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The interdisciplinary field of refugee studies includes gender analyses, but feminism is not its forte. Scholarship in the field has neglected the development of feminist frameworks to trace the power relations that shape the gender and other politics of forced migration. Specifically, the underplayed concept of ‘refugee transnationalism’ is elaborated as a form of globalization where the social and political intersect in particular ways.  相似文献   
大运河作为文化线路的认识与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国的大运河一直是炎黄子孙所珍视的文化遗产。近年来的申遗热,更促使学界将大运河纳入世界遗产的范畴之中进行全新的认识与研究,同时国际重要的遗产研究团体也对大运河这一特殊案例给予了多方关注。当前学界对于大运河遗产的特点与价值等重点专题都展开了热烈地探讨,但与世界遗产理论体系并没有充分地接轨。因此,有必要从世界遗产体系中已有的相关文件在对大运河价值评估中产生的问题出发,探索"文化线路"对于大运河特质识别和价值研究的理论指导,从而发掘出对大运河遗产的新认识。  相似文献   
论文勾勒了早期美国华侨的赌博情形,分析了他们参赌、设赌的各种原因和社会危害,探讨了华侨社会、中美两国政府对华侨赌博问题管理和控制的效能。作者认为,早期大部分美国华侨热衷于赌博,主要是赌博为特定历史场景中的华侨提供了一种重要的社会活动方式,被他们视为实现黄金梦的一条捷径。经济利益的驱动致使华侨热衷开设赌馆,也使华侨堂号勾结警察,暴力护赌。赌博对美国华侨社会的危害是巨大的,它使一些华侨不能履行自己对家庭的义务和责任,还引发了吸毒、盗窃、"堂斗"等其他社会问题。在控制赌博的行动中,由于华侨社团和中国驻美领事权力有限,威望不高,而华侨赌商和堂号与美国警察互相勾结,致使禁赌行动难有成效。  相似文献   
近三十年中国人移民菲律宾原因探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过田野调查的方法,对近30年来以各种方式移民到菲律宾的中国新移民概况进行了梳理分类并探析了其移民原因。认为中国公民之所以移民到经济并不发达的菲律宾,除了历史、移民文化以及移民网络等因素外,还在于菲律宾的比较优势以及中国移民的族群经济,为中国新移民的海外生存提供了机遇,并且极大地降低了移民的风险和成本。国际移民的趋势并不一定遵循着从低收入国家向高收入国家流动的固定路线,低收入国家所蕴含的机遇也是吸引国际移民的重要因素。  相似文献   
Charles Woolfson 《对极》2009,41(5):952-982
Abstract:  The accession of the new European Union (EU) member states of Eastern Europe has highlighted ambivalence towards migration within the older member states. That same ambivalence has been less frequently discussed in the new. The former Soviet republic of Latvia serves as a case study of a new member state facing intensified pressure to accept inward migration to meet labour shortages, in part, a consequence of EU accession. Confounding appropriate political and policy responses is the sensitive issue of "ethnic balance", a troubled "legacy" of Latvian history. This has been characterised as comprising a "regime of discrimination" against the Russian-speaking minority. In the context of changes in the global migratory landscape, the potential for a renewed of regime of discrimination is emerging, based on an ethno-politics that has wider European resonance.  相似文献   
While there is currently only a tiny literature available on Northern Ireland migration, nothing at all has as yet been published relating to the subject of the province's child migrants. This paper focuses on the migration experiences of individuals who migrated as children to and from Northern Ireland, based on interview narratives collected during the course of two studies on contemporary migration from Ireland, North and South, conducted from 2004 to 2008. In all cases, these experiences triggered identity issues for the individuals which have played out subsequently in their lives in different ways. In particular, the author seeks to understand how the memory of these events continues to construct present realities for these individuals. What awareness did these children have of sectarianism, of the Northern Ireland conflict? What was their reception in the host country and upon return to Northern Ireland? How have these experiences contributed to their identities in the present and their sense of belonging to Ireland, North and South?  相似文献   
This paper examines and reflects on the activities of the International Network for Learning and Teaching Geography in Higher Education (INLT) from its founding at the Association of American Geographers' Annual Conference in Hawaii in 1999 to the post-International Geographical Congress workshop in Glasgow five years later. It provides a context and introduction to the following six papers, which resulted from the Glasgow workshop. It is suggested that, despite some of the proposals in Hawaii proving over-ambitious, several other projects have emerged and the INLT continues largely to meet the goals and purposes set out in 1999. Although the desire of the INLT to move beyond its Anglo-American and Australasian origins largely remains a challenge to be met, the INLT has established itself as a valuable forum for the geography higher education community to identify and reflect on similarities and differences in national practices, to engage in debate virtually and face-to-face on issues concerned with learning and teaching, and to bring geographers from different countries to work together on educational projects.  相似文献   
论文在对二次大战前后奥地利华人历史和经济活动进行探讨的基础上,重点对20世纪80年以来奥地利华人的社群分布和特征进行了梳理和分析。在多种华人移民潮和流向相互交错之下,奥地利的华人逐渐形成了一个社群,无论在移民来源地或是社会经济方面都呈现出多元化的特性。源于这种多元性,华人社会内部出现了阶层划分。中国的改革开放和东西方冷战结束这两种因素,使奥地利的华人移民景观发生变化。"中国移民新秩序"格局的形成,对中国人的全球性移民造成深远的影响,延及奥地利。冷战后东西方集团取消政治边界,使奥地利成为中国移民在流向西欧﹑东欧或是南欧的旅途中最受欢迎的过道。奥地利因此从非侨乡新移民的临时落脚地转变成中国移民的安身落户之所。  相似文献   
徐峰 《中原文物》2012,(2):19-29
王油坊类型龙山文化的南徙之旅呈现东西两途。西线去往宁镇地区,即禹会-牛头岗-江宁点将台和高淳朝墩头;东线前赴环太湖流域,即禹会-南荡,至江阴花山,再东去松江广福林。在其南徙的过程中,江淮是必经之道。江淮属于"廊道"地区,一方面,它的连通性给区域间文化交流带来便利;另一方面,这一开放的区域又易引来外域强势文化的干扰,导致本地文化受损。众多的能流、物质流、信息流,都以高密度、高流速和少停留的方式从此通过,从根本上决定了廊道地区相比于稳定的文化母区,不可能凝聚和沉淀起深厚的文化底蕴,导致江淮地区的社会进程出现断裂相。  相似文献   
论文分析了全球性竞争压力对工业区适应机制的影响及工业区的竞争优势以及工业区内部形成的华人经济的潜在威胁,探讨了在新的条件下将这种威胁转化为新的发展机遇的可能性。认为华人经济的特殊优势使华人企业越来越活跃,但却使当地企业日益萎缩。这反过来又促使当地经济整体进行转型;华人企业家的某些优势在于其跨地区和跨国网络;华人移民对其祖籍国潜在商业伙伴的能力和品德有深度了解,如果能发挥中介作用,意大利当地企业就能使其工业生产及产品销售国际化。  相似文献   
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