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当中国开始抗击日本侵略之际,加拿大推行绥靖政策,同时采取一定的战备措施。直到抗战初期,中加两国关系处于低层次水平上。加拿大参战之后,随着中加公使级外交关系的建立,两国的军事合作关系亦得到确立。加方对国民党军队的评价不高,但坚持军事合作,向中国提供对日作战的情报和作战物资援助。中加军事关系与政治关系密切相关,其发展相互对应;军事合作关系的建立和发展,有助于世界反法西斯战争的进行;合作的主要形式和内容是加拿大向中国提供军援;欧德澜的个人作用相当突出;但中加军事合作的影响较为有限。  相似文献   
The Arabian Peninsula occupies a critical position at the intersect of several major Old World landmasses. Inland aridity and a major coastal perimeter have long made maritime activities critical to Arabia’s cultural trajectory. A wealth of recent studies, not previously synthesised, suggest not only that the peninsular littoral offered a rich resource base for thousands of years of human occupation in the region, but also that Arabia witnessed some of the world’s earliest seafaring and maritime exchange activities, and played a role in Bronze Age maritime trade that has often been underestimated. Maritime activities were closely linked to developments in agriculture, which not only fuelled trade and exchange, but were also impacted on by the dispersal of domesticates along early maritime corridors. While regional specialisation has to some degree prevented consideration of the maritime prehistory of the peninsula as a whole, it is clear that there are interesting parallels, as well as important differences, between cultural trajectories in different parts of the peninsula.  相似文献   
While numerous studies have examined the post-war contestation surrounding commemorative sites associated with the legacy of Nazi Germany, relatively little attention has been dedicated to the ways in which the Nazi regime itself sought to create places of memory congruent with the movement's political and cultural goals. Indeed, party leaders sponsored a variety of disparate, and at times contradictory, programs to re-orientate some of Germany's most prominent historic places to better serve the needs of the regime. To expand our understanding of this process, this article examines the practice and rhetoric of historic preservation in Bavaria during the Nazi period with a focus on the preservationist program sponsored by Bavarian President Ludwig Siebert. Nazi propaganda promised to rejuvenate and protect Germany's architectural heritage for the public good, but the regime's actual priorities and policies led to widespread confiscation, damage, and eventually destruction.  相似文献   
Recently, rice fields dated between 5000 and 2500 BC were found at the Tianluoshan sit in east China. The early rice fields dated between 5000 and 4500 BC are the oldest rice fields known. The discovery has provided data of recovering reclamation, cultivation, and the ecological system of rice fields in the Neolithic age. People opened up marshes of dense reeds with fire and wooden or bone spades, in order to create rice fields. In the rice fields, there was not only rice, but a lot of weeds as well. The excavations proved that little or even no weeding or irrigation was adopted. However, tilling soil by wooden and bone tools was evidenced. The average yields are estimated to have been about 830 kg for the early period and 950 kg per hectare for the later period. The cultivation system was low-level. Although the Tianluoshan people cultivated rice, they still obtained a great deal of food by gathering and hunting.  相似文献   
Drawing upon qualitative data, this article examines how tree planters in northern Ontario, Canada engage with liminality in terms of gender, class, age and space. In doing so, it provides insight into concepts of gender liminality and the variegated experiences of males and females in liminal space. The article focuses on four aspects of the liminal engagement. First, the spaces of tree planting are liminal as they are marked by homelife and worklife, but dominated by neither. Second, gender performances are liminal, as males perform masculinities seldom necessary or appropriate – yet often valorized – in their permanent communities, while females (who make up nearly half of the workforce) are offered opportunities to work and succeed in a traditionally male industry. However, success often requires that they adopt certain masculine traits. Third, most tree planters are in the interstitial age of ‘youth’, somewhere between adolescence and adulthood. Finally, tree planters are generally members of affluent urban middle-classes, yet the work they perform is more readily associated with rural or peripheral working-classes.  相似文献   
张群喜 《文博》2009,(6):222-228
应用光学成像技术对文物进行科学诊断与分析,是一种非接触的、非破坏性的、直观和快速的方法。本文介绍在馆藏壁画修复材料、修复痕迹及修复评估方面,通过利用紫外荧光成像技术的实验研究,实现了对馆藏壁画修复加固材料、修复痕迹的鉴别和诊断,对馆藏壁画加固、清洗效果的有效评估,此技术在对壁画进一步保护修复中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   
于群力  阎敏  杨秋颖 《文博》2009,(6):280-284
为了科学保护山西省崇庆寺宋、明时期的彩塑文物,作者深入调查了该寺彩塑的现状与病害,分析检测了泥塑土的配比、成分与彩绘颜料,并对比分析了该寺不同时期彩塑的材质及工艺特点。结果表明,宋代彩塑的病害类型、严重程度等较其它时期的彩塑明显要少和轻。这一现象启示我们探讨这批彩塑的造型设计、制作技艺、材料选择等具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
“在中国封建社会,曾多次出现过女主临朝,女主临朝具有重用外戚、手段残酷、宠幸宦臣的特征;而女主临朝的原因大概有皇帝体弱多病、昏庸荒淫,嗣君年幼、不能亲政,后妃本人具有政治才能等。  相似文献   
从表面上看,《贩书偶记》只是书商出身的文献家孙殿起先生在经营古书时编录的一部图书目录,但它在著录图书之时,对与各图书相关的重要信息或多或少地作了一些抄录,这些信息包括撰者的生平传记、著述情况、书籍本身的刊刻、序跋等等,尽管零零总总,却有着十分重要的史料价值。  相似文献   
《人傍山斋残稿》所收之诗,皆能吐属心声,抒发性灵,触景感发,多为佳句,不期而至之中,似有神助,实则仍来源于诗人之生命体验结构,离不开对生活物态之细腻微妙观察。足证真诗者,皆精神之所为;而诗歌之语言,实即生命体验之艺术升华。  相似文献   
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