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清康熙绘本《黄河图》及相关史实考述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
台北故宫博物院图书文献处藏有一幅不具作者与年代的长卷式绢本彩绘《黄河图》。经考证,此图是康熙帝亲自授命、由康熙朝河道总督靳辅延聘幕僚周洽、李含渼等人在清康熙二十三至二十六年(1684—1687)间绘制而成。周洽通过实地考察黄河并参照各地其他舆图,与李含渼等一起绘成两幅《黄河图》。靳辅于康熙二十六年九月将其中一幅呈奏康熙帝御览,后收贮于清内务府造办处舆图房,现存北京中国第一历史档案馆;另一幅在民国时期被北平图书馆舆图部收购,现藏台北故宫博物院图书文献处。周洽《黄河图》采用鸟瞰式画法,描绘了靳辅治理黄河、运河时修建的重要水利工程,以及黄河下游两岸重要的自然和人文地理景观,反映了清代的舆图绘制机制,具有极其重要的历史价值。此图是仅存的几幅鸟瞰式水利图之一,也是最精美、最能代表康熙前中期绘图风格的黄河图之一,在中国地图史和艺术史上都占有重要地位。  相似文献   
废科举后清末乡村学务中的权势转移   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
沈洁 《史学月刊》2004,(9):98-108
科考废止,学堂制度植入乡村社会,引发了乡村社会内部权力格局的变动。依据科举制度安身立命或完成上升性社会流动的原既得利益群体,遭遇到不同程度的困厄命运。与此同时,随着学务权在地方行政系统中重要性的日益显著,造成了新的权力资源在国家一社会以及乡村精英内部各派势力之间的重新分配。过渡时代的乡村权力网络、不同群体以兴办学务为契机分别置身其中,分享权力又相互争夺对权力的主导权。他们之间的这种矛盾关系,又并非处在一种简单的“新”、“旧”对立或现代与传统的对立当中。掩映于简单对立之下,实为地方权力资源因地域、时势等条件的差异在不同利益群体间的重新配置。学务场域内权力关系的变动折射出过渡时期乡村社会内部复杂的权力格局。  相似文献   
During World War II, the Japanese military, using either their own or civilian labour, excavated tunnels into the limestone of many Pacific islands and modified natural caves for use as command posts, hospitals, combat positions, storage, and shelter. Civilians also used caves to shelter themselves during the war. This article introduces the archaeology of WWII caves and tunnels referred to collectively as ‘karst defences.’ While karst defences exist across the Pacific, little is known about these sites both historically and archaeologically. Based on a study in Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and analysis of karst defence construction and function, this article demonstrates that karst defence use extends beyond what has been described in historical accounts. The authors find that the sites in Saipan were used by three different groups of people and identifies distinct Japanese military and civilian sites and evidence of post-war use by the United States.  相似文献   
殿试制度是科举制度研究中一个非常重要的问题,而关于殿试制度的起始时间学界一直说法不一。本文以三级考试为参照系,以此前一直被忽略的覆试制度为切入点,通过对与殿试起源相关诸问题的详细辨析,彻底澄清了殿试与覆试的联系与区别,否定了武则天载初元年、南唐乾德二年及宋开宝六年为殿试之始诸说,从而最终确定殿试制度正式开始的时间是宋太祖开宝八年。  相似文献   
宋代国子监既是中央教育机构,也是国家主要刻书机构,并兼有管理各地图书刻印之责。为满足其政治、思想统治,宋廷对国子监刻书之内容及其质量控制、机构设置及其管理、图书刻印发行出售等方面都订有颇为详备之制度,从而对当时各地州县官学大量印行图书,以及后世国子监刻书产生了重大影响。  相似文献   
2009年底~2010年初,太原市文物考古研究所在山西省太原市晋源区青阳河村抢救性考古发掘了一座墓葬,墓葬墓室绘有壁画,并出土墓志一合,经确认为北汉太惠妃王氏之墓。该墓葬纪年明确,是目前唯一一座经过科学发掘并公布资料的北汉墓葬,为近代墓葬研究提供了重要的实物资料。  相似文献   

The Imperial German Army (Deutsches Herr) was unique among the combatants in World War One (WW1) in issuing to a proportion of its soldiers a bayonet whose blade back was fashioned as a saw. A common belief developed quickly among the Allies that these sawback bayonets were weapons specifically intended to inflict a particularly vicious type of wound. After setting out the origins of this class of weapon and explaining their real purpose, the two main types of sawback bayonet available to the Deutsches Heer during WW1 are then concisely described. Its reputation as a weapon of especial barbarity is outlined, along with an overview of bayonet use in combat between the mid-nineteenth century and 1918, as evidenced by official sources, highlighting the lack of any specific contemporary references to the use of or the wounds caused by sawback bayonets. The article concludes by detailing the contemporary German sources relevant to its withdrawal from service use in 1917.  相似文献   

Were the Kazakhs part of the Russian Empire after Khan Abulkhayir's 1731 oath? For many decades, Russian scholarship insisted that they were, although the work of Virginia Martin, Noda Jin and others has recently suggested other interpretations. My article shows that neither Kazakhs nor Russian officials thought of their relationship as a form of annexation. Instead, the Kazakhs used the arrival of the Qing Empire in Central Eurasia in the 1750s to triangulate between their two more powerful neighbors, maintaining a constant distance from Russian power. For Russian officials, this kind of relationship proved to be advantageous, ultimately because Kazakh mediation enabled Russian trade with Xinjiang. The final incorporation of the Kazakhs starting in 1822 had more to do with the withdrawal of Qing power from the steppe than the expansion of Russian authority.  相似文献   
生员进学年龄的大小与科举制度运作、朝廷文教政策、传统教育风习及当地社会文化区域概貌等密切关联。目前学界对清代生员的进学年龄虽有估算,认为平均年龄在24岁,但存在取样偏少,局限特定时段、单一地域等问题。以近年出版的"北京图书馆藏珍本年谱丛刊"所收清人年谱为依据,统计分析其中277位有确切记载的来自全国各地的士子考取生员时的年龄,得到平均为19.72(虚)岁的结果。生员进学年龄比之前估算的要低得多,提示清代科举人口的数量应重新计算,也为今人对旧时中国教育普及程度的重新认识提供了重要旁证。  相似文献   
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