓地。墓地的发现极大地丰富了汉代土墩墓研究的资料。淮安地区密集分布着大量的汉代土墩墓,墓葬极具地域特征,作为汉代土墩墓分布的一个重要区域,必将会把汉代土墩墓的研究引向深入。  相似文献   
孙研 《东南文化》2016,(5):40-50
2012年,镇江博物馆在镇江市大港镇龙泉村清理汉代土坑竖穴墓10座,出土器物类型以罐、盒、鼎、壶、瓿为主。从墓葬形制和随葬器物推测,墓葬时代应属于西汉中期。从墓葬的分布规律推测,该墓地应为一处家族墓地,家族内部又分为不同的家庭单位,墓葬之间的区别可能与墓主生活时代和社会地位的不同有关。这批墓葬的科学发掘,为研究镇江地区汉代丧葬制度提供了丰富的实物资料。  相似文献   
This project analyses the wounds sustained by those defending the Crusader castle of Vadum Iacob, which is to the north of the Sea of Galilee in Israel. To our knowledge this is the first Crusader castle garrison to be excavated and studied, and consequently gives unique information concerning medieval battle wounds. The Muslim forces of Saladin stormed the castle in August 1179. The skeletal remains of five of the garrison who were killed during the siege and the execution which followed have been studied, providing a vivid portrait of what it must have been like in the last hours as the castle surrendered. Multiple sword and arrow wounds were noted, and arrowheads were still in situ at the time of their deaths. All the soldiers appear to have been stripped of their armour and then dumped together with corpses of horses that died in the battle. We explore the nature and anatomical location of the wounds in the context of medieval Islamic weapons, battlefield tactics and the defensive armour of the Crusaders. Despite the limited number of soldiers discovered, the unique nature of this site makes the findings of great significance. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
广东博罗横岭山墓地是一处较大型的商周时期墓地,随葬品丰富,据随葬品的差别可分为砺石墓、纺轮墓、兵器墓与第四类墓。四类墓葬在随葬品的总数、组合与配置方面具有明显的差异,因此,分析四类墓葬的特点对探讨当时的墓地布局、埋葬习俗、墓葬等级、社会分工、社会分层等具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
In order to identify the fibre material of the pall imprint excavated from the Peng‐state cemetery in Shanxi, biomass spectrometry was applied to determine the amino acid sequences of the residual protein extracted from the soil underneath the imprint. The sequences were searched against a standard protein sequence database. A well‐preserved silk pall sample from the Warring States Period was used as a comparative template. The protein extracted is identified as silk fibroin (Bombyx mori). This finding indicates that the extremely degraded pall was made of silk and that the deceased in the Peng‐state cemetery enjoyed high social status. In this way, a novel methodology, which is very promising in uncovering the origin of silk, could be initiated.  相似文献   
Lichenometric dating is a cheap, relatively rapid means of dating rock surfaces, which has generally been overlooked in Australia. While lichenometry finds its greatest application in arctic and alpine geomorphological studies, there has been limited application to archaeological studies. This project set out to test the technique in south‐eastern Australia, and assess its usefulness for dating post‐settlement artefacts. The diameters of Buellia albula lichens growing on well‐dated memorials in the Bendigo cemetery were measured, and the relationship between age and lichen diameter established. The results indicate that B. albula can be used to determine the age of exposed cement surfaces from the 1890s to the present. The positive results suggest the technique should be investigated in other applications and environments in Australia, particularly where alternative dating techniques cannot be used.  相似文献   
河南永城保安山三号西汉早期墓出土的残镜,经过复原,在彩绘镜中是最大的。与之近似的连弧纹彩绘镜,有西安红庙村、广州南越王墓所出各一面,其年代也彼此接近。镜上彩绘花纹系受漆器艺术影响,可参看长沙马王堆三号墓的一些漆器,后者年代也相距不远。  相似文献   
重庆开县余家坝墓地系战国晚期巴人墓地,2000年发掘墓葬50余座,墓葬形制皆为竖穴土坑,葬具多一棺 一椁,葬式皆呈单人仰身直肢。男性墓中多随葬成组兵器,其上多饰虎纹;女性墓中则多见玉玦串饰。此基地的完整揭 露和研究,对认识三峡地区巴族历史有重要意义。  相似文献   
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