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2010年,对江苏苏州市木渎古城进行发掘,发现五峰村北城墙和城壕遗迹、新峰村南水门遗迹,以及东、西城墙遗迹等,出土遗物有原始瓷器、陶器等。初步推断北城墙修建于春秋晚期,南水门使用时期为春秋晚期。木渎古城应是一座春秋晚期具有都邑性质的城址,木渎古城的发掘为探索吴国都城所在提供了重要线索。  相似文献   
山东高青县陈庄西周遗址笔谈   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
山东高青县陈庄遗址的发掘成果继在由中国社会科学院主办的中国社会科学院考古学论坛.2009年中国考古新发现活动中,被评为六大考古新发现之后,又被评为2009年度全国十大考古新发现之一,在学术界引起了广泛的关注。为做好陈庄遗址的发掘工作,山东省文物考古研究所在发掘工作期间多次邀请知名专家到现场  相似文献   
本文通过对崇源铜器群的分析,认为该铜器群可能出自荆门市沙洋县十里铺镇的白玉冢,其墓主等级为上大夫且与楚王关系密切,铜器群年代为战国早期晚段。荆州区马山镇蔡桥村发现的蔡桥台基遗址群,年代早于纪南城。清华简《楚居》所述历代楚君的居处,多达14个,唯独不见戚郢,似乎表明戚郢的出现不得早于《楚居》成篇之时。有可能戚郢的出现在鄩郢之后。戚郢有可能位于目前多数学者认定的秦将白起所拔的楚都纪南城之内。那么,纪南城的始建年代就不会早于楚肃王时期,也不会晚于楚宣王早期,废弃年代则为公元前278年,而江陵蔡台基址群,也有可能是早于戚郢的鄩郢。春秋时期的楚郢都,在宜城楚皇城附近可能性较大。  相似文献   
本文在对汉代万石君石奋家族研究的基础上,通过对石奋家族相关的先秦诸支石氏进行系统分析和梳理,从而确定东周时期卫国石氏不仅分布时段较长,内容较为丰富,而且还应该是中华石氏的主支脉系。卫国石氏不仅是汉万石君家族的直系祖根,曾属于赵国所有的石城,也应该是卫国石氏封邑以及中华石氏的祖根地。  相似文献   
清代后期前往西安城从事传教、考察、游历、行医等活动的欧美人士数量众多,其日记、游记、调查报告等是复原清代后期西安城社会生活、城市景观的重要参考文献。在西方人笔下,清代西安城作为中国西部之都,城高池深,人口众多,各省移民和多民族人口聚居,城区布局严整;作为西北商贸集散中心和亚洲商道节点,西安城贾通八方,商业繁荣,贸易额巨大。相关英文文献的深入发掘和研究,不仅有益于复原清末西安的城市面貌,更可藉此了解19世纪后期至20世纪初期西方世界对于西安城的认识与评价。  相似文献   
马世之 《中原文物》2007,2(3):26-29
郑州大师姑城址是一座夏代晚期古城。其性质既不是夏都斟寻,也非夏王朝东部的军事重镇,更与韦、顾等方国都城无关。根据考古资料和文献记载进行综合考察,我们认为它很有可能就是昆吾之城。  相似文献   
杨勇  白云翔 《中原文物》2020,(1):102-115
在古代铜镜铸造中,镜范的制作和使用是最为关键的环节,也是铸镜技术的核心所在。山东临淄齐故城出土的汉代陶质镜范在材质、结构和制作工艺等方面,都较先秦陶范有了很大的改进,反映了汉代铸镜技术的进步。这些镜范在制作时于泥料中羼入了大量稻壳灰,焙烧火候也高,因此范体密度低、重量轻,内含大量孔隙,适合铸造,同时又结实耐用且不失柔韧性,从而便于工匠对其进行塑形、雕刻乃至修补和改制。镜范结构设计亦较科学、合理,不仅可铸造出好的产品,而且有利于保护镜范,以达到多次反复使用的目的。另外,镜范成形工艺的改进,特别是刻纹技术的普遍采用,既保证了镜范的质量,也使工匠的艺术创造力得以充分发挥。技术上的进步,造就了汉代临淄镜范优异的铸造性能,同时还使其可以多次反复使用,从而大幅度提高了当时的铜镜生产效率。  相似文献   
Through an intersectional lens, this article reflects on the dialog between planning and gender, feminist, and queer studies to analyze the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) youth of color (YOC) community in New York City (NYC). The community is subject to multiple disenfranchisements, given their ethno-racial status, class, age, gender, and sexual orientation. This community's limited access to safe public spaces and amenities, housing, health services, job training, and other opportunities is an urban planning challenge insufficiently understood or addressed. Our methodology includes participant observation and analysis of an LGBTQ YOC tour of West Village in NYC, interviews with LGBTQ individuals and NGO staff, life stories, observations in LGBTQ-friendly meetings and facilities, and content analysis of LGBTQ reports and media coverage. The research shows the agency of an LGBTQ youth group as a resilient community organization effectively participating in planning processes and exerting rights to public space and services. Finally, it offers recommendations to planners and policy-makers to facilitate the recognition and expansion of rights to the city for LGBTQ, particularly YOC, by committing to understanding their unique conditions and needs and expanding their access to safe housing and public spaces, poverty reduction programs and job opportunities, and health and social support services.  相似文献   
The Lost City hydrothermal field (LCHF) is hosted in serpentinite at the crest of the Atlantis Massif, an oceanic core complex close to the mid‐Atlantic Ridge. It is remarkable for its longevity and for venting low‐temperature (40–91°C) alkaline fluids rich in hydrogen and methane. IODP Hole U1309D, 5 km north of the LCHF, penetrated 1415 m of gabbroic rocks and contains a near‐conductive thermal gradient close to 100°C km?1. This is remarkable so close to an active hydrothermal field. We present hydrothermal modelling using a topographic profile through the vent field and IODP site U1309. Long‐lived circulation with vent temperatures similar to the LCHF can be sustained at moderate permeabilities of 10?14 to 10?15 m2 with a basal heatflow of 0.22 W m?2. Seafloor topography is an important control, with vents tending to form and remain in higher topography. Models with a uniform permeability throughout the Massif cannot simultaneously maintain circulation at the LCHF and the near‐conductive gradient in the borehole, where permeabilities <10?16 m2 are required. A steeply dipping permeability discontinuity between the LCHF and the drill hole is required to stabilize venting at the summit of the massif by creating a lateral conductive boundary layer. The discontinuity needs to be close to the vent site, supporting previous inferences that high permeability is most likely produced by faulting related to the transform fault. Rapid increases in modelled fluid temperatures with depth beneath the vent agree with previous estimates of reaction temperature based on geochemical modelling.  相似文献   
内蒙古鄂尔多斯市乌兰木伦旧石器时代中期遗址   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
乌兰木伦遗址由邻近的第1、第2和第3地点组成。其中在第1地点获得了石制品2780件、动物化石3423件,并发现用火遗迹。遗址年代为距今7~3万年,属旧石器时代中期。遗址为原地埋藏,其石制品类型及工业组合与欧洲旧石器时代中期文化近似,动物化石则属于华北晚更新世的萨拉乌苏动物群。  相似文献   
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