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Historical maps of the Negev Desert which comprises half of the total land area of Palestine can be viewed from several intersecting perspectives relating to aspects such as their contribution to tracing patterns of settlement and agricultural history, imperialism and mapping, and legal geography of land ownership and indigenous people. Here we focus mainly on the first theme, incorporate new methods and demonstrate their application to studies in historical geography.  相似文献   
In Western and Central Europe, many woods are clearly separated from the surrounding countryside by permanent physical boundaries. While such boundaries are now out of use, in the past they were widespread and important landscape features. This paper argues that many woodland boundaries originate from the Middle Ages and perhaps even more from the Early Modern Period. Their existence was connected to a specific form of woodland management (coppicing) but also to ownership structures and through these to grazing regimes. With their various forms, permanent woodland boundaries served to separate woodland from the surrounding countryside both in a legal and physical sense. There are four basic types of permanent woodland boundaries: woodbanks, walls, stone rows and lynchets, all of which can still be studied in the landscape today. Because of their varied state of preservation and also because of the difficulties in creating relative chronologies, dating woodland boundaries is a very challenging task. However, even a basic typology can provide valuable information for a number of scientific disciplines, including landscape history, historical geography, archaeology and ecology. Permanent woodland boundaries are a part of European cultural heritage. They should be recognised and protected similarly to all other ancient landscape features.  相似文献   
私学是金代教育的重要组成部分,也是金代官学的一种必要补充。金代"学而优则仕"的传统学习观念和人才选拔思想,辽、宋的私学传统以及私人刊刻、印卖书籍的普遍现象,构成金代私学发展的重要因素。在长期的发展过程中,依据教学内容、创办者、办学目的的不同,金代私学分为家学、女真贵族官僚家塾、学者自设私塾、官宦私塾和自学等五大类型。与其他朝代私学相比,金代私学具有类型多样化、设置早于官学、教育对象比官学更加广泛等自身特色。金代私学对于金代文化知识的传播和发展,科学文化教育的普及、交流,以及各民族文化素质的提高,均起到重要的促进作用。  相似文献   
2009年陕西省考古研究院考古调查发掘新收获   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文精选了陕西省考古研究院2009年考古工作的主要收获,其中有周公庙、秦雍城、秦始皇陵和汉唐帝陵等大遗址项目,也有获选全国十大考古发现的杨官寨、梁带村遗址,以及靖边渠树壕汉代、韩城宋代壁画墓,还有引起极大关注的蓝田吕氏家族墓地等。文中在对各项考古工作介绍之余还配以精美的图片,以期迅速的报道田野考古新成果,为进一步研究提供线索。  相似文献   
李大钊对“历史”概念的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1924年,商务印书馆出版的李大钊著的《史学要论》,标志着李大钊的史学思想已经走向成熟。在此书中,李大钊提出了历史的完整的定义。他的这个定义是有两个形成的过程的。他曾经思考过诸多国内外历史学者对于历史的定义,但在接受了唯物史观以后,他才真正明确了历史的概念。他对历史的定义,是他的史学思想中很有价值的重要内容。  相似文献   
2007年许昌市文物工作队抢救性发掘一批墓葬,其中两座金代墓葬,虽被盗扰过,但仍出土各类随葬品27件.其出土的钧瓷,可作为钧瓷断代研究的参考.M2为壁画墓,壁画内容表现了墓主人生前日常生活的场景.这两座墓葬的发掘,为研究金代历史、佛教流传、金人的丧葬习俗等方面提供了珍贵的资料.  相似文献   
三国时期墓葬制度是从"汉制"向"晋制"的转变过渡时期。这一时期墓葬形制同东汉时期相比有较大的改变,突出表现在曹魏和东吴地区。随葬器物组合方面基本沿用东汉晚期,但又出现了一些新器型。此外各区域间的墓葬文化表现出频繁交流的特点。综合以上诸要素可知"晋制"的形成主要源自于中原地区的曹魏墓葬,突出表现在墓葬形制和葬俗方面,同时东吴墓葬中的随葬品种类亦被中原地区所接纳,成为西晋墓中典型的器物组合。  相似文献   
略论金代山西文人与地域文学的发展及原因   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
金代山西地域文学的发展历程可分为三个阶段:一是从金太祖到海陵王迁都之前(1115-1153),是金代山西地域文学的复苏期。二是海陵王迁都之后到章宗朝(1153-1209),是金代山西文学的发展期。三是从卫绍王到金亡(1209-1234),是金代山西文学的繁荣期。金代山西地域文学在金末迎来鼎盛局面主要有三方面的因素:一是中原文化重心的北移;二是"壬辰北渡"时期山西士人的回归;三是金末山西文人的忠国意识与使命感。  相似文献   
The effects of medieval agrarian crisis on settlement and population were considered in a major interdisciplinary research project in Scandinavia during the 1960s and 1970s. Within this project, there were significant differences in methods used to calculate the extent of farm desertion between historians in the participating countries. The reliance on written source material within the Swedish team reflected the dominant approach amongst historians who made less use of map and landscape evidence than others. In this renewed investigation of the magnitude of farm desertion in the Late Middle Ages, focussing on the province of Jämtland in central Sweden, field survey of the physical landscape and some three thousand historical maps are used as evidence, alongside conventional written sources, such as official letters and taxation documents. The results indicate that the extent of farm desertion in medieval Sweden has been underestimated because Swedish scholars generally eschewed the use of the retrogressive method, which their Norwegian counterparts had been using since the 1940s. There is therefore good reason to reassess the desertion rates of medieval farms in other parts of Sweden as well, using traditional geographical source materials together with the documentary sources usually favoured by historians This may also hold for other parts of Europe as well. The rate of desertion is discussed in a wider context of settlement contraction and expansion in central and peripheral areas of Sweden, including the long drawn-out process of reclamation of the deserted farms (ödesbölen).  相似文献   
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