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新石器时代我国辽河流域、黄河流域与长江流域三个地区的玉器,在材质、造型和纹饰方面表现出强烈的区域性特征:辽河流域的玉器多采用岫岩玉为原料,长江流域的玉器则多用透闪石一阳起石制成,而黄河流域多见绿松石制成的器物;辽河流域的玉器纹饰简单风格朴实,长江流域的玉器器形和纹饰都很特别,黄河流域则多生产工具且光素无纹.此外,玉器反映了新石器时代中晚期辽河流域内渔猎经济和宗教在社会中居于主导地位,长江流域中下游地区则可能进入了王权、军权和神权一体化的方国阶段,而世俗权力的独大在黄河流域普遍存在.世俗权力在这一地区社会政治生活中占据了主导地位.  相似文献   
Whereas ‘simple modernity’ was characterized by objective space, the grid of the map, and a removal of all subjective symbols or signs, ‘reflexive modernity’ is characterized by a re‐subjectivization of space. Within this space ‘reflexive communities’ emerge to make sense of emotions and experiences, reflecting particular ways of behaving, thinking and being. As geographers one task facing us now is to visualize and map the spaces of reflexive modernization. This paper presents a means of visualizing the text of emotions uncovered in the research encounter—a way of ‘mapping’ reflexive communities—and shows how we can articulate, negotiate and represent, complex emotional landscapes. The ‘maps’—which draw on spatial metaphors that permeate everyday emotions—such as ‘distancing’ ourselves, ‘engaging’, ‘joining’, ‘feeling detached’, ‘embracing’—were developed initially through analysis of in‐depth interviews with long‐term sufferers of myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME). Although the key focus of the paper is the experience of long‐term illness, the method of visualizing emotional geographies of everyday life could be applied in any number of fields. As such, it adds to the search across the social sciences for understanding the reflexive nature of contemporary space.  相似文献   
This paper traces, and is the traces of, a collective project to render a neighbourhood queer. It is a project that emerges from queer social relations. Academic research and knowledge generation are approached collaboratively by working with queer-identified residents from west-central neighbourhoods in Toronto, Canada who volunteered with the Queer West ShOUT Youth Program. Within the context of two participant-facilitated discussion events, we discursively and artistically investigate queer world-making in the neighbourhood of West Queen West. Through collective mental mapping and photovoice renderings we interpret the queering of urban space as a queer utopian impulse. We critically examine the ‘concrete utopia’ of Queer West Village and question its resonance in the lives of ShOUT volunteers. Theoretically inspired by Muñoz, our ‘a/r/tographic’ mode of inquiry and critical praxis are a rendering of ‘queer futurity.’ We draw on our past to critique our lived present so as to imagine future potentialities. We do so in order to argue that it is vital that the queerness we individually and collectively strive for at the spatial scale of the neighbourhood, such as the process of place-making itself, is grounded in material experience yet remains provisional and an ideality that motivates us.  相似文献   
While American Romanies live a remarkably secretive cultural existence, their grave locations and memorial stones offer accessible evidence about their history and active, on-going communities. This article elaborates a less-intrusive ethnographic method that uses Romani cemetery data to explore and map the distributions and social networks of American Romani communities. This case study identifies Vlach Rom memorial sites located in Toledo, Ohio's Calvary Catholic Cemetery. Data were gathered on the memorials and spatially cataloged using a global positioning system (GPS). Additionally, genealogical data on the families were collected whenever available in order to construct and map family networks. Conjectures explaining the spatial distribution were tested by empirically investigating geographic information system (GIS) maps of different gravesite attributes. Land availability was the most likely factor determining the distribution. Evidence of Toledo Rom history and cultural practices were also gathered and reviewed from a qualitative analysis of the memorial stones. These discoveries have the potential to advance Romany studies—by applying modern analytic tools, GPS and GIS hardware and software to reveal otherwise “hidden” knowledge.  相似文献   

Interpreting cave use, especially from antiquity, requires the perception of subterranean space in all dimensions (floor to ceiling to lateral extent) including spatial variability resulting from geological factors. Subterranean conditions, coupled with variable atmospheric conditions, create a special environment not readily conveyed by conventional mapping techniques limited to two-dimensional floor plans. Skoteino Cave in north central Crete, Greece was used as a ritual and refuge site in the Bronze Age and later. Mapping of the cave attempted to depict and interpret prehistoric and historical use of this space by employing two mapping techniques: EDM total station mapping and terrestrial/point cloud laser scanning. Comparisons with earlier methods used to map cave show the advantages and disadvantages of various mapping schemes. To date, this was the first use of three-dimensional (3D) scanning to explore the complex shapes and space of a subterranean archaeological site on Crete (and the second such use in Greece), and this use demonstrates its own consequent successes and difficulties.  相似文献   

