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临沂洗砚池晋墓反映的两个重要问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韦正 《东南文化》2005,(4):41-44
临沂洗砚池晋墓是近年魏晋南北朝考古最重要的发现之一,被评选为2003年中国十大考古新发现。这也是山东地区发现的规模最大的晋墓,不仅出了大量珍贵的文物,而且墓葬位于临沂王羲之公园内,墓主又是未成年人,所以格外引人关注。墓主的身份,墓主与王羲之的关系,大概一时难有结论。墓葬所蕴涵的学术价值,倒可以先着一鞭。  相似文献   
河南上蔡县卧龙岗战国西汉墓发掘简报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
卧龙岗位于上蔡县城西北部的黄土岗。驻马店市文物考古管理所为配合基本建设对墓葬区进行了发掘, 清理古代墓葬 50余座, 多为战国西汉墓。此次发掘, 对研究蔡国故地的社会形态及埋葬习俗提供了新的实物资料。  相似文献   
漆衣陶器是一种在陶器上髹漆做画的器物, 产生于战国, 大量出现于西汉早中期。作者对该类器物的产地、用料及其兴衰等问题, 提出自己的见解。  相似文献   
在战国天星观一号楚墓出土的竹简文中,有一"■"字,它涉及中国古代祭祷中的沉祭,可与商甲骨卜辞以及周礼中有关记载相互印证。  相似文献   
小邾国与胙国是姻亲国,邾友父鬲是小邾君为其嫁为胙国夫人的女儿制的媵器,本应随其女儿陪嫁到胙国,而却随葬在小邾国贵族基地.邾友父鬲和1号墓的年代为春秋早期,胙国被灭也在春秋早期.二者年代相同,绝非偶然巧合.其原因应与胙国灭亡的重大变故有关.当时邾友父的女儿很可能未及出嫁胙国就灭亡了,也可能已经出嫁到胙国,在南燕兼并胙国时为避难而逃回到母国,同时也把媵器带到了娘家,或仅仅是把媵器转移到了小邾国,后因胙国灭亡,媵器便留在了母国,为其兄弟亦即第二代小邾君所得,到第二代小邾君或其夫人去世时,便把这些媵器随葬在墓中.如果此说不妄,则又可反证胙国灭亡的更为具体的年代.  相似文献   
魏晋南北朝社会长期分裂对峙,但北方农业仍在向前发展:一、耕作工具和耕作技术有了大的进步,牛耕得到广泛普及,畜力耙及牵引软套都被发明出来,传统的耕一耙一耱北方旱田耕作体系形成。二、继承汉代精耕细作的传统,强调“宁可少好,不可多恶”,发展区种法,重视提高单位面积效益。三、农业中畜牧成分增加,是北方农业适应外部变化的一次重大产业结构调整,有利于农业增收和土地利用率的提高。总体看来,是进大于退。  相似文献   
Illicit transactions are increasingly integrated to legitimate financial flows between international financial centers (IFCs) and offshore jurisdictions (OJs). The United States (US) is actively engaged in regulating illicit transactions through anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing (AML/CFT) regulations backed by economic sanctions statutes. In this paper, I show how US sanctions regulatory capacity has developed by scaling out compliance and enforcement functions to state regulators and advanced business services (ABS) intermediaries in Singapore. Scaling out draws on a relational scale framework that locates the multiscalar surveillance of IFCs and OJs' entangled financial networks as an instrument for governing the illicit global economy. At the same time, Singapore's enrolment in US financial surveillance benefits the financial center by strengthening the city-state's regulatory functions. Using cases of high-profile illicit financial activities as well as interviews with regulatory agents in Singapore and to a lesser extent the US, the paper shows how multiscalar compliance and enforcement practices support US′ extra-jurisdictional discipline of rogue actors and jurisdictions while augmenting Singapore's stature as a clean and trusted financial center.  相似文献   
韦正  朴南巡 《东南文化》2018,(6):69-75,127-128
江苏镇江东晋画像砖发掘简报曾从历史背景出发,简略指出镇江东晋墓兼具山东和先秦楚文化特点。在简报认识的基础上,再补充若干重要实例并进行分析,可以发现六朝时期今镇江地区自成文化圈,镇江东晋画像砖墓是观察汉晋文化嬗变之迹的典型材料。  相似文献   
This article critically investigates past and contemporary treatments of the state within geographical scholarship. We propose that there is a silent statism within geography that has shaped it in ways that limit geographical imaginations. Statism, herein, refers to a pervasive, historically contingent organisational logic that valourises and naturalises sovereign, coercive, and hierarchical relationships, within and beyond state spaces. We argue that although the explicit, colonial statism that characterised early geography is past, traces of statism nonetheless underpin much of the discipline. While political geography has increasingly critiqued ‘state-centrism’, we argue that it is essential to move beyond critique alone. Using anarchist state theory to critically build upon perspectives in geography, we argue that statism is intellectually and politically problematic and should be recast as an active constituent of unequal social relations. In turn, we outline five core myths that form its logical foundations. In concluding, three initial areas in which post-statist geographies can make inroads are identified: interrogating intersections between statism and other power relations; constructing post-statist epistemologies and methodologies; and addressing how the state is represented in geographical work.  相似文献   

This paper attempts a gendered analysis of the ongoing Maoist insurgency in India, particularly focused on women’s position within the movement, the continuum of gender based violence that they experience and the potential for transformative politics. The contemporary Maoist movement in India has been informed by a stated commitment to ‘progressive’ gender politics and social transformations; in that it marks a departure from the Naxalite movement of the 60s and 70s. Yet women remain concentrated in the group’s lower ranks and are absent from leadership positions. In addition, sexual and gender based violence and discrimination within the movement further undermine the commitment of the revolution to create opportunities for transformative politics including gender justice and equality. We consider it important that women’s lived experiences of the conflict - as combatants, supporters as well as civilians affected by it - are brought to the foreground. Drawing from postcolonial feminist approaches, we reflect on the challenges and possibilities for feminist politics and ethics within the Indian Maoist movement. We conclude that the rhetoric and reality of gender equality within the Maoist movement provides a unique opportunity to further investigate and analyze the ways in which feminist activism and the women’s movement in India have alienated the concerns of marginalized women from dalit and adivasi communities.  相似文献   
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