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气候变化引致北极海冰消融,世界大国的北极能源竞争愈发激烈。厘清各国能源贸易关系,寻求各方利益最大公约数,积极推动“冰上丝绸之路”建设是避免北极地区出现“公地悲剧”的重要路径。本文结合大北极国家概念,运用复杂网络分析方法探究大北极国家能源贸易网络的演进过程及其多维邻近性动力机制,主要结论如下:①网络总体趋向稠密化,其供应重心向西偏移,消费重心向东转移,产销空间高度分离。②网络表现出典型的“核心—边缘”结构,逐步形成以美加俄为主导的“三极”格局。③网络的三大子群日益显现,中国在网络中的地位不断攀升。④网络演进过程受多维邻近性动力驱动,经济差异是主要内生性动力,地理邻近性是重要自然基础,组织邻近性是主要推动力,文化邻近性的作用趋向弱化,制度邻近性的作用愈加凸显。中国需抓住大北极能源贸易网络消费重心东移的契机,加速推进“冰上丝绸之路”建设,与大北极国家建立“三环”能源合作体系和高效稳定的能源合作机制。  相似文献   
This paper explores the interconnected normative and geopolitical-economic tensions between the Washington Consensus and the Chinese state through an analysis of reform discourses and practices at the World Bank. Frequently framed as opposing visions and templates of development, the World Bank and the Chinese state have engaged in a protracted relationship of mutually-informing exchanges of economic expertise, technical assistance, and policy formulation, evolving significantly since China's ‘opening up’ in 1978. I trace these shifting relations through an interpretive strategy inspired by Nancy Fraser's concept of boundary struggles, focusing on how the World Bank has challenged, affirmed, and affected China's institutionalized division between polity and economy. Through a new periodization of the World Bank/China nexus, this paper shows how transformations in geopolitical-economic relations condition the normative construction, representation, and reception of ‘economic models’. It also challenges antipodean conceptions of the ‘free-market’ Washington Consensus and ‘state-capitalist’ China through demonstrating the qualitative character of their state/market articulations.  相似文献   
本文通过比较后金天聪汗信牌实物文本、档案及《清实录》记载,对清入关前起用信牌的具体时间、背景及信牌内容做了简单地考释,以补实物、档案记载之不足,并试图纠正《清实录》中有关牌文内容的错误记载。同时阐明清朝实施于其所辖蒙古地区的区域法《蒙古律书》(《蒙古律例》)中的某些条文吸收了该信牌文的内容,使之进一步地法制化了。  相似文献   

Based on the new discovery of two of Kang Youwei’s writings composed in Canada in 1899, this article expands the historical research concerning his Confucian religious thoughts and movement within the Canadian context and the period of his overseas exile in 1899–1911. The article first focuses on Kang’s continual pursuit of Confucian religious cosmopolitism from China to Canada, especially his efforts to disseminate Confucianism overseas and to develop a new utopian vision that called for the removal of religious boundaries among human beings worldwide. Its second focus is on Kang’s use of Canada as both a starting point and a turning point in his search for the Confucian State Religion. He consequently sought to develop a conservative nationalism from traditional Chinese culture and through a utilitarian adoption of Christian institutions and Western cultures. The analysis of both Kang’s pursuit of Confucian religious cosmopolitism and his search for the Confucian State Religion reveals their positive and negative impacts on his reformist movement that affected Canadian Chinatowns and on the broader Chinese diaspora from 1899–1911. Kang’s promotion of Confucianism in Canadian Chinatowns and the Chinese diaspora in addition had implications for the failure of his religious movement in the early Republican Period.  相似文献   
This article explores Ernest Blythe's tenure as minister for finance of the Irish Free State, 1923–32. Using a range of sources, but particularly his papers in University College Dublin Department of Archives, this work aims to redress the academic neglect of one of the Free State's most infamous characters. In a broader sense, this study offers a commentary on Blythe's party, Cumann na nGaedheal, and Irish political culture generally. Throughout the text, attention is paid to the existing historiography of the period, and, where deemed necessary, some critiques are made.  相似文献   
《晋安帝纪》与东晋安帝朝史书关系研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
黄爽《晋安帝纪》辑本材料出处名称多达六种。经笔者考订,《隋志》所著录王韶之《晋纪》与两《唐志》所著录《崇安记》及《宋书》所载《晋安帝阳秋》皆为《晋安帝纪》之异名,而黄爽辑本中之《续晋安帝纪》与《晋安帝纪》非一书,乃作者误辑。  相似文献   
宋金时期陇山地区流行仿木结构砖室墓,墓室砖雕内容有孝子故事、家居活动与动植物等,在墓葬形制、砖雕装饰与丧葬习俗方面与其他地区既有相似性,又有地域特点。部分砖雕的异域风格表现了宋金时期陇山地区居民在墓葬文化上的兼容并包。陇山地区的宋金砖墓为研究本地区宋金时期丧葬文化特点与周边地区的关系、地域文化特征提供了重要的考古资料。  相似文献   
The literature on interurban competition emphasizes that market rules as an external coercive power dominate local state space conductive to economic growth. Is there another external coercive power, other than the market as a hidden hand, to promote and mitigate interurban competition? Addressing this question, this paper specifies that the Chinese state's political efforts to downplay the role of the market in, and remake the rule of, interurban competition could have far reaching implications for urban political economy. The two cases are Ruili and Wanding, two border cities located on the edge of China's southwestern borderland adjacent to Myanmar. While reranking is supposed to balance out the inefficiencies of market principles in interurban competition, multiple rounds of reranking in Ruili and Wanding in the past seven decades indicate that this political orchestration can accelerate interurban competition into a cutthroat game for economic growth and thus create problems for macro economic management. Nevertheless, it can become a political tool to revamp the game by strategically selecting some cities as nodes of development at the sacrifice of urban fortunes of other cities. In this process, market rules operate in parallel with, and sometimes succumb to, the principle of political order from above. This finding expands the geographies of the state: the co-constitution of the local and the national becomes necessary and pragmatic since interurban competition is not a territorially-conditioned endeavor, but remains open to extralocal stakeholders—upper-level governments in this case—who can remake local state space.  相似文献   
东晋时期,在士族势力高度发展和东吴世袭领郡制的基础上,两者结合形成了士族世袭领州制。士族之间凭门户势力的较量,分别相应地统领不同的州,虽随条件变化作出进退,但都围绕着一州的统领权作为轴心来运转。其实质是士族把持政治,按门户档次分配地域权益,并希望世代保持下去。  相似文献   
价值高、完整度好的墓葬越来越多选择整体搬迁保护。但在考古工作中,有结构缺损的非完整性但价值较高的墓葬不在少数。西安出土一座关中地区少见的、形制完整的宋金时期砖雕墓,尽管其结构局部缺损但研究价值高,是研究该时期墓葬形制、丧葬风俗的重要补充。为完整保留墓葬形制,兼顾再研究与展示,欲进行搬迁保护。保护前通过建立物理力学模型模拟墓室质心的偏移校正,并分析计算搬迁过程中砖壁的倾覆风险,确定了采取保留外部土圹固型、内部加固支撑的整体吊装搬迁方案;再根据理论计算出留土高度、通过模拟实验改进彩绘层隔离保护工艺,成功实现该墓葬的整体搬迁保护。本工作在文物搬迁保护中引入理论模型对缺损结构的量化评估,探究搬迁保护规程化方法,可为同类非完整性但价值较高的墓葬搬迁保护提供方法借鉴。  相似文献   
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