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Since “museumland” was revisited in the 1980s, different authors have studied the history of colonial museums in Europe within a broader discussion on colonial bias, the creation of traditions and the theory of representation. It has become clear, for example, how African utensils were exported to Europe, where they were exhibited as curiosa, ethnographical objects or art. But what happened when the very notion of the museum was exported back to Africa? Who created these institutes and in what context? Was the relationship between colonizers and colonized altered? Did the “social life” of the objects on show change? And what was the relationship between the “old” museums in Europe and the “new” ones created in the colony? These questions have rarely been studied. In this article, the creation of the Musée Léopold II will be used as a basis to offer insight into the links between colonial “science” and “policy”, which proved not to be as monolithic as often portrayed, but rather were complex amalgamations of different opinions and even conflicting interests.  相似文献   
Feminist theory predicts that when traditional societies with egalitarian gender relations contact European state societies in which gender stratification exists, the traditional society will adopt the European gender construct. This rule may be modified in cases where the relations between the two types of society are modulated by interpretive processes which allow the state society to appropriate symbols of the indigenous culture for their own purposes, and the indigenous society to shape contact and change as they occur. This article describes how European contact transformed gender constructs among the Bakairí Indians of central Brazil, while accounting for the presence of an anomalous group of women who behave differently to the typical Indian woman. It explains how individual Bakairí, along with the support of key Brazilian institutions, have employed interpretively the early-contact indigenous version of the female gender role to authenticate the indigenous identity.  相似文献   
This article examines both modern ethnographical, and medieval hagiographical, constructs of sacred space in the context of female pilgrimage. Beginning with an overview of the ways in which anthropological theories of sacred space and gender have informed pilgrimage scholarship over the last fifty years, it focuses in particular on two conceptual models: that which argues that spatial practices employed by cult centres served to distance women from holy places, and that which contends that accommodation was reached between the devotional aspirations of female pilgrims on the one hand, and the institutional policies of the Church on the other. In turning to the Middle Ages, the second part of the article examines narrative representations of sacred space, and reveals that the spatial challenges posed by female pilgrimage in the medieval West were addressed and mediated in hagiography in surprisingly similar ways.  相似文献   
《刘向歆父子年谱》是钱穆先生的成名作,它以坚实的证据解决了经学史上的一个大问题——康有为所力主的刘歆伪造诸经之说不成立。这一学术成就的取得,不是在一般意义上超越了今古文窠臼,而是一本“经学上之问题,同时即为史学上之问题”的原则,彻底破除了经学上的门户之见,并冲破了“六经皆史”说之樊篱,达到了将经学问题转化为史学问题的目的。围绕《刘向歆父子年谱》及其相关问题,钱穆与顾颉刚展开了有意义的讨论,这一讨论虽仍牵涉到今古文经学的一些老问题,但与清末康有为、章太炎之争已大为不同,非为带有浓厚政治意味的经学争论,而是史学层面上的正常学术讨论,“于史学立场,而为经学显真是”。对于中国历史学而言,无论是钱穆的信而有疑,还是顾颉刚的疑而有信,最终可以说是殊途同归,皆有益于近代新史学的成长壮大。  相似文献   
论顾颉刚的史料学思想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
顾颉刚在古史研究领域的成就与他对史料的深刻认识有着重要关系。他把考辨史料作为古史研究的基础工作 ,认为实物材料、文献记载和传说都是古史研究的史料 ,提出实物材料与文献记载材料可以互证 ,应合理地运用伪材料等。正是运用了传说史料 ,他敢于对旧古史系统提出大胆质疑。他还强调指出史料的整理和考辨是运用唯物史观从事研究的基础性工作  相似文献   
曹晋  吴娟 《史学月刊》2006,(1):80-83
贺萧(GailB.Hershatter)教授长于研究现代中国社会与文化史、劳工史、妇女史、性史、女性主义理论。其专著《危险的愉悦:20世纪上海的娼妓问题与现代性》在学界受到好评。  相似文献   
我国西北边疆史地的研究有着悠久的历史 ,清代中后期达到极盛 ,二十世纪初年 ,利用敦煌、楼兰等地出土的文书、木简等新材料 ,又掀起了一股西北边疆史地研究的热潮。黄文弼继承了前人的研究成果 ,并有所创新 ,他运用简牍新资料 ,结合文献记载 ,加上实地考察所得 ,对西北边疆史地中的一些问题 ,如高昌国历史、罗布泊位置、塔里木盆地南河以及东西方文化交流等作了详细考证 ,开创了西北边疆史地研究的新局面。  相似文献   
伊斯兰革命有两支主力军,一支是以霍梅尼为核心的宗教势力,另一支是伊朗左翼知识分子和它领导的左翼运动.如果说,1953年的"8·19"政变导致知识分子的不满和愤怒主要限于国王对帝国主义势力的无耻依赖,出卖国家尊严的卖国行径,从而使知识分子开始放弃对巴列维王朝的忠诚的话,那么,1963年的"库姆事件"对知识分子造成的影响是使大批知识分子对国家的疏离感进一步加深,特别是青年学生进一步向"左"转,进一步激进化,进一步强化对巴列维王朝敌对情绪,加速他们走上武装反抗巴列维王朝的革命道路.  相似文献   
Habib Borjian 《Iranian studies》2019,52(3-4):551-573
Located in the Caspian forest south of the capital city of Sāri in Mazandaran, the rural district of Kalijān Rostāq is home to a number of close-knit villages which share a local Mazandarani dialect. The vernacular offers some authentic features in phonology, morphology, and lexis that are otherwise lost in the urban variety spoken in Sāri due to contact with Persian. In an attempt to elucidate on the loosely-known aspects of the Mazandarani language, this study offers a sketch grammar of the dialect of Kalijān Rostāq with a view to typological features. The glossary that follows includes many Caspian cultural items that are already moribund in the language.  相似文献   

This editorial introduces Archaeo-Ornithology as a distinct field of inquiry and discusses its multidisciplinary background and potential contribution to a more nuanced characterisation of changing human-animal interfaces through time and space. We propose a new conceptual model – grounded in the analysis of ‘triangles of interaction’ – to elucidate the interactional dynamics which underpin varying human-animal relationships. The utility of this approach is demonstrated by exploring the example of anthropogenic space as a key context of human-bird figurations. Each contributing paper of the special issue, which will be introduced in more detail below, foregrounds different aspects and emphasises varying dimensions of the triangle, thus contributing in different ways to archaeo-ornithological research. As highlighted throughout the introduction, however, archaeo-ornithological approaches are not only capable of shedding new light on old questions about the past, they also have the potential of addressing some pressing contemporary quandaries, including continuing debates on the Anthropocene.  相似文献   
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