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On the basis of Chinese records and previous academic achievements in and outside China, the author makes a deeper study on the history of Kantu. As an ancient Tibeto-Burmese speaking group, Kantu was likely to have developed from the Qiongdu (Kontu) of Xinan yi (ancient ethnic groups in southwestern China). During the 12th–13th centuries, the Kantu group resided in an extensive area expanding from the border area between present Sichuan and Yunnan provinces of China to Burma. In the late 13th century, the Yuan troops occupied the area of Kantu. Since then, there have been no more record about Kantu in Chinese annals, and they were likely merged into the groups of “Luoluo” (Lolo). In Burma, most of the Kantu people had been merged into the local peoples, with only a few remaining in remote mountain forests of northern Burma and still keeping their own name and customs. Thus, these people are just the living sources for our studies on ancient Kantu. __________ Translated from Minzu yanjiu (Ethno National Studies), 2004: 1  相似文献   
This article situates the Pearl River delta market town of Jiujiang within a system of market towns and cities along the West River and its tributaries in southern China. Exploring the history of this town as an emigrant community, this article follows the upstream movement of officials, civil service examinees, merchants, and permanent settlers along the West River basin between the sixteenth century and the nineteenth century. The trajectory of migration from this market town was shaped by the geographical factors of the West River system. At the same time, migration, which was related both to strategies that Jiujiang families embraced for socioeconomic advancement and to policies that the Ming and Qing states adopted for controlling the southwestern frontier, played an important role in the historical construction of a unified region linked by economic ties and personal networks.  相似文献   
湖田窑考古新收获   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文着重介绍了景德镇湖田窑元代遗址最新考古发掘的材料,并通过对这些新材料的研究,认定湖田窑址所代表的窑场可能是元代浮梁磁局所属的官府瓷器作坊之一.除日用瓷外,建筑用瓷也是其主要产品。在釉色品种上,有青白釉器.卵白釉器、白釉器、黑釉器、青花、釉里红和低温彩瓷等。  相似文献   
徐林 《史学集刊》2004,(3):34-37
明代中晚期江南地区经济相对繁荣,士人阶层的社会交往行为空前繁盛。然而,在士人阶层的底层,一些生活窘迫的贫寒之士既不屑于治生,又鄙于结交权贵,生活的困顿使得这个群体的社会交往活动相对萎缩,成为与当时士林风气不协调的一个特殊群落。贫士社会交往行为的相对缩减,使得他们回归到倡导“安贫乐道”的传统儒学的范式中寻求文化的支撑。  相似文献   
辜家岭窑址群位于咸安区甘棠镇竹脑村四组,1999年考古工作对该窑址群中的一座“蚌壳形”窑进行了发掘,较完整揭示出窑址的结构特征,在窑内底部出土成品灰陶小板瓦,这为我们研究明代窑及建筑材料的烧制提供了有益资料。  相似文献   
王世贞的明史研究涉猎了万历以前几乎所有的重大问题 ,从明代政治事件、典章制度、社会经济、中外关系、文化生活到历史人物等等方面 ,他都有独到的看法和贡献 ,且涉及明代社会的各个层面 ,开创了一派以实录为本位的新掌故史学 ,留下了丰富的资料。他的明史研究贯串着歌颂明朝的思想 ,体现其“成一家之言”的著史志向 ,因而他在明代史学史上具有十分突出的地位。  相似文献   
对于至元年间大规模征黎行动的结束时间 ,学术界目前普遍认为是在至元三十年二月。本文通过对不同史料的勘比和元代文物的研究 ,认为这一观点是值得商榷的 ,结束时间应是至元三十一年二月而非至元三十年二月。  相似文献   
明代广西班军制度研究--兼论班军的非军事移民性质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为加强广西地方防御 ,明中央抽调了湖广、广东和贵州的卫所军前去轮番戍守。本文探讨了广西班军的缘起、创制、数量、班期和组织管理等 ,并结合广西与贵州、湖广和广东三地围绕班军存废的争论 ,考评班军制度的合理性、积极意义和存在的问题 ,纠正了“班军属于军事移民”的错误观点。  相似文献   
王云 《安徽史学》2004,(3):12-19
明清时期,山东运河区域以其便利的交通,优良的棉、麦、梨、枣等土特产和市场活跃的工商业城镇,吸引大批徽商来此货殖;他们主要集中在临清、济宁等区域中心城市,从事布帛、食盐、典当、杂货、中药等行业的经营;徽商在侨寓地还进行联姻、入籍、科考、捐资等活动,树立起了"义利兼顾"的"良贾"形象.徽商在山东运河区域的长期居住经营,不仅在一定程度上改变了一些城镇的居民结构,而且促进了山东运河流域的南北物资文化交流,带动了这一区域社会经济的发展.  相似文献   
也谈“贾而好儒”是徽商的特色——与张明富先生商榷   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王世华 《安徽史学》2004,(1):96-102
张明富先生认为"贾而好儒"不是徽商特色,而是明清商人的普遍特征.本文不赞成这种观点,指出:一,张明富先生的论证方法有问题,单纯的例证法不足以证明某个事物的基本趋势、基本倾向.二,徽商"贾而好儒"的特色也得到了同时代人的认同.这一特色的形成,是与徽州这一特殊地区密切相关的.三,张文所分析的明清商人普遍"贾而好儒"的原因,从逻辑上说是不能成立的.四,儒家观念并非传统商人未能踏入近代门槛的主要羁绊,能否超越儒家思想的屏障也非中世纪商人与近代商人的最大区别.  相似文献   
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