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故宫学是一门方兴未艾的综合性学科,郑欣淼先生曾经指出,故宫学的研究范围大致有六个方面,包括故宫古建筑(紫禁城)、故宫博物院所收藏的百万件文物、宫廷历史文化遗存、明清档案、清宫典籍以及近八十年的故宫博物院的历程。本文内容属于上述第三个研究范畴"宫廷历史文化遗存"。作者拟透过对晚清大词人况周颐的一则故宫史料笔记的初步考察,说明历史文献是研究故宫宫廷历史文化遗存最不可或缺的领域,而曾经在京任官的文人及其集部著作,正是研究这个范围的故宫学亟待系统发掘、整理和研究的文献史料根源之一。  相似文献   
故宫学是运用历史学、博物馆学、历史文献学、建筑考古学等学科的理论方法,对明清时代北京皇宫之物化和精神遗存,以及以该皇宫为中心展开的后续文博收藏进行综合研究的专门学科。一般意义上的明清史中有大量内容与故宫学中历史类研究重合,故如欲使故宫学的史类研究具有不可替代之特殊意义,需要在方法论意义上凸显故宫作为一个特殊政治文化场域这一视角。由此视角出发,可见故宫作为明清庙堂政治的核心场域,其内大量事物具有符号象征意义,其规制、理念、行为方式和惯性构成独一无二的政治文化语境,与庙堂之外的政治、文化、社会、民生产生差异、关联和互动,若能在具体层面切实推进研究,故宫学的历史类研究即有不可替代的学术意义。  相似文献   
When nations redefine their priorities and re‐plot their directions of travel, engineers get worried about the contents of their knowledge. The cultural and historical specificity of their responses illustrates the extent to which the questions of what counts as engineering knowledge and what counts as an engineer are linked tightly together, and also suggests that both may be tied to local images of the nation. After summarizing recent historical work comparing national patterns in engineering knowledge and engineers' work, this essay outlines how a focus on professional identity may provide a way of accounting for national and transnational influences on engineers while avoiding the specter of determinism. Offering brief case studies drawn from France, the UK, Germany and the USA, the authors describe engineers as ‘responding’ to codes of meaning that live at different scales, including contrasting metrics of progress and images of private industry. The paper is concluded with a brief assessment of some further implications of the analysis of professional identity for work in engineering studies.  相似文献   
This article deals with a specific aspect of the development of corporativism as ‘unofficial’ doctrine of Fascist Italy: its presence in Italian universities. It argues that corporatist schools followed the fortune of the ideals they were called to represent, which were definitely eclipsed by the mid-1930s, when the economic crisis called for more direct and effective forms of state intervention in economic life. In the universities, the rise of corporativism as a specific field of study, and the broader project of creating an ideologically educated future ruling class, challenged the domination exercised by the powerful faculties of law in particular, which traditionally were the key paths for access to the legal profession and the civil service. The resistance of the conservative university establishment meant that the plans to promote corporatist curricula had failed well before the fall of the regime, but many of those appointed to teach Corporative Studies under Fascism maintained their academic positions in Italy's ‘de-Fascistized’ post-war law faculties, and made innovative contributions to Italian social and economic thought.  相似文献   
The horizontal response of structural and nonstructural systems during seismic events has been studied for a long time. However, the effect of the vertical response of floors on building contents and nonstructural systems has still remained a topic of concern. A wavelet de-noising method along with the experimental data obtained from a full-scale test at E-Defense is used to estimate the vertical floor displacement of a five-story steel moment frame building in base-isolated and fixed-base configurations. Vertical displacements of slabs and beams are calculated from the experimental data and formulated based on their out-of-plane dominant frequencies. A curve fitting approach is then carried out to estimate vertical displacements at floors and stories. In these tests, partition wall damage such as buckling of studs occurred at slab displacements of about 1 in.  相似文献   
The influence of the Iranian culture on Eastern Europe is undisputable. Scholars write of the Southern-Iranian road which stretched from the south, from the Parthians, Persia, and the Transcaucasia, to the north Iranian way through Khwarezm and as far as the Volga. The extent of the Iranian influence on the tribes populating southern Siberia prior to the Common Era however, is much less clear. It is believed that the Savirs/Suvars were the ancestors of the Chuvash. Although this theory has not yet been proven fully, it has served as a theme for historical and philological research. Drawing on geographic, religious, and linguistic materials this study attempts to trace the relationship between Iranian tribes and the Savir ancestors of the Chuvash.  相似文献   
陈垣的宗教研究蕴涵着深刻的文化关怀。在基督教研究中,陈垣的文化关怀体现在"使基督教在中华文化史上占有地位"的基督教本色化观,认为基督宗教不可能也不会替代中华文化,只能成为中华文化的一部分。这可以并入他在研究各种外来宗教中体现出来的以中华文化为本位的"中华文化观",即包括基督教在内的外来宗教、文化无不融入中华文化,但是不能改变后者;中华文化海纳百川似地容纳外来宗教、文化,本身得以丰富,但是本质不变,强调中华文化的包容性。抗日战争时期,陈垣的"民族文化关怀"表现为用佛教道教著述,表彰遗民,阐扬气节,并论述宗教保存发展民族文化的观点,侧重的是中华文化的长久生命力。陈恒的文化关怀体现了陈垣对自身和国家民族处境的深刻思考,在现实中都有对应,基督教本色化观对应陈垣的宗教信仰以及基督教与中华文化的关系问题,中华文化观对应全盘西化和文化保守观点,民族文化观对应外族入侵的文化保存和发展问题。我们分析陈垣的宗教研究时需要考虑这些因素。  相似文献   
遗产学或遗产旅游学的"遗产"名称来源于一般生活常规的"遗产"名称,实物形态为财产,两者之间既有相同及重迭的部分,又有不同的特征。遗产学或遗产旅游学并不仅仅着眼于其权属、经济价值和使用价值,而是着眼于遗产的历史、艺术、科学和审美等文化价值,关注遗产的保护和传承,从不同的视角和标准可对遗产作不同的分级和分类。遗产学专家的长期论证表明,"遗产"一词较为贴近遗产学或遗产旅游学学科的特点和研究的对象。  相似文献   

In his long life Carl Linden lived variously and wonderfully. For more than half a century he was a teacher and promoter of Great Books in the classroom and in the neighborhood. Great Books in his hands and mind transformed him into a kind of latter-day Socrates, always questioning, always smiling, sometimes teasingly. As a naturalist he was a hiker/biker on the C&O Canal towpath and promoter of it, as well. His scholarly pursuits took him to Eastern Europe, especially to Russia and Ukraine, about which he wrote and taught for four decades. Finally, he was a bon vivant whose Socratic ways won him laurels in the classroom and friends in the places where good fellows meet.  相似文献   
This research examines the practical and theoretical fallout of the toxic methods used by museum conservators to preserve native artefacts and regalia. These conservation practices, dating to the late 19th and early 20th centuries, were undertaken before the age of museum professionalisation and within a larger context of cultural assimilation. Many of these chemical preservatives produce the same harmful effects in humans as they do in the organisms they were designed to eradicate. As these contaminated artefacts are repatriated, members of native communities who attempt to reintegrate them into ceremonial and daily practice are put at significant health risk. Not only do these pollutants undermine the stated goals of repatriation but they also stand as a literal instance of the way in which a hegemonic and interpreting culture has metaphorically contaminated the culture it has purported to preserve and display.  相似文献   
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