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江苏徐州市翠屏山西汉刘治墓发掘简报   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2003年,在江苏徐州市翠屏山清理一座竖穴墓道洞室墓,系在山体上开凿而成。在墓的外围有石砌的两重墓垣。在墓道底部椁室内有一棺,棺内葬一人。洞室有双扇石门,室内用漆木板装饰,葬具为两重棺,置于漆木棺床上,棺内葬一人。出土遗物以陶器为主。墓葬年代为西汉早期,墓主刘治可能为楚国王室成员。  相似文献   
刘辉 《考古》2008,(11)
2005年,在湖北随州市黄土岗遗址发现一处新石器时代环壕,整体近似椭圆形,南北长约316、东西宽约235米。壕沟平均宽度15~20、平均深度2.5~3米,最深处超过3.8米。沟内的出土遗物均为陶器。壕沟的形成年代应不晚于屈家岭文化晚期,延用至石家河文化早期,可能具有防御功能。  相似文献   
湖北秭归何家坪遗址发掘简报   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
何家坪遗址位于湖北省秭归县郭家坝镇楚王井村11组。1996~2000年,湖北省文物考古研究所分三次对遗址进行了发掘。三次发掘面积1600平方米,清理新石器时代至明代墓葬5座、灰坑3个、窑址1处,出土了陶、石、瓷、银、铜、铁等不同质料的文化遗物百余件。该遗址年代跨度长,遗存特征比较典型,是三峡地区一处比较重要的考古发现。  相似文献   
拓古 《江汉考古》2002,(4):87-93
本对《盘龙城》报告体例、遗迹、遗物以及附录分别作出了评述,除了肯定报告的优点之外,主要陈述了与报告编不同的看法,如:报告材料缺乏类型学分析,因此对于遗存时代的判断依据不足,有的甚至没有依据;报告对盘龙城作为一个整体聚落特点体现不够,对一些遗迹性质的判断容易引起争议;不少的数据、图像资料——有的是很重要的材料——存在问题。本对于研究引用盘龙城报告材料、判断盘龙城及其遗迹、遗物性质,应当有所帮助。  相似文献   
良渚文化发现60年来,诸多学者对其作了富有成效的探讨,其研究至今方兴未艾。本文试对其经济形态与社会形态作一分析,并就良渚社会存在的一些现象作尝试性的解说。一良渚文化的手工业非常发达,制陶、纺织和编织较以往有了很大进步,特别是制玉和祭坛建筑更是反映了良...  相似文献   

Over the past century, the ‘culture and trade’ debate has constantly evolved, particularly in the wake of rapid and still accelerating technological and scientific advances. These changes, manifest in an increasing convergence of many new technologies and industries, meant that the strict separation of culture from trade by means, for instance, of general or special exceptions in international trade agreements, such as the 1947 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) or the 1988 Canada–United States Free Trade Agreement (CUSFTA), can no longer be sustained. It means that in light of the emergence of oxymoronic concepts like ‘the cultural and creative industries’, the debate can no longer be framed along binary modes of thinking that oppose the liberalization of international trade and the protection and promotion of the diversity of cultures. Instead a more holistic approach seems to be needed, which appears to coincide with the approach taken by the People’s Republic of China (PRC), which joined the WTO in 2001. The present paper examines the holistic approach by the PRC, which seeks to combine rather than separate culture and trade in its domestic, regional and global law and policymaking.  相似文献   
This article considers two intimately related claims about Mediterranean port cities. First, that their citizens felt more affinity with each other than they did with the inhabitants of non‐port cities. And second that they were the scenes of liberal cosmopolitanism during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It discusses the concept of “cosmopolitanism”, and briefly reviews the case of Izmir as an exemplar and compares it to the cities of Alexandria and Trieste. The article argues for a more careful and differential use of the notion of “cosmopolitanism”, and suggests questions for further anthropological and historical research.  相似文献   
This article compares pre‐20th‐century Norway and 20th‐century Botswana—two settings separated by time and space but sharing a sharp rise in non‐nuptial births. The comparison seeks to create a synergetic analytical effect by combining firsthand, experience‐near field data from Botswana with solid historical analyses of bastardy in Europe. This radical comparison provides a perspective that highlights the importance of treating “culture” not as a residual category, but as an integral part of everything social. This implies that there is a need not only for a proper sociocultural contextualization of localities, but also for an analysis of extra‐local power structures as fundamentally cultural, reflecting not only bureaucratic and political concerns but also values and existential perspectives.  相似文献   
胡涛  Rob Law 《旅游科学》2008,22(4):47-52
目前国内很多针对旅游网站的研究大多是关注旅游网站的功能,网站可用性方面的研究很大程度上被忽视了。本文对此进行了探索性研究:通过采用修正的启发式评价方法,定义了用户对网站评价的基准,对489份基于5大类24个指标的调查问卷进行了分析和讨论,发现了我国内地旅游网站在可用性如内容服务形式、整体结构设计等方面存在的问题,同时给出了解决这些问题的建议和措施。  相似文献   
This introductory article details some of the main points that characterized Italian politics and culture in the period leading up to World War I and during the war itself, and then surveys the contributions of each article in this series that further investigates the period. The authors note the febrile nature of Italian domestic politics before the war which challenged traditional liberal parliamentarism. This political challenge was accompanied by a challenge to traditional art, and no movement epitomized these twin challenges to the old order like Futurism. Yet, though the Futurists and other nationalist groups glorified war and helped push Italy into the conflict, the country was hardly united. In fact, the hope was that war would finally unify the nation and erase the shame of Italy’s lackluster military performances since unification. As such, Italy’s cultural experience of the war was somewhat unique, in that the desire to prove its martial valor did not lead to the level of denunciations that other nations’ artists and writers produced – though there were some critics. Ialongo’s article traces the Futurist contribution to this pro-war ethic. Reich shows how the popularity of the Maciste alpino film during the war built upon this desire to unify the nation behind the war. And Palanti’s analysis of the post-war film Umanità notes that there were critics in Italy willing to challenge the cult of war.  相似文献   
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