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Recent developments in archaeological research have highlighted the need to build up a Guide to Archaeostratigraphic Classification and Terminology. Its preparation was undertaken by Workshop 2 (“Classification et Terminologie Archéostratigraphiques”) in the context of the International Geological Correlation Programme. The paper below is the first version of this Guide project; it is intended to propose some basic definitions and principles.  相似文献   
The unfavourable mountainous environment of the Petra region in southern Jordan was modified by ancient engineers to supply the Nabataean/Roman city of Petra with food and water. The area was reclaimed by installing extended runoff terrace systems and hydraulic structures. The agricultural terrace systems have so far been dated based on surface pottery, and the chronology of the systems is under debate. In this study, optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and radiocarbon dating techniques were successfully applied to date these terrace systems. Samples were taken from the fills of agricultural terraces and underneath their walls to determine the chronology of the construction, use and abandonment of the agricultural terraces. The results suggest that runoff farming in the Petra region started around the beginning of the Common Era, and construction, use and maintenance lasted at least until 800 AD.  相似文献   
Lithic debris derived from knapping and used tools can be assimilated to simple sedimentary particles that may undergo size sorting when exposed to geomorphic processes such as streamflow or overland flow. Sorting can be identified by comparing the size distribution of archaeological assemblages to that of experimental core reduction sequences. A new database including different types of raw material (mainly flint and quartzite) and Palaeolithic debitage (blade, Levallois, discoid, on anvil, and shaping) has been built for this purpose. Palaeoeskimo data have also been added to illustrate microlithic industries. For all the debitages and raw materials, the particle size of knapping products >2 mm in width fits with a power-law distribution and shows only minor fluctuations, the range of which is always <15% between experiments (all steps of the chaîne opératoire included up to the final tool). A lithic assemblage derived from block/core knapping or blank/preform production will display a particle size distribution close to the experimental distributions if not subsequently modified. Modifications may originate either from sedimentary processes or from anthropogenic factors. To help distinguishing amongst these, data on the impact of both water flows on sedimentary particles or experimental assemblages, and anthropogenic processes such as importation-exportation (of core, preforms or finished tools) or uneven spatial distribution of the different steps in core reduction and tool production within a site, are reviewed. By contrast to anthropogenic modifications, sedimentary processes are generally typified by strong impoverishment in or selective accumulation of fine-grained (<10 mm) artefacts together with a low intra-site variability (spatial homogenization) or a downslope size trend. Archaeological case studies taken from French Palaeolithic site are then detailed. Evidence for lithic redistribution implies that care should be taken in archaeological site analysis since sorting may impact significantly the initial techno-typological balance of the assemblage.  相似文献   
Values of δ13C are frequently reported with radiocarbon dates from organic materials. In C3 plants δ13C values have been linked to changes in water use efficiency as a response to arid conditions. By calculating 13C discrimination (Δ13C) from 13C isotopic composition (δ13C), archaeologists can gain potentially valuable inference into past climate conditions. Values of Δ13C reflect the process of discrimination against heavier 13C isotopes of carbon by comparing the δ13C of samples to that of the atmosphere, and can be calculated when records of atmospheric δ13CO2 are available. The present study examines a 1300 year history of radiocarbon-derived Δ13C from the Lower Alentejo of Portugal using charcoal recovered from excavations of a series of medieval habitation sites in the study area. To calculate Δ13C, the posterior means generated from Bayesian change-point analysis of δ13CO2 records were used. Archaeological data were then compared to contemporary ecological studies of Δ13C of the same taxa against instrumental records of climate. Values of Δ13C fell within mean ranges for the taxa through a period of population growth between the 7th and 10th centuries AD. During the height of the Medieval Warm Period in the 11th century AD Δ13C values frequently fell to low levels associated with arid conditions. At this time environmental degradation and erosion were documented. Values of Δ13C increased for a brief period in the early 12th century AD before the rural Lower Alentejo was largely abandoned for nearly two centuries. Another period of aridity occurred in the 16th and 17th centuries AD. Radiocarbon-derived Δ13C is a potentially useful paleoclimate proxy for archaeologists provided that results can be paired with observed Δ13C variation in studies that pair these data with instrumental climate records.  相似文献   
During the second half of the nineteenth century and the first third of the twentieth century, Spain, along with some other European countries, underwent a process of transition regarding water resources management. One of the most obvious transformations that occurred during this period was the increasing lead taken by the government in the building of large hydraulic structures and the subsequent decrease in the influence of private initiative in this matter. The government's aim was to exploit the water resources provided by the rivers to their full, and in particular to use the water that was destined for irrigation to maximum effect. The repeated failure of projects promoted by private companies led the government, not without problems, to enact regulations and create hydraulic plans to be put into motion by the public sector. This change in focus is the key to understanding the frenetic pace of hydraulic infrastructure construction that occurred later and which made Spain one of the world's leading nations in terms of indicators such as the number of large reservoirs in use. This article focuses on the transition from private initiative to public intervention and evaluates the main stages of this process in Spain. The cases of the basins of the Muga and Fluvià rivers, located in the extreme north-east of the Iberian Peninsula in Catalonia, are described in light of this process. This research attempts to verify that despite their modest size and their distance from the main decision-making centres, these two cases reflected the situation at the national level. This was just one of the many local effects of the transition process of water resources management in Spain, even though the results of this transformation would be neither immediate nor effective in the short term.  相似文献   