The Topographical Survey of the Orange Free State, executed by the British War Office between 1905 and 1911, was not only one of the first but also one of the finest topographical surveys to be undertaken in British colonial Africa. The motivation for this undertaking stemmed from three sources: the personal interest of Sir David Gill (H.M. Astronomer at the Cape) in the measurement of the arc of the 30th meridian; Britain's imperialistic intervention in South Africa which resulted in the South African War (1899–1902) against the Boer Republics and which stressed the need for reliable military maps for warfare as well as for the general defence of the new colonies; and the need for accurate maps for purposes of colonial administration and land tenure. The survey took five and a half years to complete, and the 1: 125,000 series (G.S.G.S. 2230) that was compiled represented the only accurate maps of this part of the continent for almost seven decades.  相似文献   

The 1:1 million Map of Hispanic America, compiled at the American Geographical Society's New York headquarters between the First and Second World Wars, has been seen as a landmark in twentieth-century cartography. In this essay we re-evaluate the Hispanic Map as a technical and scholarly project and re-assess its wider significance for the history of twentieth-century topographic mapping in the light of the cultural and political factors that shaped its development. When finally completed in 1945, the Hispanic Map was rightly judged an unsurpassed scientific achievement and a major work of art. But it was already out of date, superseded by newer cartographic technologies, particularly aerial survey and reconnaissance, that had removed the need for the kind of meticulous and painstaking compilation that the Hispanic Map exemplified.  相似文献   
白马藏族神话,就是用口头白马语为载体,以耳听、心记的方式向后传承留存至今的本族神话作品,主要类型有:创世神话、人源神话、神灵神话、英雄神话等。经考察发现,白马藏族神话最为发达的是英雄神话,其中的代表作《阿尼嘎萨》流传千余年,长达十余万言,堪比蒙、藏等族的《格萨尔》,展现了白马藏族民间故事和口传活态文化的最高成就,值得学界重视。白马藏族神话表现出独到的述说特征:整体表现为口头传承过程由"信以为真"向信众逐步散失的转变与题材的不规则演化,述说体系虽零散杂乱且缺乏整一严谨性,但又有其独特之处。  相似文献   
老龄人口旅游空间行为特征及其对旅游业发展的启示   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
老龄化人口发展趋势在我国东部地区大中城市日益明显。本文试从人口老龄化角度来探讨老龄人口对旅游业经济收益贡献率的影响,分析旅游企业如何适应老龄化人口发展趋势,及时转变经营观念,调整经营战略,取得更好的旅游收益。  相似文献   
This paper provides a summary review and analysis of some of the recent literature on the geography of crime and criminal victimization, especially as it relates to Canada. The topic is approached from a risk perspective focussing on human vulnerability to criminal victimization. The analysis reveals divergent perspectives in the literature. On one hand, the most readily accessible literature is that of the dominant geographical representation of crime in Canada which is found in the official reports of the criminal justice system, media reports, and social science texts. This perspective concentrates on offences and maps of the spatial distribution of crime. On the other hand, there is a less integrated literature which is both critical of, and complementary to, the dominant view. This literature emphasizes the victims of crime and gives particular attention to the role of local context and community in conditioning human vulnerability. These different perspectives reflect a fundamental spatial tension between a criminal justice system which attempts to manage the hazards of criminal activity through technocratic, large scale, and centralized practices, and the need and desire of individuals and communities to maintain some degree of local control over their own vulnerability and public safety. Cet article nous donne un bref résumé ainsi qu'une analyse de certains ouvrages traitant de la géographie du crime et de la “victimisation criminelle” dans une perspective canadienne. Le sujet est abordé du point de vue du risque et plus particulièrement sur celui du sentiment de vulnérabilité face à la “victimisation criminelle.” L'analyse met en évidence deux perspectives divergentes dans ce domaine. D'une part le matériel le plus accessible traite sans doute de la répartition du crime à travers le Canada, telle qu'elle apparaît dans les rapports officiels du système pénal, dans les médias et les manuels de sciences sociales. Cette approche tend à s'attacher aux crimes et à leur distribution géographique. D'autre part, il existe des ouvrages de perspective beaucoup plus mixtes qui sont à la fois critiques, mais adhèrent aussi à l'opinion prévalente. Ces derniers s'intéressent davantage aux victimes du crime et insistent tout particulièrement sur le rôle du contexte local et de celui de la communauté dans le conditionnement de la vulnérabilité chez l'individu. Ces différentes perspectives reflètent la tension fondamentale qui existe entre une justice pénale tentant de gérer les risques associés à la criminalité grâce à des mesures centralisées, purement technocratiques, exécutées à grande échelle. Elles reflètent aussi à la fois le besoin et le désir des individus et des communautés de vouloir exercer un certain contrôle sur leur propre vulnérabilité et sur leur sécurité publique.  相似文献   
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