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新时期国家大力推进遗产“活化”与遗产旅游,大遗址保护与利用过程既影响区域空间功能重构又涉及深刻的社会关系调整。研究选取大遗址数量多、分布密集的关中地区中5处大遗址区为案例,从社会与空间维度构建指标体系,采取因子生态分析划定社会区,以“社会—空间”综合交互视角解析乡村地域功能结构特征。研究发现大遗址区乡村社会空间存在文保限制因子、旅游带动因子、工业与商贸因子等8个主因子,各主因子空间分布体现典型的分异特征,并呈现出6种功能属性的片区。其地域功能结构特征表现为:①保护区划产生圈层式地域功能格局,②高附加值功能空间沿交通线嵌入,③核心与边缘区功能构成与遗址影响力及城乡区位相关,④各功能片区并未形成产业联动。在此基础上,进一步剖析了大遗址区乡村非均衡发展成因及优化路径。  相似文献   
黄文治 《安徽史学》2016,(4):151-157
"方世新案"是大跃进与人民公社化时期安徽省肥西县发生的比较典型的因干群矛盾与冲突升级而导致的"凶杀"案。该案最终被定性为反党、反社会主义的反革命案件。官方处理此类案件,审判程序极为简化,即根据《中华人民共和国惩治反革命条例》作出判决。就审判过程而言,加强党的集中领导与管控、贯彻群众路线及考虑案犯罪恶的历史与现行关系,是大跃进与人民公社化时期中共最为重要的司法实践逻辑。这种逻辑也对应体现了这个时期司法发展历程的3个面向,即:司法政党化、司法群众化及司法革命化。但这3个方面的实践,最终将难免矮化司法的独立性、专属性及程序化,即会产生"秩序",也会导致"失序"。该项研究为探访大跃进时期基层干群冲突及司法介入问题提供一个基层个案与视角。  相似文献   
Numerous anthropogenic stressors have impacted the region surrounding Sudbury, Ontario, leading to pronounced vegetation and landscape change. Few long‐term records exist to understand the nature or timing of this change. We use pollen analysis from radiometrically dated sediments of Clearwater Lake to compare pre‐ and post‐settlement vegetation. Beginning ~1850 CE, the record shows major shifts in forest composition, coincident with settlement and the beginnings of lumbering. These changes are unprecedented for the past ~5000 years, and consist of increases in diversity and abundance of deciduous tree taxa and herbaceous disturbance indicators. While evidence of mining appears as early as 1900 CE, little effect is seen in the pollen record until ~1930 CE, when sedimentation rates increased and acidification of the lake also began. At this time, further increases in palynological disturbance indicators and minimum sediment organic matter levels indicate the period of maximum vegetation loss. As a result of reduced emissions since the 1970s, water quality began to improve in Clearwater Lake and there are some decreases in the abundances of shade‐intolerant disturbance indicators in the pollen record. However, the fact that the pollen assemblages do not resemble those prior to 1850 suggests lasting vegetation changes.  相似文献   
Urban law—II     
This paper explores the political thought of Andrew Michael Ramsay with particular reference to his highly acclaimed book called A New Cyropaedia, or the Travels of Cyrus (1727). Dedicated to Prince Charles Edward Stuart, the Young Pretender, to whom he was tutor, this work has been hitherto viewed as a Jacobite imitation of the Telemachus, Son of Ulysses(1699) of his eminent teacher archbishop Fénelon of Cambrai. By tracing the dual legacy of the first Persian Emperor Cyrus in Western thought, I demonstrate that Ramsay was as much indebted to Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet's Discourse on Universal History (1681)as he was to Fénelon's political romance. Ramsay took advantage of Xenophon's silence about the eponymous hero's adolescent education in his Cyropaedia, or the Education of Cyrus (c.380B.C.), but he was equally inspired by the Book of Daniel, where the same Persian prince was eulogised as the liberator of the Jewish people from their captivity in Babylon. The main thrust of Ramsay's adaptation was not only to revamp the Humanist- cum-Christian theory and practice of virtuous kingship for a restored Jacobite regime, but on a more fundamental level, to tie in secular history with biblical history. In this respect, Ramsay's New Cyropaedia, or the Travels of Cyrus, was not just another Fénelonian political novel but more essentially a work of universal history. In addition to his Jacobite model of aristocratic constitutional monarchy, it was this Bossuetian motive for universal history, which was first propounded by the German reformer Philipp Melanchthon in his Chronicon Carionis (1532), that most decisively separated Ramsay from Henry St. John, Viscount Bolingbroke, author of another famous advice book for princes of the period, The Idea of a Patriot King (written in late 1738 for the education of Frederick Lewis, Prince of Wales, but officially published in 1749).  相似文献   
