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陈超 《史学集刊》2007,(1):77-82
四库全书所收的明人文集中至少有2100篇以女性为传主的碑传文.这些碑传文可分为碑志文、传状文和其他三类.这三类文献数量较多,规模宏大、内容广泛、特点鲜明,几乎涉及明代女性的各个方面,它所包含的文献信息对明代的女性史研究有着多方面的重要价值.  相似文献   
This article argues that property law is the main means through which Britain built its imperial sovereignty on Cyprus and in the post-Ottoman Levant. It charts the development of an official British expertise in Ottoman land legislation following the so-called affair of the Sultan's claims to properties in Cyprus. To settle this matter in the island which they had obtained to ‘occupy’ and ‘administer’ through a treaty with the Sublime Porte, colonial authorities were compelled to become conversant with the 1858 Ottoman Land Code. Hence, the article argues that because of its ambiguous status – a province occupied and administered by Britain but under the nominal suzerainty of the Sultan from 1878 to 1914 – Cyprus, as the first Ottoman territory to pass under direct Western rule, played a decisive role in the elaboration of a colonial knowledge in Ottoman land laws. And this, despite long-standing economic and political ties between Britain and the Ottoman Empire and exposure to other settings where layered land tenure systems prevailed. Published in treatises authored by British administrators of Cyprus, the legal expertise in Ottoman land law thus acquired was then transposed to other territories which passed under British rule, such as Palestine.  相似文献   
370年,若不是内部的倾轧与腐败,当可与前秦相颉颃的慕容前燕犤2犦为前秦所灭。淝水战后,受到苻坚优待的前燕宗室在隐忍与等待中揭开了前秦土崩瓦解的序幕。他们的复国运动声势浩大,在北部中国掀起了阵阵波澜。学界对他们在复国运动中的表现、特点等却鲜有论及。事实上,他们的复国运动一开始就形成了两股势力的争衡,且与他们强烈的时代焦虑感是联系在一起的。与此同时,他们还表现出强烈的归根情结,而这些都有待进一步的厘清。  相似文献   
喻大华 《史学月刊》2000,20(3):51-56
辛亥年问,南京临时政府的《优待条件》换取了满清统治放弃政权。共和国建立后,皇室的保留形成了逊清皇室问题。如何处理逊清皇室,这一问题关系着新兴政权的稳定,但中华民国历届政府均未重视,北京政变激化了与皇室的矛盾,客观上使日本军阀拉拢溥仪有机可乘。最后,东陵事件导致了逊清皇室与民国政府的决裂,这些因素一定程度上成了溥仪决定孤注一掷、潜往东北的一个原因。  相似文献   
文章从科举制度层面透析太平军军兴之因,用史实揭示了清延通过大开捐纳和竭力恢复科举制的整合和控制功能,赢得了大多士绅的归附,打赢了与天国政权之间的人心和人才争夺战。但这也造成了官民流动机制的变异,清廷功利政治的泛滥。它拓宽了太平天国运动史的研究视野,对全面认识晚清政府也是必不可少的一个方面。  相似文献   
洪亮吉十四岁学习写作八股文,开始科名之争。在科举之路上跌打滚爬了三十多年,四十五岁成进士,两年后充顺天乡试同考官,四十八岁奉命视学贵州。从其考生、考官、学政的经历可以管窥乾嘉年间科场实况,这对于研究乾嘉年间的科举制度有很大的认知价值,亦有助于了解当时的士子心态与社会风气。  相似文献   
唐代统治者十分重视总结、借鉴历史经验,并自觉地将其运用到治理国家的政治实践中,确立了以经史为主要内容的科举考试制度。唐代科举考试中历史内容十分丰富,极大地促进了历史教育的传播,推动了历史教育的发展,对当前历史教育的开展具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
西汉帝陵的位置排列有必然和偶然因素。必然是因为西汉帝陵选址继承于传统墓地选择习俗,受制于风水思想的影响和政权稳固的需要;偶然是指皇帝本人的情感因素所起的的作用。西汉帝陵的分布是把历史传统、思想意识、地理形势、政治需要和帝王个人好恶结合的典范。  相似文献   
刘庆 《南方文物》2014,(2):136-142
受清代宫廷文化的影响,清宫御用瓷具有比较突出的装饰特点。主要表现在:突出皇家的至尊地位;追求精美绝伦的装饰效果;仿古创新,内涵丰富。本文结合清代宫廷文化的发展脉络及特征,对清代御用瓷装饰效果进行分析探讨。  相似文献   
Nineteenth-century Australian wine makers saw Britain as the natural market for their wines and envisioned themselves as participants in a greater imperial economy, so Australian wine should be considered in discussions of imperial commodities and the reception of popular imperialism in advertising. The Australians’ concentrated efforts to sell their wines to British consumers were stymied, though, by high tariffs and negative impressions of the quality of Australian wines, and Australia would remain a marginal player in the British wine market until the second half of the twentieth century. This article uses four case studies to argue that Australian wines were promoted in Britain in the nineteenth century and that the marketing strategies hinged on associating Australian wines with imperial unity and the civilisation of Australian settler society.  相似文献   
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