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三杨庄聚落遗址发现的庭院内的房屋建筑,符合汉代一般民户建筑的"一堂二内"的记载,也与汉代"五口之家"的家庭规模相适应;张家山汉简《二年律令·户律》规定"一宅"的面积是"大方卅步",约相当于今天1700多平方米。三杨庄聚落遗址中庭院面积近2000平方米,基本符合《二年律令·户律》中普通民户"一宅"的面积。这表明汉代关于住宅大小的规定,可能是一项长期实行的比较稳定的制度。汉代人所抨击的"田宅逾制"问题,是说"田"、"宅"都不能"逾制",其中"宅"的面积大小的规定必定是长期存在的;三杨庄庭院遗址,可能就是《二年律令·户律》中"民宅园户籍"中"宅园"的真实再现,"民宅园户籍"应是记载民户家庭人口情况、住宅及其附属物"园"情况的综合簿籍。  相似文献   
《Political Theology》2013,14(4):477-502

Currently, religion and globalization seem to be working towards opposite ends. As Mark Juergensmeyer has noted, while religiously invoked terrorism fragments society, the Internet, cell phones and the media industry foster the formation of an increasingly global social fabric. But religion is not a single faceted phenomenon. As much as there are prophets of violence such as Osama bin Laden, there are prophets of peace and reconciliation such as Bishop Desmond Tutu. How a civil society might be configured in relation to the inherent ambiguity surrounding religious traditions remains difficult to discern. How might Christian traditions make a positive contribution to this context? To answer this question I will articulate a dialogue between Jürgen Habermas's theory of civil society and the politico-ethical theology of Karl Barth.  相似文献   
J.B. Priestley's writing has been used to explore aspects of landscape and Englishness. Through an analysis of Priestley's early journalism in the Bradford Pioneer and the Yorkshire Observer, we argue that his critical disengagement to most of the landscapes of England was based on a connection to the landscapes of his youth in Bradford where he first developed his fictional and documentary narrative style. In his early journalism, Priestley articulated a sense of dwelling in Bradford that was rooted in the experience of two distinct local landscapes: the spaces of the city and the nature of the surrounding upland and moorland. Priestley's geographical ideal balanced the civility of the Edwardian city embedded in a landscape that offered escape to and commune with nature. The existential balance between the two was, we argue, central to the narrative geographies developed by Priestley in his fiction which is illustrated through an analysis of his two early novels: The Good Companions (1929) and Angel Pavement (1930). We suggest that the ways in which Priestley's interwar writing expressed dwelling in local landscapes might be thought of as a critical provincialisation of London and England.  相似文献   
中国史视野中的“公共领域”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过考察从事中国史研究的学术群体对于"公共领域"理论的认知过程,展现了这一理论在一定程度上符合了中国史研究领域关注"国家与社会关系"的学术旨趣,对于"国家与社会关系"提供了更具兼容力的解说方式,并提供了许多操作性很强的研究单位。但另一方面,在将这一理论运用于实证研究时,研究者们往往难以摆脱"资产阶级公共领域"的限定性概念,此外,还存在着对于"公共"的界定不清晰,对于文化和意识形态方面的"公共性"关注不够,对于体制化的"公共领域"和现象层面的"公共领域"区分不明确等问题。对于这些问题的深刻反思,将会有助于揭示中国历史上公共领域的独特性格。  相似文献   
油画对于中国来说是一个外来的画种,经过美术史家多年的努力,它东传的时间和途径已然大致明确。但研究中还是有很多缺环。近些年来对清朝宫廷绘画实物及相关资料的发现,为欧洲油画东传的过程提供了更多的信息。本文通过对流传至今的清宫油画作品进行梳理,提出一些想法,或可补充关于"西画东渐"的叙述。  相似文献   
早在1957年整风前的全国宣传工作会议期间,毛泽东就曾三次公开回答过倘若鲁迅活着敢不敢写的问题,因而在其后反右派斗争期间再次回答这个问题合乎情理。在目前流传的三种毛罗对话版本中,贺圣谟版本提到的顾全大局四个字至关重要,最能体现毛泽东对鲁迅杂文立场的深刻了解和对知识分子政治态度的深切期盼。在他看来,凡事有经有权——鲁迅式杂文是永远需要的,但要站在人民立场上用保护和教育人民的满腔热情来写,这是经,是原则性;而当社会上出现否定党和社会主义的错误言论并使整风转入反右斗争后,原本在开门整风时用来讽刺自己队伍的杂文就不合时宜了,要顾全反右斗争大局,改变讽刺批评对象,这是权,是灵活性。这种思维体现了马克思主义政策策略原理与中国传统经权思想的有机结合。  相似文献   
This paper examines Thomas Hill Green's changing attitude to the Reform Question between 1865 and 1876. Section 1 sketches the Radical landscape against which Green advocated reform between 1866 and 1867, paying particular attention to the respective positions of Gladstone, J.S. Mill and Bright on the relationship between responsible citizenship and class membership. Section 2 examines Green's theories of social balance and responsible citizenship at the time of his lectures on the English Civil War. Section 3 argues that, contrary to the established scholarship, Green's Radicalism was closer to Bright than to Gladstone and Mill during this period. Section 4 counters Richter's claim that Green abandoned democracy following the 1874 General Election, while arguing that even sympathetic commentators misunderstand Green's attitude to the Reform Question immediately after this date.  相似文献   
This article is a personal assessment aimed to establish J.S. Marais’s legacy. It is written in the light of the insights I gained as I interacted with him as an undergraduate and honours student (starting in 1949), as a research student, and finally as a departmental colleague over a period of ten years or so. It begins with my experience of his teaching. He was a poor lecturer, especially to large classes. This improved with smaller classes. He came into his own in the honours year. He was a specialist in South African history as a case study in the colonial era, from the seventeenth to the nineteenth century. Marais was excellent as a supervisor of postgraduate research from honours to doctoral level, empathetic and patient in handling his students’ needs. A further feature of his honours teaching was his development of a course in historical method and philosophy of history. Next, the article covers Marais’s preparation for an academic career, first at UCT and then at Oxford, leading in both cases to BA and honours degrees. Then his studies culminated in his doctoral thesis on the colonisation of New Zealand. This enabled him by 1927 to become a lecturer at UCT, a post he held until he moved to Wits as a senior lecturer in 1937. Marais’s high reputation rested mainly on his books. The article continues with an assessment of each of these, including their reception by his colleagues. The article ends with an appraisal of Marais’s qualities. Poor as an administrator, he was outstanding as a head of department at the intellectual level and also as a leader of the joint campaign of the University of the Witwatersrand (Wits) and UCT against the imposition of apartheid on the universities.  相似文献   
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