There is now broad consensus that the appearance of Clovis in Northeastern North America (Great Lakes, New England) represents a colonization pulse into recently deglaciated landscapes. Due to the increased resource uncertainty that comes with colonizing unfamiliar landscapes, it was hypothesized that the majority tool component of Clovis assemblages, unifacial stone tools, should have been knapped on tool blanks possessing the design properties of longevity and functional flexibility to facilitate exploration mobility and guard against the absence of toolstone sources in the new landscape. These properties are optimized by large, flat flakes, possessing large surface area relative to flake thickness. Since discarded and, at times, exhausted unifacial stone tools do not preserve the original dimensions of the blank upon which they were created – necessary items for a true test of blank morphology selection – this study presents a set of predictions for inferring whether Clovis unifacial stone tool blanks were selected for the properties of longevity and functional flexibility based on evidence that Clovis people actually capitalized on those properties. Due to the nature of Clovis unifacial stone tools, tool size was of necessity used as a proxy for tool reduction, on the grounds that smaller tools are more likely to have been resharpened than larger tools, at least in the case of unifacial flake tools. The results showed that less resharpened tools possessed flatter, less spherical shapes than the more resharpened tools, which possessed more globular, spherical shapes, suggesting Clovis foragers exploited the retouch potential afforded by the larger, flatter blanks. Edge angles showed no relationship with tool reduction, suggesting that Clovis foragers exploited the functional flexibility afforded by flatter blanks by adjusting the edge angle to be either higher or lower as needed. These results are consistent with the notion that human colonizers, who did not know the abundance or location of stone outcrops prior to settling an unfamiliar territory, not only “geared up” before leaving a stone source, but geared up as efficiently as possible by carefully selecting the blanks they chose to carry. Broader implications for such careful unifacial stone tool blank selection are discussed.  相似文献   
通过明长城资源调查,天津市明长城本体的分布、构成、体量均有了翔实、科学的记载,天津市明长城虽然很短,其防御体系却很完整,在某种程度上,可以说是明长城防御体系一个具体而微的代表。本文在调查资料的基础上,归纳剖析,以物见人,以物证事,结合文献,以长城墙体、敌台、烽火台及关城、寨堡等设施为载体,将天津市明长城防御体系划分为侦查预警、前线防卫、信号传递、增援策应、前线指挥、后勤保障六大部分,并揭示了有明一代"边有墙、墙有关、关内有堡、堡内有兵"的防御思想.形成了从侦查预警到前线防卫、从信号传递到增援策应、从前线指挥到后勤保障的一整套以防为主、防守兼备、以静制动、以逸待劳的完整防御体系。  相似文献   
“华光礁一号”南宋沉船船板中硫铁化合物分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鉴于硫铁化合物对海洋出水木质文物的特殊危害,通过 X射线衍射(XRD)、等离子体发射光谱(ICP-AES)和 X射线光电子能谱(XPS)等分析手段,对“华光礁一号”南宋沉船船板残块中的硫铁化合物进行了分析研究。结果表明,所采集的样品中含有大量的 Fe和 S元素,并且其分布深度至少可达 4cm。两种元素的化学状态基本可分为铁的氧化物、硫铁化合物、硫酸盐和其它还原性硫四大类。其中,硫铁化合物主要以 FeS和 FeS2形式存在,并已部分氧化成硫酸盐。因此,在后续的保护处理过程需着重对其酸化过程进行控制,以有利于文物的长期保存。  相似文献   
英国当代著名史学家詹姆斯·C·霍尔特以研究大宪章知名,他的《大宪章》一书是20世纪大宪章史学的杰作,被认为是20世纪后半叶大宪章研究领域最重要的一部著作。霍尔特的大宪章研究在方法上的突出特色,是将法律或原则还原为生活,通过比较,即通过对大宪章与欧洲中世纪其他同类文件的对比研究,以及对英王国与欧洲其他王国的对比研究,从实际生活过程解说大宪章的产生和特点。他致力于去除辉格派史学传统带来的那些时代错乱的历史解释,从生活与逻辑的交汇点阐释大宪章的内容和性质,依据大宪章的内在特点与时代发展的关系说明大宪章的历史与神话的联系。  相似文献   
杜勒强  杜琳 《神州》2012,(28):189-191
中国一直成为人口超级大国是源于所处的地理环境和自身的文化。中国历代兴衰与人口数量有特定关系,众多人口形成坚固的维护本民族安全的“人口长城”。人口增加到一定程度又会引发动荡造成周期性危机。认为计划生育是当今维护中华民族安全的无形长城。  相似文献   
河南省淇县西岗村王长安,收集到750多块明代文字砖。征得其同意,笔者将他所收集的部分明代长城文字砖整理介绍出来,以飨读者。  相似文献   
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