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民国初年,一批富有革新精神的南方画家客居北京,给因循守旧的北京画界带来一股新风。其中姚华和陈师曾并称"姚陈",被公认为北京画坛领袖。他们志同道合,互相影响,密切配合,并肩奋斗,在绘画创作、艺术理论和美术教育等领域都取得了卓著成就,为中国画的复兴和繁荣作出了重要贡献,堪称民初北京画坛的双子星座。  相似文献   
《松雪斋集》是赵孟頫宦游经历、诗文词赋、书画题跋等文艺作品的汇集,反映着赵孟頫个人诗文的风格特色、书画的艺术传统和历史价值;同时,因为其中凝结着元代诸多文人学者、书画名家的声音,因此又成为展示元代文人生态图景的一个窗口。本文拟从《松雪斋集》成书这一动态过程切入,分析赵孟頫文学创作展开的时代背景,考察参与和推动其创作的社会动因,借以认识赵孟頫文化形象树立的动态过程,以及在文化传播机制下《松雪斋集》的历史价值。  相似文献   
元朝作为蒙古族建立的中原王朝,其休假制既有沿袭前代,又有本民族特色。本文仅粗略考证一下元朝官吏丁忧守制、官员的休假、元朝官吏请假制、以及节日放假等。这些制度在前代既有迹可循,又有自身特色,体现了元王朝的双重性格。  相似文献   
The Guanlong Bloc has been widely believed to have enjoyed significant advantages in the dynasties founded between the Western Wei and the Tang. Based on an analysis of the sociopolitical framework and geo-strategic factor before the Taiyuan Uprising, this article aims to explain how in order to strike a severe blow against the Sui. Li Yuan, a core member of the Guanlong Bloc, made use of forces alienated by, or simply unrelated to, the establishment. In addition to showing their considerable resentment against the establishment, a substantial number of meritorious officials collaborating with Li Yuan during the Sui were not directly affiliated with the Guanlong Bloc in terms of family and regional backgrounds; some of them were from humble origin or even desperados not tolerated by the establishment. Amongst the desperados, some were originally members of the Guanlong Bloc but committed crimes while the others were local bandits and chivalrous swordsmen. During his time governing Taiyuan and leading the troop to march towards Chang’an, Li Yuan had managed to recruit local bandits and chivalrous swordsmen. During the medieval era, aristocratic elites played a dominant role in shaping both politics and society; class differentiation was considered a major feature characterized by aristocratic preference. This prevailing mindset, however, did not seem to place any restrictions on Li Yuan in his efforts to recruit locals from humble origin. This practice was instrumental in drawing local supports, thus tremendously strengthening his military force to overthrow the establishment. The method adopted by Li Yuan highlights the point that despite his deep connection with the Guanlong Bloc, he adopted a policy of drawing on local human resources rather than relying on the military strength of the Guanlong region in the process of establishing his own authority. Another major point of discussion is the weakening of the Guanlong Bloc during the Sui. Yang Jian and his sons had counted heavily on those who were not the Guanlong Bloc members; some members of the Bloc had even become the target of purges during the reign of Yang Guang. In this sense, the strategy of using forces outside the establishment to overthrow it was not Li Yuan’s creation; instead, Li simply followed what Yang Jian and his sons had been doing in their endeavors to overthrow the existing order. The above historical facts are sufficient to cast doubt on the advantageous position that the Guanlong Bloc was supposed to be enjoying during medieval China. As a whole, similar to all other military and political blocs in history, the Guanlong Bloc passed through the stages of both establishment and transformation before stepping out of the historical arena.  相似文献   
永乐皇帝龙驭上宾消息传到朝鲜,引发一系列政治礼仪举措,从中可以生动展见明朝与朝鲜宗藩关系运行的方式尺度。朝鲜君臣谨慎依照中原礼仪为永乐皇帝举行丧礼,体现高度中华礼仪文化自觉,同时浸透谨慎事大的政治考量。永乐皇帝宾天消息从官方渠道达于朝鲜与朝鲜从民间获取该消息的时间差,表明朝鲜与明朝政府间信息往来并非迅捷有效。《朝鲜王朝实录》关于永乐皇帝之死及诸多关涉明朝宫廷内重大事件的记载皆含朦胧不清处,提示使用域外资料仍需如使用域内资料一样谨慎进行可靠性推究。明前期皇帝向朝鲜索要处女及以嫔妃、宫女殉葬事,体现帝制时代仍然存在龟缩到权贵高层角落的奴隶制社会关系残余,朝鲜一方面为之尽力周旋,同时也对之表露鄙薄怨恨之意,属明朝皇室咎由自取。  相似文献   
王世茂车书楼是晚明南京一家重要的书坊,它编纂、校注和刊刻的图书仅流传至今者就达30余种,与车书楼有联系的作者、校者和刊刻者达40余人。文章借鉴新文化史的研究范式,通过对车书楼及其所编纂、校注和刊刻图书的考察,探究商业出版环境下晚明底层文人的生活方式、价值观念和精神诉求以及人际交往情况,从而揭示了晚明底层文人生存状态和谋生方式的多元化。这一努力不仅可以深化传统社会底层文人生活状况的研究,还在方法论上有所突破。  相似文献   
2017年11月,南阳市文物考古研究所对桐柏县平氏镇卢寨壁画墓进行抢救性发掘,出土了保存较为完好的元代壁画,有夫妻并坐图、二十四孝图等。此墓葬的发掘为我们研究这一区域元代服饰、家具以及丧葬习俗等提供了直接的图像资料。  相似文献   
盐务道员是明清政府为管理食盐产销设立的重要职官。万历末年,明廷为催征盐课以供辽饷,先后创设整饬、疏理两淮盐法道。天启以后,党争剧烈,道臣清理盐法成效不彰,崇祯朝致力恢复运司专管盐法的旧制。清代重新调整盐官制度,合并运使、盐道为“管盐法道运使”,又新设监管场产的“分巡盐务道”和职司岸销的“通省盐法道”。盐务道员由朝廷差遣官变为地方盐务机构,与专管盐课钱粮的运司衙门共同成为包衣盐差的直属办事机构。皇帝为独揽两淮利权,又令两江总督兼总理盐法,与包衣盐差相互制约。道光年间,盐差因整顿不力奉裁,盐政改归总督管理。咸同军兴以后,运司、盐道的职权被招商、督销等局侵夺,两淮利权遂归总督,成为晚清督臣专权的财政基础。  相似文献   
河北文安、大城两县境内的文安洼,地处大清河、子牙河水系下游,地势低洼,“形如釜底”,导致积水难以泄出,历史时期常发生严重的洪涝灾害。明清时期文安县通过修筑堤防、开凿引河、营田种稻等多种措施治理文安洼,但水患仍频。文安洼水患难以治理的原因,既包括文安洼区域本身低洼的地形与大清河、子牙河下游流域淤高等环境因素,也包括文安县与周边州县之间治水利益的矛盾及文安县自身的治理乏术、乏力等社会因素。  相似文献   
这是中国封建社会家庭同居史上时间最长、规模最大的一个特殊大家族,她聚食同居十五世,南宋、元、明三朝330余年,以“孝义”名冠天下,被明朱元璋赐封为“江南第一家”,本文通过其成因来阐述她的历史地位与文化价值。  相似文献   
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