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This paper examines the dynamics behind the selling of a federally owned World War II factory in Tell City, Indiana in 1946 and 1947. The federal agency charged with disposing of wartime plant, the War Assets Administration, reversed its decision to sell the factory to a small innovative company, Electra-Voice, selling it instead to the giant electrical equipment manufacturer, General Electric. What would make federal administrators who were part of a powerful liberal state apparatus committed to economic competition and anti-monopoly change their mind? The answer lies in what I call place-based corporate hegemony. Probing the material consequences of everyday action, place-based corporate hegemony revolves around the formation of alliances based on axiomatic values, the continued appeal of these values, the redistribution of symbolic and material resources, and the incorporation of threatening elements. Deploying a range of archival materials I show how the concerted efforts of the community, business organizations, politicians and unions as well as General Electric to question the initial decision forced the state to rethink and change its decision.  相似文献   
江苏泰州城历史悠久,有"汉唐古郡,淮海名区"之称,但是唐宋时期的城市布局不明。2006年8月,泰州市博物馆对泰州城宋代涵洞进行了考古发掘,发现不同时期灰坑、墓葬,出土了一批汉、五代、宋、明时期的陶瓷器、擂球。此次发掘不仅解决了不同时期涵洞和城墙的建筑年代问题,而且为研究宋代泰州的城市规模和布局、研究古代城墙配套设施提供了新的资料。  相似文献   
周尚意  苏娴 《人文地理》2019,34(4):32-39
北京新一轮总体规划提出保护城市色彩基调。本研究认为该任务的目的是保护色彩基调对于人的文化意义,因此从新文化地理学的角度提出问题,人们对城市色彩的感知和意义理解之间是否有联系?研究以北京故宫建筑群为研究区域,运用眼动实验调查人们对色彩的感知,以结构性访谈法了解人们的色彩意义理解,目的是探究文化在感知和认知中的作用,以及眼动实验方法在反映色彩意义理解结果的可行性。结果显示色彩感知与意义理解间两者无统计上的相关性,眼动指标无法解释被试对色彩意义的理解。研究结论是被试对色彩的理解具有“整体依赖”的特点,实践性建议是具有文化认同的城市色彩可以保留,同时允许主体对城市色彩有多角度的感知和积极理解。  相似文献   
Against all odds, in uncertain and violent times, Colombian women are mobilising for peace. They do so even when they face ongoing violence and personal threats from a variety of armed actors. Despite a well-established tradition of studying women’s social movements in times of conflict, there is a lacuna when it comes to analysing feminism as a mobilisation strategy. This article uses the case study of the League of Displaced Women, the Liga de Mujeres Desplazadas (LMD) to illustrate the utility of Zulver’s High Risk Feminism framework to explain how and why women chose to build the City of Women, despite the real and threatened danger that this implied. The article narrates the history of the LMD, from its foundations in a geography of marginality to its creation of a space of resistance for displaced women and their families. In all, this articles demonstrates how feminist resistance has not only become a way of life for the women of the LMD, but also a strategy for creating pockets of safe places in the midst of a conflict zone.  相似文献   
In 2009, the Sino-Japanese Joint Archaeological Team recovered the large-sized rammed-earthBuilding Foundation Ⅲ in the south of the Northern Wei palace city. This foundation is located to the north of ChangheGale and Building Foundation Ⅱ and the due south of Taiji Hall. It is the main body of a hall-typed architectureconsisting of the large-sized rammed-earth foundation, the rammed-earth partitions and column network composed oframmed-earth plinths and column pits. The side doors on the eastern and wester...  相似文献   
In March through June 2010, new coring and excavations were conducted to the Daxinzhuang Site in Jinan City , by which a new cemetery from the later stage of the early phase of the Shang Dynasty to the later phase of the Shang Dynasty was recovered. Among the excavated tombs, Tomb No. 139 is the largest one: it is an earthen shaft tomb with tiers around the bottom, on which human victims were found. The burial furniture was one coffin and one outer coffin, beneath which waist pit was recovered. Plenty of gr...  相似文献   
意象与现实:宋代城市等级刍议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人口数量是反映城市发展水平的重要指标。不少学者在论著中,从不同的侧面提出了他们关于宋代城市等级的看法,研究思路都是通过广泛搜集文献记载中偶存的宋代城市人口数据的片断信息,归纳得出结论,但相互间歧见颇大。其实,宋人关于城市人口规模的表述更多地是出于意象,宋人的这种意象,与其说主要依据于实际人口数量,不如说依据于城市的行政地位,因此在时人意象中城市规模的差序格局就形成了都城百万家、路治十万家、州军与重要县城万家以及一般县城数千家这样几个等级分明的序列。这说明至少就某种程度而言,在两宋士人的心目中,城市的行政地位比它们的实际规模更为重要。讨论宋代城市发展史不应忽视这一史实。  相似文献   
金代汴京(开封)城布局初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘春迎 《史学月刊》2006,(10):111-116
金代曾短时期定都汴京(今河南开封),并对汴京城进行了一番营建。经金营建后的汴京城较北宋时期的东京城而言,其结构布局发生了一些变化,内城的范围进一步扩大,宫室制度更趋完善。金代开封城的总体布局,自外向内有外城、子城(内城)、皇城、宫城四重城垣围护,由外城南门南薰门向北经新筑子城南门丰宜门、原宋内城南门丹凤门(即北宋时的朱雀门)、再向北经州桥至金皇宫南门承天门之间的大道,为全城的中轴线。  相似文献   
甘肃省高台县骆驼城遗址新考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高台县骆驼城遗址,为我国现存规模较大、颇有影响的一座古城址。作者反复踏察了该城址及其周围的众多遗迹,摸清了其基本面貌,考得骆驼城为东汉灵帝光和四年(181年)因地震水患搬迁重筑的酒泉郡表氏(表是)县城,前凉至北周该城为凉州建康郡郡治及其所辖表氏(表是)县城,唐代为建康军城,公元766年废弃,该城延绵585年。  相似文献   
为更好地保护故宫太和殿,采用有限元分析方法,研究了太和殿的动力特性及常遇地震作用下的响应。采用弹簧单元模拟榫卯节点及斗拱构造,并考虑柱础为铰接,建立了太和殿有限元模型。通过模态分析,获得了太和殿基频及主振型;通过对模型进行时程分析,获得了典型节点的位移、加速度响应曲线,以及典型单元的内力响应曲线,评价了太和殿的抗震性能。结果表明:太和殿基频为0.9Hz,主振型以平动为主;常遇地震作用下,太和殿能保持稳定振动状态,结构的内力和变形均在容许范围内,且斗拱及榫卯节点均能发挥一定的减震作用。  相似文献   
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