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《天演论》中的进化理念深刻地影响了近代知识精英 ,而康梁究竟何时研读《天演论》 ,学术界一直颇有分歧。一种意见认为《天演论》翻译始于 1 896年秋 ,1 898年正式制板发行 ,和康梁历史进化论无多少学术渊源 ;另一种观点认为始于 1 895年 ,翻译手稿广泛传播 ,社会进化论思想是戊戌变法的有力理论工具。文章对此作了考析 ,并对鲜为人知的南开大学珍藏本作了揭示。  相似文献   
严复<庄子>评点分别从研究范畴的转换、近代学术分科体系下对于科学思想和进化论的阐发、"科学方法"的宣扬三个方面促进了庄学近代转换.但是,范畴转换和方法学的局限性使其在促进庄学近代转换方面只具有初步的意义.  相似文献   
今年是郑和南海首航600周年纪念日。1405年由明成祖发起,由太监提升为将领的郑和开发了新的远洋航行。这一创举,比哥伦布发现美洲大陆几乎早了一个世纪。郑和的航海船队,由62艘海船和37000官兵及海员组成。他们最远到过非洲东部海岸,沿途走访了亚洲南部沿海三十多个国家,其中不少国家同意向明朝进贡。在以后的28年里,郑和曾六次下西洋。然而,正如其突如其来的开始一样,航海探险活动也嘎然而止了。如何解释拥有优越航海技术的海上霸主,竟不能像后来的西方列强一样,去寻找更远的新大陆呢?本文并非对大多数传统解释提出挑战,旨在说明中国古代天圆地方的观念阻碍了其所有更具雄心的海上探险。  相似文献   
贾熟村 《史学月刊》2005,(11):21-24
在云南报销案期间,御史弹劾军机大臣受贿巨万,王文韶因此离开了军机处,李鸿藻承认接受过“炭敬”。奕主张严查“炭敬”之类的贿赂,翁同和等与之多次激烈辩论,使晚清政局产生了不小的震动。最后,慈禧还是采纳了翁同和等人的意见,“炭敬”之类的贿赂不予追究,因为这一类的贿赂由来已久,官场习以为常,清政府的腐败已经积重难返,牵涉的人太多,已经查不胜查了。  相似文献   
何晏《论语集解》版本考辨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何晏等人所撰《论语集解》,自成书后一直流传不废,本文对其版本源流作了大致考察,勾勒出了它在我国唐代、宋明时期、清代以来三个阶段的递藏情况,并对其在日本国的情况作了考辨,文章还考察了《论语集解》的版本存佚,介绍了现存的重要版本。  相似文献   
何炳松指出历史学与自然科学在研究方法、研究目的和研究对象上均有很大不同,由此得出历史学是一门主观推理的学问,历史学不必像自然科学那样寻求历史发展的因果规律,历史认识会随时代的变化而变化,体现了历史相对主义的思想特征。另一方面,他指出,历史学与自然科学都旨在求真,历史学为了求得历史真相,必须在充分搜集史料的基础上,对史料进行科学的考订和分析,然后用科学的方法进行编撰,这又是一种实证史学的方法论。因此,简单将他定位为中国现代相对主义史学家是片面的。  相似文献   
《乾隆石经》自开刻迄今已二百余年。本文详引史料,对《乾隆石经》刊刻经营、所涉人事、重修奏修等诸多事项作了全面而系统地考述,既补前贤所未及,亦多有发明。  相似文献   
In the late Qing, China entered the capitalist world-system and this brought about a structural change in society. In this context, late Qing intellectuals felt a double imperative: they had to combat imperialist invasion and economic plunder and therefore they had to establish a nation-state, which presupposed capitalist development. However, on the other hand, they saw the various problems associated with capitalism, and as they were developing their narratives of identity, they needed to find conceptual resources to counter Eurocentric narratives of history. Consequently, these intellectuals harbored a desire to overcome capitalism. This desire produced various post-capitalist utopias, which we can see in Kang Youwei, Tan Sitong and Zhang Taiyan. These utopias are especially meaningful today, in an age where capitalist domination is heightened, but hope for a post-capitalist future has greatly diminished. “Equality” is a keyword with which late Qing intellectuals mapped out the future. Moreover, “equality” expresses precisely the above doubled movement: on the one hand, it constitutes the condition for the nation state, but on the other hand, it is also a concept that late Qing intellectuals used to imagine a different future. Discussions of equality directly dealt with issues of labour, women, and so on. This essay takes as its focus the Journal of Natural Justice, which was organized by the Society for the Restoration of Women’s rights organized by He Zhen, Liu Shipei and others. This journal published for less than one year, but it was one of the main journals promoting socialism and anarchism. It was also the first to directly discuss “labour,” and it proposed an ideal of equality in which “everyone has work and everyone labours.” Throughout the rest of China’s twentieth century, leftist and Marxist intellectuals continued this emphasis on labour. But capitalism presupposes that everyone is equal as a free-labourer. In this case, what is the relationship between the utopia proposed by the Journal of Natural Justice, which entails a world in which all people have work, and capitalism? This essay examines this question in hopes of shedding light on the larger trajectory of Chinese history.  相似文献   
圆明园位于北京西郊海淀,是清朝帝王在150余年间创建和经营的一座大型皇家宫苑,在世界园林史上有着非常重要的地位。本研究以如园延清堂基址为示范点,逐步探索如何对圆明园进行保护而做的一些基础工作。此次调查布置人工探查点4个,具体揭露延清堂基址的部分基础形式,并对揭露的三合土地基进行单轴抗压试验,提供三合土地基的天然单轴抗压强度及饱和单轴抗压强度,最后对不同深度的单轴抗压强度对比分析,结果表明大理岩条石作为文物有灭失的可能,应当重点进行保护;三合土地基上部及下部单轴抗压强度较低,中部单轴抗压强度较高,暴露于地表的三合土也急需保护。  相似文献   
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