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中国历代统治者都非常关注地方降水情况,要求各地定时向中央奏报雨泽,形成一种自下而上的雨泽奏报制度。本文主要利用循化厅档案资料考察晚清时期雨泽奏报制度在州县上的运行实态。州县雨泽奏报在程序上有旬报和月报之分,无论旬报还是月报,格式上均要逐日书写天气状况、降水起讫时刻和降水量多寡。除旬报和月报外,还存在另一种特殊的上报程序,即各属如遇夏雨冬雪要随时上报。统县政区和高级政区长官对州县雨泽上报格式、时限、人员、信息准确性等进行查核,是确保雨泽信息准确的重要保障。州县户房的书吏是具体负责雨泽信息收集并上报的人员,在此之外,农官上报也是雨泽、收成奏报的来源之一。  相似文献   
本文简要介绍了在襄樊市长虹南路墓地发掘的13座墓葬,其中东汉墓2座、隋墓2座、唐墓9座。均为砖室墓,随葬器物有陶、硬陶、瓷、铜、铁、铅锡、金、银器等。它们的发掘丰富了本地区汉唐时期墓葬资料,尤其是M16画像石门的结构填补了东汉墓葬发掘的空白。  相似文献   
宋山墓是马鞍山市迄今发现规模最大、结构最复杂的一座砖室墓葬,它填补了该地区六朝考古的多项空白,高浮雕变形龙纹把手石门和假窗的设置,是目前长江中下游地区六朝墓葬中最早的实例。虽被盗严重,但仍出土一批珍贵文物。墓葬形制与湖北鄂州鄂钢饮料厂一号墓极为相似,但规模比后者大,显然墓主身份也更显贵。通过和朱然墓等六朝大型墓葬比较,并结合现有的史料分析,此墓可能是吴景帝孙休的定陵。  相似文献   
西安理工大学汉墓壁画人物服饰辨析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对西安理工大学西汉壁画墓人物服饰、服色及人物发式进行探讨,认为西汉晚期长安城内的中下级官吏在日常生活中并不总是戴着标志身份地位的冠,仅裹帻巾甚至只盘发髻,所穿上衣主要为袍、襦,颜色以青、红和浅灰为主,下裳多穿大裤,颜色多为白色,男女服色差别不大,均以青、红和浅灰为主,男性多主鲜艳的红色,其次为青色,女性以青色为多,红色则相对较少。男子发式相对较为简单,在头顶梳一圆髻或扁平髻,女性流行高髻,有的在高大髻上插笄,笄之一端饰以垂梢。  相似文献   
重庆合川市南屏东汉墓葬群发掘简报   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
合川市位于重庆以北长江水系的嘉陵江、渠江、涪江汇合处。南屏汉墓分布在涪江南岸南津街南屏乡的南屏、中南、牌坊村一带,与合川城隔岸相望。80年代末考古调查发现该地区分布着二十几处高出地面2米.3米左右的大小土丘,并且有为数不少...  相似文献   
有明一代,河南省曾进行了三次土地丈量活动:第一次在明初洪武年间,丈量出的土地数字仅是当时开垦的土地数,不能反映全省实有的土地数量。第二次在明中期嘉靖年间,是在一种错误思想的指导之下进行的,丈量之后又以“符合原额”为宗旨,大量进行了折亩活动,故丈量出的土地数字既不能反映当时河南省的开垦耕种数,也不能反映当时实有的土地数字。第三次是在明中后期万历年间进行的,指导思想明确,法令严格,方法得当,丈量出的土地数字既能反映当时河南省的开垦耕种数,又代表了全省实有的耕地数字。  相似文献   
由于三朝本《三国志》系经过多次补版印刷,其版式不一,对其版本的认识容易产生混乱;综合多方面资料,至少存在三种三朝本《三国志》。  相似文献   
The aim of this paper is to present a method to facilitate age‐at‐death estimation of older individuals (generally those aged 50+ years) in a representative cemetery sample. The purpose of disaggregating catch‐all categories, such as 50+ years, is to enable the exploration of the elderly (those in their 50s, 60s, 70s or 80s) in the context of mortuary archaeology, bioarchaeology and/or palaeopathology. The methodological steps include the following: (1) assessment of occlusal tooth wear in an Anglo‐Saxon cemetery sample from Worthy Park, UK; (2) seriation of the sample, from youngest to oldest, based on the degree of tooth wear; (3) selection of an ethnographically derived model (known mortality profile) by which seriated individuals in the Worthy Park sample could be reallocated to more realistic or appropriate age classes; (4) reallocation of individuals in the seriated Worthy Park sample to the model age classes. A Hadza, Tanzania, hunter‐gatherer profile was chosen to model the Worthy Park sample, although others are available. By using this model, some 66% of the entire adult sample, originally allocated to the single final age category of 45+ years, was distributed across four new age categories from the mid‐40s to mid‐70s. Relatively straightforward, this approach provides a way to identify those individuals, 50+ years old, not normally sensitive to traditional age‐at‐death estimation methodologies currently available. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
In the present study, the fragments of wall painting found in the Roman Temple Complex at Horvat Omrit were analysed for the first time using the non‐destructive techniques of X‐ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) equipped with energy‐dispersive X‐ray spectroscopy (EDS). The application of these methods enabled unambiguous identifications of the pigments and plaster components of the samples. Quantitative information on mineral composition, crystallite size and elemental composition of each studied paint layer and plaster was collected. Based on the results of the XRD and EDS analyses, the green pigment was identified as celadonite. It was revealed that the Egyptian blue pigment does not contain impurities of tin and lead, and this excludes the use of bronze scrap in its synthesis. Comparison of the mineral composition of the paint layers indicates that a wider palette of colours was obtained by mixing the available mineral pigments. The study of cross‐sections of painted specimens revealed the usage of slaked lime for plastering. The obtained results give a new insight into the wall painting technique employed by ancient artists at Horvat Omrit, in northern Israel.  相似文献   
L. Zhou  E. Mijiddorj 《Archaeometry》2020,62(4):863-874
Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis of 15 individuals buried closed to Bayanbulag site or the Shouxiangcheng fortress in southern Mongolia revealed complex dietary features. Only one individual had a diet similar to that of the pastoral population in northern China, while the others, who had varying carbon isotope values and low nitrogen values, might have been from different agricultural areas. 14C dating results suggest that the earliest interment could be much earlier than the building of Shouxiangcheng fortress recorded in Han texts. Analysis of the burial arrangement further confirmed that these deceased were not buried at the same time.  相似文献   
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