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战国秦汉时期长江中游地区气候状况研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文根据历史文献、考古材料和钻孔孢粉资料等,对战国秦汉时期长江中游地区的气候状况进行了初步的探讨。结果表明:战国初期,该地气候温暖湿润;战国中后期至西汉武帝后期,气温下降,气候温凉,极端寒冷事件不断出现;约从公元前100年始,气温明显回升,至公元初年前后,长江中游地区复为温暖湿润的气候环境;公元之初的新莽政权时期,气候经历了由暖而寒的历史转变,降温过程大致持续到东汉明帝时期;之后至东汉中后期,气候暖湿,尤其是冬季气温相对较高;东汉后期,气候再度出现了幅度不大的波动,标志着魏晋南北朝时期大降温的开始。此间气候虽屡有起伏,但总体而言,战国秦汉时期长江中游地区的气候仍以暖湿为主,气温略高于今,或与现今差别不大。在干湿状况方面,具有干湿相间的特点。  相似文献   
胡进驻 《华夏考古》2020,(1):65-73,122
周人在战国以前没有毁庙制度,坚持践行宗庙都宫制。天子七庙制度可能是战国以降才逐渐确立的。两周姬姓诸侯多以所出之周王为庙尊太祖。  相似文献   
This article deals with the roles of ambiguity and discretion in the governing of migration and how they contribute to the marginalisation of migrants at the borders of EUrope. Building on ethnographic research and interviews conducted in Sicily, it connects legal-institutional ambiguities of two recent policy interventions in the field of migration governance in Italy – the Security Decree-Law and the Hotspot Approach – to the discretionary practices by public officials tasked with their implementation. By theoretically and empirically tracing the co-constitutive relationship of ambiguity and discretion, the article draws on and contributes to recent inquiries into grey areas of governance, particularly in the field of (critical) border regime studies. Based on two distinct cases, it analyses how ambiguity and discretionary local practices are related both to each other and to the contemporary fragmentary reconfiguration processes of the EUropean Migration and Border Regime, and shows how they intersect to form spatio-juridical grey areas that foster the spatial and social marginalisation of migrants in EUrope.  相似文献   
C. Greco  C. Otero 《Archaeometry》2016,58(5):848-862
The region of the Central and South Andes was, in about the ninth and 15th centuries ad , the stage for the development of political systems tending towards demographic centralization in villages with defensive structures, known as Pucará. The chronological accuracy for these phenomena still remains uncertain, mainly because it involves intervals of long and superimposed occupations, masked by the Inca domination. Thus, this paper analyses the history of the occupation at Pucará de Tilcara, one of the biggest populated centres of the Humahuaca Gorge (Quebrada de Humahuaca, Argentina). Twenty‐five radiocarbon dates are critically evaluated to judge its reliability. The Bayesian statistics show that all the dated spaces were used on a long‐term basis. The most ancient signs are in the middens and relate at least to the 10th century ad , and the occupation of the housing areas could be calculated to the 13th and 16th centuries. A phase of higher intensity of occupation is observed during the Inca period. This redefinition of this site occupation shows the need to statistically analyse the dates in order to differentiate the phases of occupation.  相似文献   
皮毛是西北地区重要的畜牧产品。近代以来,随着天津的开埠通商,在天津口岸的经济辐射作用下,大量西北皮毛通过黄河水运汇集至包头后再通过平绥铁路运至天津出口美英等国,皮毛成为西北最重要的出口物资,大量西北皮毛的出口也成为西北地区皮毛业外向化的重要表现。但抗战爆发以后,西北皮毛贸易发生了巨大变化。首先,西北皮毛出口运输路线改为向西汇集兰州后再通过甘新公路或甘新大道运至猩猩峡出口苏联,使得苏联取代战前美国成为中国最大皮毛进口国,这也直接推动了战时中苏易货贸易的发展。其次,由于战时西北皮毛出口运输较战前出口运输路途艰险,加上战时出口市场萎缩等原因,造成战时西北皮毛出口量较战前减少。战时西北皮毛出口量的减少,迫使部分皮毛出口转内销,西北皮毛业从战前外向化开始转为战时内向化。西北皮毛内销数量的增加,也推动了大后方毛纺织业的发展。因此,战时西北皮毛业的内向化一定程度上为战时大后方经济的发展积累了新的动力因素。  相似文献   
清初陕北边外禁留地承自明代烧荒形成的隔离蒙汉的黑色地带。乾隆八年,双方在边外五十里一线划出有形界线,称黑(牌)界,该谓附会于烧荒形成的黑色地带,是汉人对边外自然景观记忆延续的反映。黑界以内,伊克昭盟各旗汉族移民的耕地范围并不相同,使得黑界与移民垦殖北界之间形成宽窄不一的土地,由此衍生出当时文献未言,却实际存在的所谓黑界地。牌界地是指边墙与牌界之间的土地。伙盘地是移民定居和租耕之地,具有不连续分布的空间特征。白界地一称晚出于民国绥远编纂的文献,实为牌界地的异写,其产生可能与牌借地、白借地称谓有关。陕绥双方对诸称谓的不同书写,反映各自从己方利益和地方本位的角度,对重构清代鄂尔多斯南缘汉族移民垦殖史的不同表达和现实立场。  相似文献   
The article focuses on the meaning of heritage, especially on its connection to time, space and people, and is concerned with signification, representation and identity at a national scale. Key questions are how the image of Estonianness creates national heritage out of diverse legacies and how these messages fit the local circumstances. This is examined in the case of Paldiski, a small town on the Pakri Peninsula west of the Estonian capital Tallinn. The area encompasses all that is considered non‐Estonian, but nevertheless reflects the history and geography of the country and thus is used for critical examination of current heritage creation and preservation.  相似文献   
王博祎  李郇 《人文地理》2016,31(3):88-93
借助政治经济学中常用的尺度理论,对香港与深圳之间逐渐成为热点的边界地区进行研究。首先分析在香港与珠三角地区跨界互动的不同阶段中得到显著发展的边界地区的历史演变特征,再以深港边界间的前海地区为例,探讨其地域重构与尺度重组的形成机制和演变动力。改革开放以来珠三角地区基于进入国家战略或世界体系的目的进行了多轮尺度重组,影响了不同时期、不同类型边界地区的发展特征。目前一些边界地区已成为地方政府进行资本与空间修复的主要载体,其根本动力是巨大的制度红利以及政府的主导推动。这与欧盟国家通过尺度上移和下放逐渐弱化政府力量的手段有较大区别,而边界地区推动区域协调以及尺度重组的能力也需进一步论证。  相似文献   
本较为系统、全面地论述了清代江南地区学术发展与私家藏书之间的互为因果、互相促进的互动关系。前半部分论述了清代江南地区学术尤其是朴学的昌盛,从很大程度上促进了私家藏书的兴旺:后半部分论述了私家藏书之兴盛,反过来又促进了清代江南地区学术尤其是朴学的发展。  相似文献   
本通过对考古发现的长江三峡渔具和鱼类遗骸的统计分析,将该区域内夏商周时期的渔业生产分为东、西两大区域,并对两区的鱼具及鱼类进行归纳、分析和比较,指出研究先秦渔业,对认识三峡古代化、中国渔业史和鱼类生态,具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
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