本文以菱湖镇为中心讨论了江南水乡市镇大型聚落在千年历史进程中形态演化的空间过程。菱湖镇的发展依托于唐末在此修筑的凌波塘;宋元时期,菱湖镇处于江南运河河网的枢纽,移民逐渐增多;明代以来,菱湖地区的水系逐渐被分割,形成局部河网;清初杨树坝修筑之后,菱湖镇的河网向死水化方向发展,民国时期在此河网基础上形成镇中固定的街市;明清时期菱湖镇及周边地区的农业经营以桑基鱼塘模式为主,形成了高度破碎化的河网,周边地区桑基鱼塘农业经济的发展依托菱湖镇供应粮食、肥料等生产资料和蚕丝集中交易市场。  相似文献   
In this study, the response and behavior of machine foundations resting on dry and saturated sand was investigated experimentally. In order to investigate the response of soil and footing to steady state dynamic loading, a physical model was manufactured to simulate steady state harmonic load at different operating frequencies. Total of 84 physical models were performed. The footing parameters are related to the size of the rectangular footing and depth of embedment. Two sizes of rectangular steel model footing were tested at the surface and at 50 mm depth below model surface. Meanwhile the investigated parameters of the soil condition include dry and saturated sand for two relative densities 30% and 80%. The response of the footing was elaborated by measuring the amplitude of displacement by the vibration meter. The response of the soil to dynamic loading includes measuring the stresses inside the soil using piezoelectric sensors as well as measuring the excess pore water pressure using pore water pressure transducers. It was concluded that the maximum displacement amplitude response of the foundation resting on dry sand models is more than that on the saturated sand by about 5.0–10%. The maximum displacement amplitude of footing is reduced to half when the size of footing is doubled for dry and saturated sand. The final settlement (St) of the foundation increases with increasing the amplitude of dynamic force, operating frequency and degree of saturation. Meanwhile, it is reduced with increasing the relative density of sand, modulus of elasticity, and embedding inside soils. The excess pore water pressure increases with increasing the relative density of the sand, the amplitude of dynamic loading and the operating frequency. In contrast, the rate of dissipation of the excess pore water pressure during dynamic loading is more in the case of loose sand.  相似文献   
This study investigates the implementation of U.S. environmental protection laws under American Indian tribal governance. The landmark laws of the 1970s that form the core of America's environmental policy regime made no mention of American Indian tribal lands, and the subsequent research literature on environmental policy has given them little attention. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has primary implementation responsibility for environmental protection laws on tribal lands, which offers a unique opportunity to study direct federal implementation apart from typical joint state–federal implementation. Further, because Indian reservations are homes to a disproportionately poor, historically subjugated racial group, analysis of environmental programs on tribal lands offers a unique perspective on environmental justice. We analyze enforcement of and compliance with the Clean Water Act (CWA) and Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) to compare the implementation of environmental policy on tribal lands with nontribal facilities. Analysis reveals that, compared with nontribal facilities, tribal facilities experience less rigorous CWA and SDWA enforcement and are more likely to violate these laws.  相似文献   
Water crises are spreading across the length of South Asia at an alarming rate, and some of the pockets of stress include unexpected locations such as Darjeeling, West Bengal, where rainfall is plentiful. This article explores the problems of post-colonial water management in the former British hill station to illuminate the prospects for integrated resource provision. We argue that to improve the scope of water distribution and provision, post-colonial townships such as Darjeeling need to acknowledge and address the multiple ways in which people get water from the centralised supply as well as the decentralised solutions that have arisen through community organisation in collectives known as samaj. Notably, the samaj have a distinct character based on histories of colonial neglect that prompted villages throughout the Darjeeling region to solve socioeconomic problems independently of centralised systems. The discussion overlaps the numerous resource pathways with the plethora of social and political organisations operating in Darjeeling to argue that municipalities would do well to harness the varied ways in which water flows through the township. Integrated within larger questions of sustainable development in India’s urbanising townships, the text offers a glimpse into the possibilities for more holistic and equitable water management.  相似文献   
Regional collaboration has become a popular means to manage shared resources and address cross-jurisdictional boundary issues. The question of who participates in the process, who directly affects decisions, and who benefits from those decisions is critical for understanding the broader value created by regional collaborations. We apply a variety of text mining techniques to meeting minutes to measure how stakeholder participation evolved over nine years of an Integrated Regional Water Management collaboration. We observe that a diverse set of organizations representing differing interests participated to some extent in the process. However, a minority of organizations attended regularly, while most attended sporadically and/or only attended outreach events. Verbs used to describe interaction varied across meeting types, displaying egalitarian patterns of interaction among participants in core leadership meetings and more one-way interaction among attendees of outreach meetings. We then estimate whether participation affects the likelihood of receiving funding through the IRWM program. Participants who attended the core group meetings most regularly were most likely to receive funding for their projects, suggesting that uneven patterns of participation matter for the substantive value created by the collaboration.  相似文献   
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