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日本著名企业家稻盛和夫在退出经营第一线以后,一直从事推广经营理念的活动。最近,他在中国推出了新著《人为什么活着》。该书是对稻盛哲学的总结与发展,很适合中国企业家阅读。该书内容主要包括三个方面:潜意识的作用;生活的意义与利他经营;宗教意识与对未知世界的敬畏。通过分析该书的内容,本文最后得出结论:正确的宏观的指导思想,具体有效的员工激励方法,加上经营者的人文关怀,定能创造美好的人生和出色的业绩。  相似文献   
2000年9月,山东省博物馆考古队为配合三峡库区建设,对重庆万州区上沱口墓群进行了抢救性发掘。清理 了3座南朝墓,墓葬形制呈刀形,墓室、券顶均遭破坏,但随葬品保存较好,出土陶器、瓷器、铁器、钱币及装饰品46件。 上沱口南朝墓出土的较丰富的青瓷器,为重庆市南朝墓的研究提供了新资料。  相似文献   
从真山出土玉器谈吴国的琢玉工艺   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏州真山大墓出土了一批春秋时期的玉器,系采用多种琢玉技法所形成,显示了2000多年前吴国工匠高超的琢玉水平。  相似文献   
百人会与美国华人社会   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建立于 1 990年的“美国华裔百人委员会” ,简称“百人会” ,是美国社会非常有影响的一个华人社团 ,该组织的成员大多是在各自领域取得了杰出成就的精英。在这种背景下 ,该组织在过去的 1 3年里积极充当美国华人的代言人 ,架起中美交往的桥梁 ,为提升美国华人的社会地位、促进中美关系的良性发展做出了重大贡献 ,该组织也深受中美两国政府关注。但遗憾的是 ,至今学术界少有人对它进行全面研究。本文从“百人会”成立的背景及其发挥的作用等方面进行分析 ,以填补美国华侨华人研究的这一小空白。  相似文献   
口述史料主要指经过口传或为后人记录成为史料的民间传说、社会歌谣、历史人物讲话、录音录像以及访问调查的原始资料,对这些资料的发掘和整理被称作口述史学.在西方,现代意义上的口述史学建立于20世纪30~40年代前后,与这些国家相比我国至今仍充其量只有一些口述史的实践,其发展受到多方面的限制.建议成立有关组织,召开研讨会,构建相关规范,制定相关规划,形成和发展中国特色、中国风格和中国气派的口述史学.  相似文献   

In the past decades, historians and scientists worldwide have focused intensively on researching and recording the micro and macro trends of the environmental history of many places with reference to numerous aspects of nature that involve people. Yet no definite methodology, epistemology or even theory has resulted from these research contributions, which were and are being conducted within disciplinary and sometimes interdisciplinary frameworks. The transdisciplinary research approach, at least as practiced by historians, is a ‘newcomer’, although it features familiar criteria. For several reasons, some historians appear to be neither in favour of, nor familiar with, research co-operation with other disciplines, private practitioners or informed community members. There are obstacles to using a research methodology that complements the interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary approach, especially the grey areas of research quality, source validity, methodology and publication value. However, if approached constructively and meaningfully, transdisciplinary research may result in what we could call higher-order research because it is all-inclusive and can provide diverse perspectives on any theme, for example, environmental history. This article discusses the possibility of progressing towards ‘transdisciplinary’ as part of an integrative multidisciplinary approach in research on environmental history. An integrative multidisciplinary (‘triangular’) research model is proposed, especially for use by historians and others who want to approach environmental research from disciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary perspectives. It is also hoped that this discussion will stimulate the debate by historians on research co-operation with the social sciences and humanities, as well as collaboration with non-related sciences in environmental history.  相似文献   
都市社区旅游国际化的"新天地"模式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
汪宇明  程怡  龚伟  吕帅 《旅游科学》2006,20(3):36-42,52
都市社区旅游的国际化是大都市国际化的先导和符号。大都市社区旅游不仅是都市旅游空间组织和发展的重要模式,也是旅游产品国际化的重要表现形式。从社区国际化的视角思考都市旅游目的地建设,实现旅游国际化与社区发展的良性互动,是都市旅游发展的新途径。社区旅游国际化的关键在于社区旅游环境氛围的文化底蕴地方化、旅游服务质量的国际化、接待游客来源的国际多元化、旅游产品供给与体验的国际时尚化。基于上海石库门社区文化特色的“新天地”模式,具有都市社区旅游国际化的示范和启迪效应。  相似文献   
While numerous studies have examined the post-war contestation surrounding commemorative sites associated with the legacy of Nazi Germany, relatively little attention has been dedicated to the ways in which the Nazi regime itself sought to create places of memory congruent with the movement's political and cultural goals. Indeed, party leaders sponsored a variety of disparate, and at times contradictory, programs to re-orientate some of Germany's most prominent historic places to better serve the needs of the regime. To expand our understanding of this process, this article examines the practice and rhetoric of historic preservation in Bavaria during the Nazi period with a focus on the preservationist program sponsored by Bavarian President Ludwig Siebert. Nazi propaganda promised to rejuvenate and protect Germany's architectural heritage for the public good, but the regime's actual priorities and policies led to widespread confiscation, damage, and eventually destruction.  相似文献   
清末民初盛行通过日译本转译西方著作,汉语中引进了大量的日语词汇和句法。笔者认为,比起一直以来通用的“欧化”的说法,把此现象称为“日化”更为贴切。本文以鲁迅作品中的具体“日化”语言实例为证,论证了“日化”的语言事实。对于“日化”语言一直以来遭忽视的现象,笔者从政治、经济、文化心理、汉字等方面分析了原因。  相似文献   
本文为作者代表中国考古学会在"南水北调中线工程考古发现与研究学术研讨会"上的讲话:一、为什么要保护好文物;二、考古学在文物保护中的位置;三、考古学如何在文物保护中发挥作用;四、此次会议取得的成果。  相似文献   
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