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严复的教育生涯   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
皮后锋 《史学月刊》2000,66(1):54-62
1880年起,严复总办北洋水师学堂凡20年,培养了一大批海军人才,为中国海军的近代化作出了贡献。1906-1912年间,严复还先后出任安徽高等学堂、复旦公学、北京大学等校校长,对旧式教育体系进行改革,按自己的思想主张组织教学和管理,为这三所学校以至中国近代教育的发展作出了重要贡献。严复的办学经历,反映了近代中国社会关系的复杂及教育救国之路的艰难与曲折。  相似文献   
春秋时期是河洛地区民族融合的重要历史时期,这里的少数民族以戎、狄为代表,分布在以黄河为中轴线的山地丘陵地区,这些少数民族的生活条件恶劣,大多仍处于游牧阶段。其与诸侯国的关系是和、战并存。二之间安和局面的出现既有诸侯国为了自身的需要而利用少数民族为其争霸服务,也有少数民族依附于某一强大诸侯国以求得庇护的因素。其衰亡既有自身不适应社会发展需要的原因,也有诸侯国统一战争的必然。  相似文献   
郑珍为诗,要在学韩,本于叙议,出于学问。兹论分轨所由,多自学韩而出,及其所之,则上下唐宋。以宋人学韩,故郑珍学宋,盖亦学韩一路,得于宋人句法、苏黄驰骋才学及宋诗机趣。韩从杜出,故郑诗学韩,与学杜无悖,多在即事、叙述及诗语祖述。郑诗略近孟诗者,固以遭际相似,而有情感认同,不似孟郊刻厉;似乐天、太白,则以学韩叙议,造语至于敷衍散漫;似李贺,则以郑诗奇气在焉,而用语固有取用;小诗有似王维者,悉写乡居生活、片时风景、一时感受,拟之贴切。  相似文献   
发生在清光绪初年的"丁戊奇荒",是中国近代史中最著名的大祲奇灾。本文通过当时稽查山西省赈务大臣阎敬铭以及山西巡抚曾国荃致丁宝桢的几封信函,为这段历史补充了难能可贵的第一手资料。  相似文献   

This article explores the evolving connotations of the concept of “superstition” up to the establishment of “superstition studies,” in an examination of the process of secularization experienced by early modern Chinese thought under the impact of Western science. In traditional texts, the Chinese term mixin (迷信, literally “delusional beliefs”), modernly translated as“superstition,” carries diverse and variable meanings: aside from referring to the proper or improper content of ideas and beliefs, mixin also has political connotations, broadly referring to beliefs or behaviors differing from the official rituals. On an ideological level, the traditional concept of mixin refers to a category of thought opposed to Confucian concepts such as the cosmology of Heaven, Earth, and Man, or the idea that “for a man to sacrifice to a spirit which does not belong to him is flattery.” In the late Qing Dynasty, as the idea of “superstition” as opposed to “science” was introduced via Japan, the traditional connotations of mixin evaporated, and it merged with other neologisms. From the late Qing to the early Republic, the parameters of “superstition” were expanded to encompass anything at odds with “reason.” This was also a reflection of China’s shift from the “Classical Age” to the “Age of Science,” as Confucian concepts and scientific ideas successively served as the criteria for judging “superstition.” As of the present, a consensus has yet to be reached on how to distinguish between “religion” and “superstition.” This paper shall seek to clarify the connotations of mixin or “superstition” in different contexts and their connection to the changing times, which may aid in understanding the complex facets of this issue.  相似文献   
Mao Zedong’s 1942 “Talks at the Yan’an Forum on Literature and Art” were officially established as the foundation of national policy on culture after the founding of the People’s Republic, but from the very outset they had direct implications for writers and artists in the Communist base areas of the time. As a case study of the implementation of the spirit of Mao’s “Talks” prior to 1949, this paper will discuss how illiterate peasant soldier Chen Dengke (1919–98) was educated by Party cultural cadres in the North Jiangsu (Subei) Base Area, enabling him within the space of just four years to produce a novella and a novel. In order to critically examine the auto/biographical and “slice of life” writings on which this paper relies, brief discussion will be provided of temporal considerations and genre boundaries of this class of writing in the context of the ever-changing political orthodoxy with which writers were required to comply during the Maoist period. The creation of what has been called the Chen Dengke “phenomenon” is not only a fascinating story, but also illustrates the operation of Communist Party cultural policy during the Sino-Japanese and Civil Wars.  相似文献   
有机残留物分析是国际科技考古领域的热点之一,蛋白质分析是其中的重要组成部分。本研究为对新疆小河墓地出土草篓所含的黄褐色颗粒状残留物进行了分析,以期探索其种属来源,揭示小河墓地先民生活方式和社会活动的相关信息。本工作首先采用红外方法对墓M13出土草篓中的颗粒状残留物进行了分析,结果发现了较高的蛋白质含量;提取蛋白质后,利用蛋白质组学方法鉴定出牛酪蛋白、牛免疫球蛋白和牛β乳球蛋白,据此推断该残留物为牛奶制品。需要指出的是,这是迄今为止我国发现最早的牛奶加工证据,说明牛奶是小河墓地先民食物的重要组成部分。本工作还显示,蛋白质组学方法灵敏度高、所需样品量小,应可广泛地应用于古代残留物分析。  相似文献   
拙文详考了明代西安下马陵从城南胭脂坡处演变为地处城内今和平门内西侧的过程,并且指出,正德初年陕西提学王云凤曾组织民力修筑城南下马陵和董子祠。嘉靖三年(1524年)陕西巡抚王珝与巡按御史喻茂坚首设城内董子祠,因其处原有墓,遂被时人认作董仲舒墓。笔者认为今之董墓所在之争在无可信证据前提下展开,并无意义。  相似文献   
陶敏 《中原文物》2012,(3):88-92
唐许临墓志的发现为研究唐代的历史和文献提供了重要的新史料,本文从许临的家世、生平及仕履等方面对墓志作了考释,并就墓志作者贺知章及墓志对《元和姓纂》校勘的意义作了考证。  相似文献   
严复的法制起源说   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
俞政 《史学月刊》2004,(11):44-48
严复认为法制起因于人类的忧患意识,起源于民约,社会分工是“民约”变“君令”的重要一环。这些见解系受多种西方理论影响,彻底否定了法制由上帝创造或圣贤创造的观点,适应了时代的需要。  相似文献   
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